Jon705's First Attempt at Organic SuperSoil Featuring TopLED's New COB LED Panel


^ the reason I can not take a pic without cat hair HAHAHA
I'm going to make a press out of pvc pipe til I can get one machined for myself, my bro had one made and it's awesome! All you guys wish me luck, this is what I plan to do; I'm makin dry ice hash for the first run, I'm goin to put down layers of trim and dry ice, I have a closet door that is mirrored and I'll lay it down on the dinner table. I'll let the Ice and trim freeze up real good for a few minutes, then I'll shake the bag for two minutes over one end of the mirror, then I'll move to the other end and shake it for 5 minutes. Afyer that I'll take it and shake it til it won't give........then the weed will be dried, refrozen, and when I get a minute I'll do a bubble run. I'll be using a gallon Ziploc full of really good trim. Any comments or suggestions are welcome!
Honestly bro, I think you will like bubble better than dry ice hash, its pretty much the same as dry sift kief, it does press nice though. My boy brought me some pressed bubble from Toronto im uploading a pic right now:)
Heres some pressed bubble, its a little dirty because its been in a bag of some Chemo kush my boy also brought:)

Chemo Kush- Suposed to be "Chemo" the strain David Suzuki created in the 70"s for terminal cancer patients crossed with some kush strain form B.C, clone only from what I understand and my boy found 1 seed in an lb, I ll be picking it up this weekend:)
That's the shit !

"I had it on the table and the little motherfucker ate it, man. Then I had to follow him around with a little baggie for three days, man, before I got it back. Really blew the dog's mind, ya know?"

Heres some pressed bubble, its a little dirty because its been in a bag of some Chemo kush my boy also brought:)

Chemo Kush- Suposed to be "Chemo" the strain David Suzuki created in the 70"s for terminal cancer patients crossed with some kush strain form B.C, clone only from what I understand and my boy found 1 seed in an lb, I ll be picking it up this weekend:)
Holy smoke Batman , POW ! , BAM !
Thanks jon, my first run dry ice extraction. I'm not gonna go into detail here on your journal john, but I made a cool ass press and I"ll document a whole run tonight on my journal. First 2 minutes on the right.....5 more minutes on the left. How long do I leave this shit in the press, I've got it in a 20000 lb press with as much pressure as I could pull down with.
Nice puck.

I went out to check it at around 30 mins LOL, you have to cut the pvc with a chop saw to ensure the end on the table is flat and level.......about a gram squirted out the bottom like a ribbon.....LOL...details later in my journal!
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