Jon705's First Attempt at Organic SuperSoil Featuring TopLED's New COB LED Panel

Well, even with expected hiccups, things look pretty good. I agree there doesn't look to be any serious damage. They still look pretty healthy despite the droop.

BTW, Do you add cal/mag to your RO water?
I dont think its the water bro, each plant probably got around 30 cuts or more when I lollypoped them and then I tied them down tight, all on the same day they got moved to the flower room with completely different lights, to much to fast is all it is imho, im used to hydro bro, I could of done that to the girls and the next day they would be showing new growth. I ve been fully saturating them with ro right from clone and they were loving it, I just shocked the shit out of them and its taking a bit for them to recover, things happen slower in soil im learning lol...I dont do good with slow. Everything im doing this round is new to me so im expecting some hiccups along the way but I ll modify how I do the training, spread itout more during the veg period, im confident this wont happen again unless the change in light spectrums and intensity has something to do with this but I doubt it, I just pushed them to hard to fast:)

It will be interesting to see how they pull may be better to get it all done at once and then let em gro, when you grow like I do I have to try to find a positive side to everything...........
Well, even with expected hiccups, things look pretty good. I agree there doesn't look to be any serious damage. They still look pretty healthy despite the droop.

BTW, Do you add cal/mag to your RO water?
Thanks Bro:Namaste: I dont give them anything until they tell me they need it, trying to anticipate what might happen is a good way to screw things up imho,RO water is new to me to so I know a mag def will show up sooner or later but right now theres no marks or fading so im leaving them be, in hydro the plants usually didnt show a mag def until the 3rd week of flower, im in ss now so who knows soon as I see symtoms I ll add some epson salt to the water:)
It will be interesting to see how they pull may be better to get it all done at once and then let em gro, when you grow like I do I have to try to find a positive side to everything...........
Yep, thats usually the way I do things bro, beat them up then let them recover and flip, the less damage they get in flower the better imo, I think it just takes longer to recover in soil:)
Yep, thats usually the way I do things bro, beat them up then let them recover and flip, the less damage they get in flower the better imo, I think it just takes longer to recover in soil:)

That is a very important point jon..........very, very true! You're in soil now bro, and one comparison between soil and hydro......and even just synthetic nutes to a point, it will take longer to get a reaction from the plants in dirt. organic taking the longest, so, you will develop your skills in anticipating what's next, and treating em just before the issue visualizes itself and things run smoother. This is no small task, and it may be as difficult as some of the hat tricks I've seen you pull, you have done some miraculous work under extreme pressure! You have such extreme control with hydro........but along with that comes the fact that you have to monitor all those aspects. With soil, the huge issue of water temp., pH, and nutrient concentrations are minimized and in some aspects eliminated.....I think it's a tradeoff.......when you get ahold of this like you do the hydro you will be off the hook!!!!!!
I use straight tap water , some times I have to adjust it for example after they changed our hot water tank and resevoir in my building the ph went all stupid.... Lime sure came in handy lol... Now the water is back to ph with no adjustments 'fist pump...

There are fragile strains out there that do hate tap water I would hate to have to invest in a filtration system I can not afford it! So I rely on tough plants that take tap water from germ to flower. I did run in to some strains that did hate the tap water straight up. Dr Atomic strains tend to hate it. Great White North strains tend to hate it but I have had some luck , look at my Lowryders. Mountain bud hated tap water. Strains that I found loved tap water or any sludgy water was Early Wonder Skunk by solar warrior and my Brendas.
We should make a list of strains that are tough or fragile with tap water then sticky it for discussion or to help others 'fist pump

----Rain Barrel- I have a 65gal one. - the ph is always 6.5 & ppm is near 0. I know, i know some say it's "illegal" to collect water....but WTF, it's falling from the sky, How can anyone claim ownership to that?
they look great mate. i know what u mean on the speed of hydro, thats why i love hydro. u can rip a plant to shreds and the next day its giving u the finger and has a load of new growth! but im sure the benefits of soil growing will tell over the space of the grow.

Us growers are always messing changing things around and trying new things. it would be great if u could have a system that only required watering periodically with the growth rates of dwc :)
----Rain Barrel- I have a 65gal one. - the ph is always 6.5 & ppm is near 0. I know, i know some say it's "illegal" to collect water....but WTF, it's falling from the sky, How can anyone claim ownership to that?

If you live somewhere that says its illegal to catch rain water then you might want to run away and fast. Im worried what else they might try and tell you what you can and can't do.
im on a deep well bro, the ph changes all the time and I have no idea whats in it really so I figured ro was the way to go for me:)
For sure , testing is super important heck I had a problem other day when the ph changed on a couple pots... I was like ready to correct it but when I look for my tester I realized , oh ya I lent it out to Ikronic >< lol He brought it back when I mention it to him and my guesses were rightthe ph dropped to 6.5 on a couple pots and the plants hated it! Gotem stable at 6.8 again.

When I lived Rural we used deep well too. The water was so damn hard the entire bathrooms were stained brown on the ceiling walls and all plumbing would be full of mineral deposits. Back then I never tested PH that much and later discovered the water was like 8 or something high like that. I was also mixing my own mediums I forget what I use to use back then I think it was cheapo walmart plantsmart potting soil with extra perlite or something.... I think the soil stabilized it with my fertilizers (I use to be more liberal with ferts) I dunno I will never grow like that ever again , now I need to know so I do not assume a million things that might make it worse haha.... Reading forums and personal trial and error led me this conclusion.... Also trying things the wrong way on purpose seems to learn me real gud too haha

Your plants are monsters btw , I got sensi envy haha :Namaste:
Locality with a west Nile outbreak? I hear you, no one is going to tell me I can't collect water from the sky. Satellite TV comes fron the sky too and that's invisible.

If you live somewhere that says its illegal to catch rain water then you might want to run away and fast. Im worried what else they might try and tell you what you can and can't do.
Locality with a west Nile outbreak? I hear you, no one is going to tell me I can't collect water from the sky. Satellite TV comes fron the sky too and that's invisible.
You a easy way I can think of to keep catched rain water from being stagnant breeding ground fer skeeters would be to put a screen over the top where the water goes in and use a gravity tap. I see the variables though for why they would put such restrictions in place but seriously it is silly , if people understood skeetrs can not enter they ain't layin eggs.....
Agreed with precautions, agree that local government is bizarre?

You a easy way I can think of to keep catched rain water from being stagnant breeding ground fer skeeters would be to put a screen over the top where the water goes in and use a gravity tap. I see the variables though for why they would put such restrictions in place but seriously it is silly , if people understood skeetrs can not enter they ain't layin eggs.....
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