Jon705's First Attempt at Organic SuperSoil Featuring TopLED's New COB LED Panel

from what i can tell cob leds direct the light much better, so instead of having regular leds that put the light out at all angles which means your actually wasting a lot of the light, cob sort of makes the light direct to where you want it, so if its pointing at the plants then the light is going on the plants so your not wasting light,

its basically directing the light a whole lot better to where you need it to, so this makes the light much brighter as its all going in the same direction instead of been spread out over a wider angle.

it makes the light a lot more efficient meaning your getting more light for your money.

here is some basic info on the light and what it does, not that exact light but this is about the technology in general, hope it helps, if not just do an internet search for cob vs regular led and you will find lots of info, but basically if the correct lense is used with cob leds then you will have a much more efficient light and this means more light to the plants, means more growth and more penetration so this clearly helps buds get much bigger as the light is penetrating into the plant a lot further

Why COB? --Background
LED(light emitting diode) is new technology with advantage of saving energy and very long lifespan. But all LED lightsource can not be faultless especially SMD, HP, flux LED etc. Compare to traditional lighting such as fluorescent lamp, as it is super bright in a small size, it cause uncomfortable glare. In case of no diffused optical lens used, such LEDs usually cause glare and zebra strips . But when optical lens or cover used, it will cause light loss when LED beam pass through this lens or cover.

How COB LED Light source works
COB LED is multi chips packaged, it can 10 times more increase lighting area, so it avoid uncomfortable glare by the maximum extent.
Lightspot use small size of chips to make COB LED package.
By now, for small size chip, ?some famous LED chip manufacturer can reach 249lm/watt @ 20mA. But big size LED chip can only reach 161lm/watt @350mA. The light efficacy decrease when chip size is bigger. Also when LED driver increase current to LED, the light efficacy per watt is even low.

The COB with small size chips will be a trend of LED light source package.

Lightspot holds the patent for invention for COB LED and lamp.

hope thats some help my friend,

also welcome to 420 magazine, have you got a grow up and running or are you planning on setting a grow up, if you do get a journal going and give us a shout and we can follow along.

with regular led panels each chip has a directional lense that points the light right where it needs to be, I dont know if you just copy and pasted the first info you found but you should'nt be answering questions when you have never grown with either light, from what I can see the regular panels direct the light better than the COB light.With my area 51 panels I can use my hand to find the lense angle, the light is much more focused down then the COB which shoots the light out at a much wider angle,

look at the angle of the light, its not nearly as focused down as my panels which are 25 x 25 inches and have a core footprint of 48 x 48 inches at 28 inches from the canopy,this COB is only 11 x 11 inches and it appears to cover a 48 x 48 tray pretty good with less diodes, with my panels I still get penetration right down to the soil with large undefoliated plants, we shall see in a few weeks if the penetration of this COB panel is comparable or better than regular panels. Sure the coverage is going to be better because of the angle of the reflector but personally I think this is going to affect penetration once the plants get bigger, this isnt an issue if your growing 12 inch plants but when you get into 5 or 6 foot plants it most definetly will be something to pay attention too, dont believe everything you read on the internet, theres twice as much bad info as good, thats why im telling eveybody that ask me to wait until I finish a plant under this light before making any decisions on what panel to buy, theres 3 or 4 other growers here in the process of trying out regular TopLed panels,makes sense to wait and see what all of our results are before making a desission, I ve been trying to find other threads on any mmj site where a grower has finished a plant with COB panels and I havent been able to find one yet because they are a fairly new tecnology for grow lights.I ll be flipping to 12/12 withing a week so we shall all see together what these COB lights are all about.
Thanks Jon.

My understanding is that COB lights allow for a more mixed spectrum of light by placing the diodes very close to one another. That is how they were pitched to me anyway. They look very neat but it's unclear what's trying to be achieved with this new style of light.

Personally I'm leaning towards sticking with a more proven 5w led technology.
with regular led panels each chip has a directional lense that points the light right where it needs to be, I dont know if you just copy and pasted the first info you found but you should'nt be answering questions when you have never grown with either light, from what I can see the regular panels direct the light better than the COB light.With my area 51 panels I can use my hand to find the lense angle, the light is much more focused down then the COB which shoots the light out at a much wider angle,

look at the angle of the light, its not nearly as focused down as my panels which are 25 x 25 inches and have a core footprint of 48 x 48 inches at 28 inches from the canopy,this COB is only 11 x 11 inches and it appears to cover a 48 x 48 tray pretty good with less diodes, with my panels I still get penetration right down to the soil with large undefoliated plants, we shall see in a few weeks if the penetration of this COB panel is comparable or better than regular panels. Sure the coverage is going to be better because of the angle of the reflector but personally I think this is going to affect penetration once the plants get bigger, this isnt an issue if your growing 12 inch plants but when you get into 5 or 6 foot plants it most definetly will be something to pay attention too, dont believe everything you read on the internet, theres twice as much bad info as good, thats why im telling eveybody that ask me to wait until I finish a plant under this light before making any decisions on what panel to buy, theres 3 or 4 other growers here in the process of trying out regular TopLed panels,makes sense to wait and see what all of our results are before making a desission, I ve been trying to find other threads on any mmj site where a grower has finished a plant with COB panels and I havent been able to find one yet because they are a fairly new tecnology for grow lights.I ll be flipping to 12/12 withing a week so we shall all see together what these COB lights are all about.

