Jon705's First Attempt at Organic SuperSoil Featuring TopLED's New COB LED Panel

No, the COB light HAS lenses
It has reflectors bro.
who dont use the internet for searching for info, im pretty damn sure everyone on here uses the internet for research, tell me how many strains have you researched in the last 6 months, how many phones, tvs etc etc do you research online, you check many sites and go off the info, the info said cob lights use lenses, how was i to know the top's lights use reflectors and not lenses,

now we find out the 3w use reflectors and the 5w uses lenses, be interesting to see how the light with lenses compares to the light with reflectors, led's have come a long way in the last few years, its whats got my interested, at first growers wouldnt touch them but now their coming into their own and im pretty sure its going to be the best method to grow plants with due to the spectrum of light led's can give, its why i follow a few led journals,

i certainly dont buy anything without doing research, i wouldnt buy a car without checking warranty sites and repair sites, if you just buy what you see then you could end up with a load of crap that dont work, hence the reason im following a couple of grows running these leds that jons testing, so far results are pretty damn good, i just need to see how the flower and the bud density then ill make my own mind up if im going to use led's or not, so now i need to find out if the lense option is a better light, i know it bumps the power up but is it possible to get 3w with the lenses, it just seems you would get more penetration or better directed light using the lenses, but so far the led that jons testing is giving pretty amazing results, i was put off by leds a few years back but since following this journal im pretty confident that leds will soon be the best option for growing
I'm not understanding the point you are trying to make. I think there are a few points worth considering on the subject of servicing and as I see it none of them are in favor of the COB. First there is cost; an entire array is obviously going to cost a lot more than a single diode to replace should something fail. Second there is availability; a single 5w epistar is something I can source myself easily where as a COB array that's going to fit in my light and be in the spectrum I need...I'm pretty locked in with the manufacturer there.

I'm not trying to boohoo the COB lights. If they are better I will certainly buy them. I am just trying to objectively understand them.

I'm not trying to say they are a great technology, just pointing out that they are not screwed if they lose a single LED. They also tend to have a really long warranty on good lights, and I imagine it would be as easy as using a screwdriver to replace a module that has a single dead LED. Topled's page in particular says they will send out replacement parts with clear diagrams to replace things like that. The only real measurable stat I have noticed that COBs have over the standard grid ones is price as they are cheaper to make, and even that is arguable from a bang for buck standpoint.
who dont use the internet for searching for info, im pretty damn sure everyone on here uses the internet for research, tell me how many strains have you researched in the last 6 months, how many phones, tvs etc etc do you research online, you check many sites and go off the info, the info said cob lights use lenses, how was i to know the top's lights use reflectors and not lenses,

now we find out the 3w use reflectors and the 5w uses lenses, be interesting to see how the light with lenses compares to the light with reflectors, led's have come a long way in the last few years, its whats got my interested, at first growers wouldnt touch them but now their coming into their own and im pretty sure its going to be the best method to grow plants with due to the spectrum of light led's can give, its why i follow a few led journals,

i certainly dont buy anything without doing research, i wouldnt buy a car without checking warranty sites and repair sites, if you just buy what you see then you could end up with a load of crap that dont work, hence the reason im following a couple of grows running these leds that jons testing, so far results are pretty damn good, i just need to see how the flower and the bud density then ill make my own mind up if im going to use led's or not, so now i need to find out if the lense option is a better light, i know it bumps the power up but is it possible to get 3w with the lenses, it just seems you would get more penetration or better directed light using the lenses, but so far the led that jons testing is giving pretty amazing results, i was put off by leds a few years back but since following this journal im pretty confident that leds will soon be the best option for growing

Its fairly simple honestly...If you had to search it you shouldn't speak like you have experience with it. Copy and pasting someone an answer just to answer is simply ridiculous. Sure everyone does searches to research, but simply copy and pasting what you find in someone's journal is flat out rude. Especially when they are flat out wrong answers. Like I said before, anyone can come do research by typing something into a search engine, but people are coming to ask Jon705 questions about his lighting, not you.

How were you suppose to know??? by reading jon705's answer not answering for him.
good morning Jay:) I think what happened was I transplanted from 6 gallon air pots with promix to 10 gallon pots, so there was only 4 gallons of supersoil in them and they are pretty big plants so they ate up all the available food and started to starve, theres no point in using teas if theres nothing in the soil for the microbes to eat so I have now given them 2 feedings of the unmentionable nutrients lol..this morning they all got lollypopped and fed a transition feeding, a couple more days and I ll flip. they still havent fully recovered from starving but they are all looking alot better now. Im just letting them recover from the lollypopping for a day or 2 then its go time. Because I veg my plants so big before I flip I think next round I ll try 7 gallons of supersoil with no buffer and tea's, I didnt use a buffer last round and there was no burnt tips at all, I think this will work out alot better. Im still a complete newb when it comes to organic but im learning:)
Its fairly simple honestly...If you had to search it you shouldn't speak like you have experience with it. Copy and pasting someone an answer just to answer is simply ridiculous. Sure everyone does searches to research, but simply copy and pasting what you find in someone's journal is flat out rude. Especially when they are flat out wrong answers. Like I said before, anyone can come do research by typing something into a search engine, but people are coming to ask Jon705 questions about his lighting, not you.

