Jon705's First Attempt at Organic SuperSoil Featuring TopLED's New COB LED Panel

i hope it wasnt aimed at me green? as i wasnt attacking dp either. i was watching the conversation and thought id put a point of view across generally. i definately have nothing against dp. i was merely stating that there is too much bad info and we all need to look at how we approach dishing info out as a whole, instead of saying that 1 way is the be all end all. :peace:
:passitleft: Here my Irish brother; I'm rolling with you...
Ok, today is the last day of veg, the girls still arent 100% but they are getting to big to wait any longer. As you know I ve had 2 timewreck under the COB light and the other 7 are under the 1000w hortilux superlumen. Now the hortilux is a flowering bulb with some extra spectrums so tecnically you can veg with it just fine but a metal halide is still better imo...Heres some side by side pics..
THe 2 on the left are the ones under the COB light,sex still unconfirmed, the 2 on the right are confirmed females that were under the hps.\

All of the hps timewrecks are alot bigger than the 2 COB plants.The stalks on the hps plants are twice as thick and twice as stiff..first pic is of a COB plant second is a hps plant..

its hard to tell from the pics but the COB stalk is around as thick as a pencil and the hps stalks are more like those really thick pens.
Now tecnically this could simply be different phenos but I dont think so,the branches on the COB plants are ALOT more plyable than the hps plants, I dont know enough about spectrums to diagnose whats going on here but imho theres something missing from the COB. Dont get me wrong, the COB plants are the epitamy of health, they're just not as beefy as the hps plants, maybe somebody with knowlege of what spectrums do what could chime in here?Also, all of the hps plants have or are starting to show sex, I have 3 confirmed females and one confirmed male so far and it will only be a couple more days before the rest of the hps plants show me they're junk, the COB plants havent even started to show anything yet, again some pheno's show sex later than others but theres to many things going on here to blame on phenotypes, I think these lights might need some more work before they can be called full spectrum grow lights, hopefully it will rock in flower:)
And heres the big girls, some are fully recovered and the rest are on they're way, the 8 ball kush and the Black Domina are nute pigs bigtime so they are taking longer to get better but they look alot better than they did a few days ago, I would love to leave them for another week so they are 100% but if they get any bigger I ll be harvesting the colas from my livingroom and not the flower room below. The new growth is dark green and healthy on most of them but there is still some droop, im not exactly sure whats causing this, ive tried several different watering tecniques and none of them seem to help so im thinking its just because they were starving, the droop isnt as bad today as it was a week ago so Im thinking it was caused by multipal defficiencies and some plants are just taking longer than others to recover.

Timewreck. I ll be transplanting the confirmed females into 7 gallon pots with Supersoil today when the lights turn on, hopefully theres a few more fems showing when the lights come on.


I brought 4 garbage cans of Supersoil down into the flower room to keep it warm, I dont think it was ready, I think theres still alot of amendments still in the soil that hasnt broken down yet, I ordered soil soil life activator tea that should be here this week, I ll use it to activate the soil again and hopefully it works out better with the timewrecks.

the 2 Timewreck, still unconfirmed sex under the COB

and the confirmed male Timewreck that now lives on my deck, Im going to try and keep him alive long enough to harvest some pollen:)

Thats about it for now, all the fun stuff is just around the corner..hopefully lol
Ok, today is the last day of veg, the girls still arent 100% but they are getting to big to wait any longer. As you know I ve had 2 timewreck under the COB light and the other 7 are under the 1000w hortilux superlumen. Now the hortilux is a flowering bulb with some extra spectrums so tecnically you can veg with it just fine but a metal halide is still better imo...Heres some side by side pics..
THe 2 on the left are the ones under the COB light,sex still unconfirmed, the 2 on the right are confirmed females that were under the hps.\

All of the hps timewrecks are alot bigger than the 2 COB plants.The stalks on the hps plants are twice as thick and twice as stiff..first pic is of a COB plant second is a hps plant..

its hard to tell from the pics but the COB stalk is around as thick as a pencil and the hps stalks are more like those really thick pens.
Now tecnically this could simply be different phenos but I dont think so,the branches on the COB plants are ALOT more plyable than the hps plants, I dont know enough about spectrums to diagnose whats going on here but imho theres something missing from the COB. Dont get me wrong, the COB plants are the epitamy of health, they're just not as beefy as the hps plants, maybe somebody with knowlege of what spectrums do what could chime in here?Also, all of the hps plants have or are starting to show sex, I have 3 confirmed females and one confirmed male so far and it will only be a couple more days before the rest of the hps plants show me they're junk, the COB plants havent even started to show anything yet, again some pheno's show sex later than others but theres to many things going on here to blame on phenotypes, I think these lights might need some more work before they can be called full spectrum grow lights, hopefully it will rock in flower:)

Great comparisons. I hope they beef up in flower
Question: Any difference with the number of splits or nodes in the branches between the two lights? Hope I phrased that right. I am also getting back in the game from 95.
Question: Any difference with the number of splits or nodes in the branches between the two lights? Hope I phrased that right. I am also getting back in the game from 95.
Welcome Digger, I would say the node spacing is very simillar, not much difference at all, im very impressed with the tight spacing on these timewreck:)

From the picture it looks like the really intense light fades before it makes it to the plant. You have those strong pink cores of light on the wall and then that drops off before the top of the canopy. Is it possible it's getting enough light to not stretch but also not enough to thrive?
It deceiving in that little space bro, the reflectors send the light out at that angle, the bright spots are just the light bouncing off the wall, its not any brighter then at canopy level, look at the light on the back wall that is around 3 feet from the light, it doesnt fade at all as it gets closer to the floor. I am following the same rules with this light as my big panels, start the plants around 48 inches from the panels and let the plants grow up into the lights as they get used to the intensity, the plants are now maybe 34-36 inches from the panel, by the time the strech is done around day 21 of flower the plant will be around 18-22 inches from the panel. Theres a few growers here that question this tecnique but I think my results speak for themselves. On my holy grail run the lights were on movers at about 14 inches from the canopy, even on movers the lights were way to close, the pistils were burnt at the tips and curled away from the lights, the nugs were also alot smaller than they should of been. A healthy plant has pistils that stick pretty much straight up, if your lights are to close they will curl downwards away from the intense light, its a good thing to watch for when you grow with led's. Now I dont know if the Helios diodes in my are 51 lights are better than epistar or not, the epistar definetly look brighter but brighter doesnt nessesarily mean better either.
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