Jon705's First Attempt at Organic SuperSoil Featuring TopLED's New COB LED Panel


I can see some supersoil in my near future so I will be along for the ride. Possibly buying premixed from their affiliate. I would probably need only 2 or 3 bags for my small grow, so I figure better to buy them than mix up several bales of the stuff.

Will you be using anything like teas, or just the recommended straight water?

Also LED in the future. I don't see the COB on the topled site. Do you have a link? I haven't been spending as much time on here as I have in the past, so if you have already posted it I'm sorry for asking, but I didn't see it.
im actually bubbling a microbial tea right now bro, heres the recipe Curso suggested based on the stuff I have laying around here.
3 cups Supersoil
1 cup Azomite
1/4 cup Humic acid
1/4 cup Mycos
1/4 cup Rock phosphates
Im bubbling that in a 5 gallon bucket for 24/48 hrs then I strain it and dilute it into 15 gallons of ro water.:)
im actually bubbling a microbial tea right now bro, heres the recipe Curso suggested based on the stuff I have laying around here.
3 cups Supersoil
1 cup Azomite
1/4 cup Humic acid
1/4 cup Mycos
1/4 cup Rock phosphates
Im bubbling that in a 5 gallon bucket for 24/48 hrs then I strain it and dilute it into 15 gallons of ro water.:)

Would a tea like this be useful with soil and ---? I feel I would use a tea then the --- would cancel it out. I can't wait to start SS.
Would a tea like this be useful with soil and ---? I feel I would use a tea then the --- would cancel it out. I can't wait to start SS.

I am using both, the unmentionable nutes and teas.

I have been following the unmentionable schedule and subbing a tea every 3rd or 4th feeding.

So far the plants are loving it. Growing like crazy.

Not a flawed leaf on the plants.
I am using both, the unmentionable nutes and teas.

I have been following the unmentionable schedule and subbing a tea every 3rd or 4th feeding.

So far the plants are loving it. Growing like crazy.

Not a flawed leaf on the plants.

Thanks for that info, and for the unmentionable I guess I never got the memo.
Hell ya I'm pulling up a chair!!! Jon your grows look amazing!!! I spoke to Sara last week and been contemplating with either the Mars II or the COB. So i am just waiting for you and BID to to complete and go from there but...... Lol it's been looking so nice I'm 6 weeks into flower under T5 and just might purchase this COB now to start my flowering stage. Hahahah anyways love the plants so far you have the green thumb!!!
Hell ya I'm pulling up a chair!!! Jon your grows look amazing!!! I spoke to Sara last week and been contemplating with either the Mars II or the COB. So i am just waiting for you and BID to to complete and go from there but...... Lol it's been looking so nice I'm 6 weeks into flower under T5 and just might purchase this COB now to start my flowering stage. Hahahah anyways love the plants so far you have the green thumb!!!
thanks bro and welcome to :420:

Looking forward to this grow jon...super-soil and led's....awesome! :thumb:

Well jon, I'm sorry, and I would have made a note much sooner if I had better news. My bro says as far as he knows there is no cure for the mold, and a confirmation that it is naturally occurring where your plants are. He said he just trims it out like you've been doing. Just a little note; his shit is all together...the trimmers are scheduled....everything is in order. Harvest is scheduled for three weeks this year....everything is heavy.........the air is thick with anticipation. I cherish the relationship I have with this fellow and his whole crew....commune like. He has always treated me very well and his knowledge is based on simple observations....I laugh when I think of how simple his advice has been. He's the main force that was always prodding me to grow....he said I was wasting my education! He's somewhere around his 45th year growing.........
yea thats what I figured bro, I ll be moving the greenhouse somewhere else on my property, I grew some plants a cpl years ago on the otherside of my property and didnt have any issues until I moved them to the current spot, Im not giving up yet lol... sounds like you have a very knowledgeable friend there, I had a simillar friend that taught me everything I know, hes long passed now but im still carrying the torch:)
Hey mate

super soil huh? Never had u down as a soil guy lol.

Looks great so far and i want to have a go myself as there are benefits that u describe that would make grow management very simple for grows i cant frequent as often as i'd like.

I have a space right now running 9k, 15 600w hps and its empty of plants. Its the area i was going to document in my abandonned journal. I was thinking of running 2.5 gal buckets and run more plants. that way i wont have to veg as long. I have a few questions though:

1. what is the cost of making the super soil for lets say 100gals

2. in ur intro u mention u will only water when necessary but u then go on to tak about making microbial tea? how often would u add this tea? would i be able to just substitute with piranha, tarantula and voodoo juice?

3. How long would u expect to veg?

It would make my life very easy if i could do this, i just worry the speed of growth would be too slow and not sure how much i would lose yield when compared to dwc. But done right quality would be top notch.