100% truth!!! It really is a bit troubling when people give advice like they know how things work by reading. Real wold was the question JON705 was asked. Its really best in my honest opinion to allow him to answer questions pertaining to the lighting he is using. Anyone can type COB of some sort in a search bar and hit enter. People come and ask questions for real world answers, not ones they have already found by searching it. They ask Jon because he's a fantastic grower with a wealth of knowledge of LED growing that he enjoys sharing. When people come and "answer for him" it probably drives him crazy. I realize that this is an open forum and anyone can post, however, sometimes its my opinion that people need to think before they post. If you had to search the answer...please don't bother posting, because honestly you don't know.
Haha very first thing I did was come in here and answer a question someone asked Jon. I was wrong too. lol

Generally speaking I appreciate when anyone is trying to help me but I hear what you are saying.
100% truth!!! It really is a bit troubling when people give advice like they know how things work by reading. Real wold was the question JON705 was asked. Its really best in my honest opinion to allow him to answer questions pertaining to the lighting he is using. Anyone can type COB of some sort in a search bar and hit enter. People come and ask questions for real world answers, not ones they have already found by searching it. They ask Jon because he's a fantastic grower with a wealth of knowledge of LED growing that he enjoys sharing. When people come and "answer for him" it probably drives him crazy. I realize that this is an open forum and anyone can post, however, sometimes its my opinion that people need to think before they post. If you had to search the answer...please don't bother posting, because honestly you don't know.

Nuff respect curso so true.
First let me say Top LED is doing it right. I would like to of seen a single grower growing the same strain under all three lights. That being said.
The growers that are growing with Top LED lights are all experienced growers. The lights being tested are all working dig a little deeper into all three grows and see what works for your style of grow. Think about what size plants you are gonna grow the amount of room you have and then choose your light. Don't allow someone to think for you. Make an informed decision based on what your research tells you. Again all three light grow plants very well.:peace::thumb::goodjob:
First let me say Top LED is doing it right. I would like to of seen a single grower growing the same strain under all three lights. That being said.
The growers that are growing with Top LED lights are all experienced growers. The lights being tested are all working dig a little deeper into all three grows and see what works for your style of grow. Think about what size plants you are gonna grow the amount of room you have and then choose your light. Don't allow someone to think for you. Make an informed decision based on what your research tells you. Again all three light grow plants very well.:peace::thumb::goodjob:

If in your research you do not look to those you trust you are doing yourself a great disservice. I was impressed with the results Jon was getting two years ago so it makes sense to me to check in before making a purchase. In doing so I discovered top led, something that otherwise would not have happened, and it looks like that may end up saving me a bunch of money. I've done a tremendous amount of research over the past couple weeks and I had my eyes on a few brands. Blackdog, California lightworks, Lumigrow, Advanced Led, and Area 51 all look to be pretty solid products but then here comes Top Led offering the same diodes with the same high quality heatsinks and housing at a fraction of the price. That's...very compelling. Area 51 has a great section on their site that talks about dropshipers and fakers. So I did what he recommends and googled pictures of the diodes and everything appears to be in order.

Anyway my point is I've done a lot of thinking about LEDs. All I can think about is LEDs. I'm going nuts thinking about LEDs so I came here to talk about LEDs. I'm slightly offended that you are insinuating that I've allowed anyone to do any thinking for me. I think there is perhaps no better way to become informed than to come and have a discussion with people who are informed.

Let me say Top LED is not driving their 5 watt diodes with as many watts as is CLW. When comparing apples to apples ie 5W diodes the diodes being driven by more watts will be brighter and BID does your MARs II have a veg switch and UVB ????????? Everyone needs to make their own decision. I don't know of any better people than Jon, BID and Buck to do the tests before buying read their Journals.
Let me say Top LED is not driving their 5 watt diodes with as many watts as is CLW. When comparing apples to apples ie 5W diodes the diodes being driven by more watts will be brighter and BID does your MARs II have a veg switch and UVB ????????? Everyone needs to make their own decision. I don't know of any better people than Jon, BID and Buck to do the tests before buying read their Journals.
my lights dont have a uv-b spectrum and I averaged a pound per light last round of kick ass potent weed, uv-b causes skin cancer and has a negative affect on yield because it damages the plant but its suposed to increase thc so its totally up to you if you want a light with uv-b but is it really worth the risk of skin cancer? I dont know about you but I spend alot of time in my rooms exposed to the lights.
Let me say Top LED is not driving their 5 watt diodes with as many watts as is CLW. When comparing apples to apples ie 5W diodes the diodes being driven by more watts will be brighter and BID does your MARs II have a veg switch and UVB ????????? Everyone needs to make their own decision. I don't know of any better people than Jon, BID and Buck to do the tests before buying read their Journals.

The marsII has no switches (thank god).
I used the UVB on my first grow and it seemed to work OK you only need to use it for the last two weeks of flower. The UVB has an on off switch so you can turn it off when you are in the room. I don't spend a lot of time under my lights maybe I phrased it wrong. I only meant to show there are options with some manufactures that other manufactures don't offer. If you don't want it don't buy it no scense spending the money if you don't need to. Sorry for the misunderstanding.:peace::peacetwo:
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