Jon705's First Attempt at Organic SuperSoil Featuring TopLED's New COB LED Panel

It's funny I look at your pictures and since I have net you in person I realized how big the buds actually are you have massive hands. So some buds look smaller but they aren't you just have big miss. Lol also I think you may have a plant of the month if it finishes that is very impressive.
good luck in the contests, their should easily be 100 votes this month, spimp pushed the contests last month and i always tell new members about them so the more votes we get the better, hoping to hit 150 this month,

but you got a very nice bud in this months so got every chance of winning, plus once you win you cant enter the same contest until 6 months have passed, so you can only win each contest once every 6 months, but you can enter all 3 and win all 3 but still need to wait 6 months till you can enter again, im pretty sure you got it in the bag this month, bid has also posted a nice bud, but the real voting will come from members that dont know certain growers as they will be less biased, but with a bud like that im pretty sure you will do well in this contest,
I wonder how a WNOM (worst nug O' the month) would go over. lol First of all it wouldn't just be a sick plant, you'd have to take it all the way through flower. Heheh...could be interesting, and fun.
I wonder how a WNOM (worst nug O' the month) would go over. lol First of all it wouldn't just be a sick plant, you'd have to take it all the way through flower. Heheh...could be interesting, and fun.

I have one of those going on right now tell me when you start the contest...I'll fire up some pics. LOL
I wonder how a WNOM (worst nug O' the month) would go over. lol First of all it wouldn't just be a sick plant, you'd have to take it all the way through flower. Heheh...could be interesting, and fun.

I have one of those going on right now tell me when you start the contest...I'll fire up some pics. LOL

Hey, I like that idea! A vision of some pathetic ugly plant came to mind. We should have an Ugliest Plant of the Month contest! Most growers have an eligible entry handy, and it'd be educational as well as hysterical. Heheh.
Thanks for that info, and for the unmentionable I guess I never got the memo.

there was no memo. I just know when you type the letters, they only show up as dashes.
I am tired of being slow and neglecting my friends journals.... When I log on usually limited time as I share this computer with my woman... What ends up happening is I get caught up with messages and my own journals and I fear it might upset my friends whom I adore by the way... I love your setups and I often find my mind wandering what it would be like with some money! I am a "Hillbilly" grower in a sense , I use the bare minimum to produce things with very little expectations. My current multi grow so far is a pain in my butt in several aspects , the main thing I am hard about is the damage my plants have been sustaining this grow , it is not likeme to allow these things to happen so I am quite frustrated most the time. I like it tho , I learn how to make Hillbilly setup work better every day but still wish I could have some proper rooms for what I am trying to pull off. Setups like Jons really intrigue me and make me want to save for the future. I am not a legal grower but there is so little info on how to become legal or there is no opportunity for folks like me to become legal since my illnesses are not life threatening or causing me extreme pain.... But then I see legal growers in my area that are not in pain or with life threatening illness , how?!?! HOW!?! I think our government in Canada is catering to only a certain few it baffles me! I discovered though I can not always bend to the incorrect laws my government forces on me and that I have to take a chance or I will have no chance to improve my life. Thanks to many years trial and error and learning from fellas like Jon705 sharing and caring I found a lot more peace. Thank you Jon and thank all of you!

BTW subbed these lights and plants are intense I am eager to see what comes of all of your grows bro! :bravo:
Hey jon, good weed.....I pray you and the missus are well.....and the entire conglomeration for that matter. I have a small pickup bed full of entries for the "Ugly bud ball"...LOL, my screen bags will be here Thursday....I am so excited....especially after three days trimming.....workin those little black balls.........they are a lovely thing......I just cut any bud I didn't want in my sacks and put it in the least a coupla pounds of buds.........and who knows how much trim and leaf! Live and learn.........