Also how will u deal with pests? Im very lucky that i rarely have any issues in that department.
can u show how u make the super soil? so u half fill with supersoil and half fill with potting soil? with the potting soil on top?

I think the cost would be substantially less with this supersoil, I'm working on setting up a place to make and cook it........I want to make a bin just like they have at the nurseries out of concrete....wide enough to get a small tractor in it to turn it ect.. I think I could pawn this soil off an a bunch of suckers if I can get some ready, and of course I'd use it myself. I have been paying like 22 usd for 1.5 cu. ft, it takes a whole bag to fill a ten gallon pot.....If I could have a coupla tons ready by spring it would fill my holes and maybe pay for the dirt I use.
I made a batch of ss for around 350-400 bucks, it would probably be cheaper for anybody else lol...theres very little options for supplements this far north but its still 1 third of what I would pay with synthetics for that many rounds maybe less. One full recipe is enough to do 40 plants in 10 gallon pots.I made it on a big tarp in my backyard and let it sit for a month then I put it in big black garbage cans and put it in the greenhouse where its alot warmer, I ll be bringing the cans inside pretty soon, i ve been slacking there cause they aint light lol. So 5 gallons of SS then a thin layer of your base and base around the sides when you transplant.

This recipe is suposed to be water only from beginning to end, the tea's Im using are just microbial tea's all they do is boost the microherd into overdrive but they arent nessesary its just something im messing around with.

If you have a decent sized veg room and that big space was your personal grow(I wouldn't want one of your newb growers trying this) you could go full perpetual,3 zones in the flower room 3 weeks apart(assuming its a 9 week strain) so your harvesting lets say 8 plants every 3 weeks instead of 24 plants every 9 weeks, its less money more often and less trimming more often too.The trick is to do the same thing in the veg room, you will need a cloning station and 3 zones in the vegroom as well, 1 gallon pots in zone 1 for the first 3 weeks, 3 gallon pots in zone 2 with bigger lights for 3 weeks and 10 gallon pots in zone 3 for 3 weeks with your biggest veg lights, by the time they go into the flower room they are already trained and lollypopped so other than some mild defoliation and cleaning up of the spindely stuff that isnt going to make it to the canopy there will be no damage to the plants during flower. so it works out to 63 days veg 63 days flower, depending on how you train them your either going to end up with a 5 foot tall bush or 6 foot plants simillar to Subcools that have only been topped once or twice and have 4 huge colas, personally I like the slightly shorter bushes, they produce many many many more smaller nugs instead of 6-8 big colas with 7 grams of stalk in them. Bro you know how long ive been a hydro guy, this is soooooooo much easier, i used to spend hrs in the flower room making sure everything was just right, now I go down there empty the dehueys and lift every pot to see if the plant is thirsty, if it is I give it ro water, other than training thats it, im down there 20 min and im standing there scratching my head because there should be something else im forgetting lol...but there isnt, thats it bro. I swear to you that with this ss im getting the same growth rates as hydro and the plants are 100% healthier, theres not one damaged leaf on any of those plants, I havent flowered with ss yet so we shall see in a cpl months how the yields compare but either way this is ALOT easier bro, you should give it a try:)
I think the cost would be substantially less with this supersoil, I'm working on setting up a place to make and cook it........I want to make a bin just like they have at the nurseries out of concrete....wide enough to get a small tractor in it to turn it ect.. I think I could pawn this soil off an a bunch of suckers if I can get some ready, and of course I'd use it myself. I have been paying like 22 usd for 1.5 cu. ft, it takes a whole bag to fill a ten gallon pot.....If I could have a coupla tons ready by spring it would fill my holes and maybe pay for the dirt I use.

Great idea...McLoadie...I can get you all of those large concrete blocks you could want for super cheap....shipping might be a little costly though :)

...if you do go ahead with that idea make sure you set it up on a concrete pad or pavement to keep it neat and to keep out unwanted material

...also let me know when it's ready I'll be the first "sucker" to buy some
yeah im always open to trialing new methods. i like the simplicity of it. But there are a couple negs for me. i wouldnt do it for perpetual grows, atleast not right away due to location of the grow and the person managing it. so it would mean a long veg time, although i could veg else where for stage 1 and 2 and have a short veg time at location. The other issue is making the soil but im sure i could find somewhere to make and store it.

I'll be following this closely. i get a bit bored following hydro, hydro, hydro but im not a soil fan either haha. lets see if this twists my arm :goodjob:
Heres how I made the ss, the pics are all jumbled but you get the idea.Do it in layers, a few bags of base, a bit of each amendment a bit more base ect ect until its all in a big pile then mix it until you think its fully blended then mix it for another 20 min thinking about renting a cement mixer for the next batch, it would cut the work down to almost nothing, then either wrap up the tarp or put it in containers and let it sit for 6 weeks. give it another good stiring before you use it.thats it bro, its pretty easy:)
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