How were you suppose to know??? by reading jon705's answer not answering for him.

I agree 100%. cannabis connossiuer label doesnt make it ok to pass off info when you have no credibility on the subject.
Its fairly simple honestly...If you had to search it you shouldn't speak like you have experience with it. Copy and pasting someone an answer just to answer is simply ridiculous. Sure everyone does searches to research, but simply copy and pasting what you find in someone's journal is flat out rude. Especially when they are flat out wrong answers. Like I said before, anyone can come do research by typing something into a search engine, but people are coming to ask Jon705 questions about his lighting, not you.

How were you suppose to know??? by reading jon705's answer not answering for him.
Can't we all just get along.....
Can't we all just get along.....

probably not. it would be nice for us to all get along.

clearly donpaul is a good grower but he should stick to giving info when He is 100% sure it is good information. the internet is about 20 percent good info and 80 % bad its a dangerous world and when you are giving others the bad info and they listen to you cause you have a cannabis connossieur label that is flat out wrong. sorry guys.
I hear you.
Hey Jon, I use a pretty "hot" mix of stuff if you consider the amounts of stuff I add but I've discovered a modifying factor so I mix up alot of stuff into my coco you would think it would burn up my plants to French fried Buuuuut I generally don't cook the coco but maybe a week, soil I cook a long time, so in effect the minerals are unavailable to the plants till the mykos do their job so I add mykos read based on the plants appearance if they start looking hungry time for some tea how strong depends on how hungry or deficient they look if I add strong tea every watering I notice that they get healthier more tea they start growing fast ,more tea! They will start showing mild burn ,see I know I put the food in there but by how much mykos activity I encourage I can control the release of nutes this works pretty well for me tho there are some hiccups if I am not diligent I started doing this by accident when I started seeing a defiency one time while knowing there was no way so I added a strong tea and fixed the problem with that I got to thinking about the organic nutrients availability /feed the microbes they feed the plant circle, and I realized it's alot like adding time released ferts ,so if I don't cook the coco it's just nutes in the bank lol
Imho! This is working for me, but may not for everyone, realized I better add that disclaimer after cultivator made a good point below, as with everything I do ,I'm not ever saying my way is right or the only way just what I have done, sometime it's a grand screwup!
i dont want to get too involved in this bad info thing but i will say this, its definately important to have experience in what u are trying to tell people. I get pissed the fuck off when people try to tell me this is wrong or that and when i ask them why they say they read it or copy and pasted it. Thats not aimed at donpaul, its just a generalistion.

I taught someone on this site how to grow DWC a while back and after they had a successful grow they started putting out some real bad info on things u dont need to do as it wasnt important. This really, really annoyed me because the person hadnt been growing long and because the person had grown without doing a few things he spoke those words as gospel, when it could have just been a fluke.

I think its best when giving out info to anyone, but especially to newbs that u state that it is ur experience in the strain or set up u have grown but there could be differences in other peoples.

There is alot of bad info out there and for new guys its hard to weed out the good from bad. Im certain people dont deliberately do it but it can have huge effects on grows as people trust peoples word on matters.

I try to always say in my experience this or that happens now, as i too was guilty of stating things as gospel. We should all be careful how we approach our info to others. I dont want anyone to fuck a grow up because i gave them bad advice like 'ignore ph in hydro, its not important' (that really pissed me off). i Show my work in journals and back up what i am saying with evidence of grow success, like jon does and many others on this site.

Rant over.......

Hope u are good Jon :)
That about sums it up Cult. Being a Newbe myself I try to read as much as possible on a topic before I make a decision. After that I ask the Questions followed by a little more reading. Dp has helped me out considerably & I respect his opinions. I've had teachers, tutors & professors who've given out bad info on occasions. When God created us he made it a point to see to it that not one of us was perfect. If your wrong one out of 1,000 times you have a decent track record. But still it's up to us Newbes to do a little homework & studying on anything before we act.
Yes Rant over...:thumb:
I'm pretty certain dp didn't mean any harm. Whether right or wrong, he always gives advice with the best of intentions in my opinion. Seems a bit unfair to attack the guy, debate his advice fair enough.

Re: the led cob longevity replacing debate.... has anyone had an led fail, or had to replace a diode? Does it grow shit well is what's important.
Re: the led cob longevity replacing debate.... has anyone had an led fail, or had to replace a diode? Does it grow shit well is what's important.

I have some crappy 1w panels from hydro grow that are years old and still work fine. LEDs are solid state and very durable and they typically last a really long time. 50,000 hours long, so years. Still, stuff does break and if I'm going to spend thousands of dollars on something that I intend to use for years being able to service it myself is appealing. Will top led be around in 5-7 years? Maybe? I hope so but who knows right?
I'm pretty certain dp didn't mean any harm. Whether right or wrong, he always gives advice with the best of intentions in my opinion. Seems a bit unfair to attack the guy, debate his advice fair enough.

Re: the led cob longevity replacing debate.... has anyone had an led fail, or had to replace a diode? Does it grow shit well is what's important.

Im sure he didnt mean any harm and if he reads this sorry for even saying anything. but cultivator hit the nail on the head dont give out information until you practiced what you preach. its not only him theres others. even me I am guilty of it too.
give jon his journal back now. I have a garden to work right now.
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