Well it looks like I was a little to hard on these girls when I moved them into the flower room and lollypopped them and and spread them out all on the same day,I watered them the same day they got moved and the next morning there were signs of overwatering, at least thats what it looks like to me. Theres no discoloration or burning of the leaves they're just droppy and wrinkled. I am completely new to organic so theres definetly going to be a learning period. I think its a combination of shock from to many things happening at once. so far 2 of the plants dried right up to were I could pick the 10 gallon pot up- with one hand so last night I bottom fed them 4 litres of diluted microbial tea and this morning they're looking a little worse than yesterday, again to me it looks like overwatering. It has to be shock, I was fully saturating the soil in the veg room and they were growing an inch and a half everyday. Next round I ll be alot more gentle with them and gradually clean them up and spread them out. Its been 6 days I think since I moved them and beat them up lol..hopefully a few more days and they will start coming around. Im also in the process of cleaning out the res room, the res and ro system are out of there now, I moved the ro system to inside the flower room on a shelve with a 25 gallon barrel with airstones in it so I can keep ro water on hand. Tonight I ll finish mucking it out , then I ll mount the TopLed COB in there with the 9 timewrecks that I just transplanted to 2.5 gallon pots with just base organic soil so I can sex them.once they show me what they are I ll pull the males and transplant the one thats getting flowered under the COB into a 7 gallon pot with supersoil and the rest of the females will get transplanted into 10 gallon pots and put back into the veg room for the next round.

Heres the Timewreck just doing they're thing.

the new home for the ro system.

and my poor droopy ladies, im not concerned yet, Curso has told me that things take alot longer to happen in soil and that they can take 10 days or more to recover from a good beating im just letting them do they're thing for now. They do look a little better than they did a few days ago so I think they are on the mend and just taking they're sweet ass time about it:)
I've been adding around 20-30% tap water and having good luck jon....just my environment though.....since I've been using my tap for ca, and adding Epsom for the mag I've been getting better growth. It seems as though the ratios are off for the commercial calmag, but being able to manipulate those elements separately it has given me a slighter more degree of control. My 2 gallon pots get really light between waterings..............4-5 days....2 cups water.
I use straight tap water , some times I have to adjust it for example after they changed our hot water tank and resevoir in my building the ph went all stupid.... Lime sure came in handy lol... Now the water is back to ph with no adjustments 'fist pump...

There are fragile strains out there that do hate tap water I would hate to have to invest in a filtration system I can not afford it! So I rely on tough plants that take tap water from germ to flower. I did run in to some strains that did hate the tap water straight up. Dr Atomic strains tend to hate it. Great White North strains tend to hate it but I have had some luck , look at my Lowryders. Mountain bud hated tap water. Strains that I found loved tap water or any sludgy water was Early Wonder Skunk by solar warrior and my Brendas.
We should make a list of strains that are tough or fragile with tap water then sticky it for discussion or to help others 'fist pump
I dont think its the water bro, each plant probably got around 30 cuts or more when I lollypoped them and then I tied them down tight, all on the same day they got moved to the flower room with completely different lights, to much to fast is all it is imho, im used to hydro bro, I could of done that to the girls and the next day they would be showing new growth. I ve been fully saturating them with ro right from clone and they were loving it, I just shocked the shit out of them and its taking a bit for them to recover, things happen slower in soil im learning lol...I dont do good with slow. Everything im doing this round is new to me so im expecting some hiccups along the way but I ll modify how I do the training, spread itout more during the veg period, im confident this wont happen again unless the change in light spectrums and intensity has something to do with this but I doubt it, I just pushed them to hard to fast:)
I use straight tap water , some times I have to adjust it for example after they changed our hot water tank and resevoir in my building the ph went all stupid.... Lime sure came in handy lol... Now the water is back to ph with no adjustments 'fist pump...

There are fragile strains out there that do hate tap water I would hate to have to invest in a filtration system I can not afford it! So I rely on tough plants that take tap water from germ to flower. I did run in to some strains that did hate the tap water straight up. Dr Atomic strains tend to hate it. Great White North strains tend to hate it but I have had some luck , look at my Lowryders. Mountain bud hated tap water. Strains that I found loved tap water or any sludgy water was Early Wonder Skunk by solar warrior and my Brendas.
We should make a list of strains that are tough or fragile with tap water then sticky it for discussion or to help others 'fist pump
im on a deep well bro, the ph changes all the time and I have no idea whats in it really so I figured ro was the way to go for me:)
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