Jon705's First Attempt at Organic SuperSoil Featuring TopLED's New COB LED Panel

Hey Jon how's it goin?!? Good stuff so far loving the pron +REPS for sure. I had a quick question, I know earlier in this thread you vegged with the COB and that looked great!!! Do you think this COB will cut it for flowering as well given the over all watts?
I cant answer that bro, I dont like to give advice on anything unless Ive done it myself with success, the plants need completely different spectrums for flower, so I wont know until I finish a plant with it, sorry.
Hey Jon705, I want to be like you when I grow up. Prob the worst thing I could've done today was to look at how well your doing. I am well into trying my best to work the bugs out of my new rooms. No one said it would be easy, luckily I dont know how to quit. I'll send you a link to my upcoming journal jon
Thanks Sling:Namaste:Im looking forward to the new journal bro, Im now working some bugs out myself, im having some issues, pics are uploading now:)
Jon, you have a final count from your last harvest indoors?
Just over 8 pds of sellable nugs, there was alot of fluffy popcorn in the trim I used for the bubble hash, maybe another 1/2 lb dry so that works out to .87 gpw or 11.33 oz per plant average, my final weight wasnt as good as I would of liked but it was caused by some of the strains that I have now gotten rid of.8 BK #1 was only 6.3 oz,8BK #3 was only 5.5 oz, White Lavender was only 6 oz.The rest of the plants were all closer to 14 oz per plant, now that I have my mothers im pretty confident that my final weights will get much better:)
Ok so i ve determined that the issues I was blaming on shock isnt shock, theres definetly a mg deficiency now and the overwatering symptoms havent gone away, some symptoms of mg def look alot like a overwatering issues so im now feeding with 1 tbsp per gallon of epson salt. Im really suprised that the soil is already running out of some ellements, I think this is due to the base soil I used not being hot enough, "Roots" organic soil is what Subcool uses for his base, its already a complete organic soil and theres nothing even close available around here. I think im going to have to play around with the recipe and add some missing ingredients to make up for whats missing in the base I use, I ll probablty tripple the amount of epson salts in the recipe and I ll have to do some reading to figure out what else is missing.

These 2 look fine exept for the discoloration on some of the large fan leaves.

the rest of them all have signs of the mg def and over or under watering, they both look very simillar, I think I should of went with 10 gallon air pots instead of the nursery pots, hopefully I can figure out what they like as far as a watering schedule goes.

I moved the Timewreck into the flower room for now to benefit from the co2, I picked my 2 favorites and put them under the TopLed COB light that is now in the veg room, once I sex them I ll choose the nicest one to flower under it.

one of the Timewreck under the COB, this light sure vegges nice, these plants look great!

This plant only popped its shell 32 days ago:)
Its actually a good thing the grow isnt going completely smooth first time around mate. It will help u understand what u are doing with the super soil better. Ofcourse a perfect grow is what u want but there are benefits to problems. U are experienced enough to play around until u get it spot on. It also helps others who are following see what to do in diff circumstances.

Keep up the good work mate.
Yeah jon, the mag is a trippy thing for me, since I started counting on different sources for it I have had to learn how to get it to work. You can give em a foliar spray of the Epsom to get a faster result, but I haven't done that yet. I have noticed that different strains are takin different amounts of mag. I have two strains side by side...exactly the same pots and of em is fine....the other is cryin for mag! You'll sort it out..........I just wanted to note to you that I see a difference between strains........
Hey Jon, I just started using Super Soil too and use Roots and I also had some signs of Mag Def. around 2 or 3 weeks into Veg. I added 1 Tbs Dolomite Lime per Gal of soil cuz thats what I had on hand and the yellowing stopped and all 8 plants look happy n healthy now at 12 days of 12/12. The only thing now is I see a few of the small lower branches are getting dry and crispy and dying off which I believe to be from the fan blowing directly on them 24/7. I plan to chop them off when I do a day 21 defol.

I say this because it may not have to do with your base soil but is something that needs to be done regardless of base soil used or maybe because we both use RO water and Im not sure what Subcool uses for water.
Hey Jon, I just started using Super Soil too and use Roots and I also had some signs of Mag Def. around 2 or 3 weeks into Veg. I added 1 Tbs Dolomite Lime per Gal of soil cuz thats what I had on hand and the yellowing stopped and all 8 plants look happy n healthy now at 12 days of 12/12. The only thing now is I see a few of the small lower branches are getting dry and crispy and dying off which I believe to be from the fan blowing directly on them 24/7. I plan to chop them off when I do a day 21 defol.

I say this because it may not have to do with your base soil but is something that needs to be done regardless of base soil used or maybe because we both use RO water and Im not sure what Subcool uses for water.
yep I read that its common for this to happen, I ll have to order some dolomite lime, all I have is dolomitic lime, its granular, unless I can grind it up with a blender or something. Like I said I ll be messing around with the recipe until I figure out what works for me, mg is a mobile ellement so it can get flushed out from watering, I think either more dolomite lime or more epson salt in the recipe is going to help, im not educated enough yet to know how much more I should use so im just going to double it for the next recipe and see what happens. this could also be because the soil wasnt ready yet, maybe some ellements arent available yet because they havent broken down enough yet.I ll be bringing the cans of SS into the flower room over the next few days so they will be warm enough toi start dooking again and hopoefully work better for the next round, I dont really need that dresser in there anymore, everything I now use fits on a shelf so im going to put all the SS there for the winter:)
Wow I am kind of surprised. What size pots again and how much water. I use gen organics ca/mg on almost every watering with a little silica and liquid karma. I mixed my soil a little lighter to allow me to feed a little with teas and such. I use the ca/mg sparingly like 1/5 strength to 1/3 strength of there light feeding schedule which works out to be 5 ml to around 10 ml per five gallons.

Hope you get it sorted buddy.
Wow I am kind of surprised. What size pots again and how much water. I use gen organics ca/mg on almost every watering with a little silica and liquid karma. I mixed my soil a little lighter to allow me to feed a little with teas and such. I use the ca/mg sparingly like 1/5 strength to 1/3 strength of there light feeding schedule which works out to be 5 ml to around 10 ml per five gallons.

Hope you get it sorted buddy.
10 gallon pots but I transplanted them from 6 gallon bags of promix, total brainfart there lol...maybe next round it will work out better because there will be 5 gallons of SS and the base is organic so it has mild nutes as well and im using 3 gallon pots now instead of the bags to veg them so transplant should be easier, im ordering some sillica and microbial tea tomorrow, I think things will end up working out ok they look alot better today after I watered them with the epson salt, like I said almost all the symptoms can be caused by mg so maybe thats all it is. I was suprised the recipe only called for 3/4 cup of epson salt, if you use a tbsp per gallon to water them you would think there would be more in the soil.
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