Jon705's First Attempt at Organic SuperSoil Featuring TopLED's New COB LED Panel

Im pretty sure it was said that the COB lights are a new product and thats the reason Sara wants Jon to continue testing for them so they can get it right wouldnt that be R&D. The Mars2 seems like a solid light that produced great results for Bid so why knock a company that has been up front from the beginning with us and has a desire to better their product by working with the very people who use their product. I said it before and Ill say here and now I wish Sara and Top Led were around a year ago when I bought my LED light.
Im pretty sure it was said that the COB lights are a new product and thats the reason Sara wants Jon to continue testing for them so they can get it right wouldnt that be R&D. The Mars2 seems like a solid light that produced great results for Bid so why knock a company that has been up front from the beginning with us and has a desire to better their product by working with the very people who use their product. I said it before and Ill say here and now I wish Sara and Top Led were around a year ago when I bought my LED light.

I knew when i bought my COB that is was a 'work in progress', but I like trying new things that are new tech so I went for it.

So far my experience with TopLED has been good, Sara and Cola LED have been responsive to my inquires and, to me, they strive to make it better, continuous improvement is all I ask for, and so far I have seen that. But only time will tell.

Anyhow, tried to hold myself back since Jon's thread, but could not help myself to counter some of the bashing. BTW I am one of those that thinks Chinese stuff is, in general, lesser quality then USA made. As I said only time will tell, and the price can not be ignored.
Not questioning how he runs his test and meant no offense to anyone. How many LED's have you purchased and run a test with? I was simply stating a fact. It is basic science. If you are going to validate a product you need to test it in a controlled environment. Consumer Reports is one of the most respected "testing" organization out there. What about Underwriters Laboratories? I have been in manufacturing and involved in quality control for many years. How would you know if I have anybody that follows me and honestly that doesn't even matter to me. Many of my friends have been growing for 20 plus years.... The medicine I produce is "top shelf" I don't sell it. It is to care for my patients and provide an alternative to the big pharmaceutical companies. Look on Alibaba and see how many LED light manufacturers there are out there 100's if not 1000's you think they are all on the up and up? I will respectfully withdraw from further discussion on this thread and wish you all the best...


No offense intended . It isn't the "weak light" that I was thinking of it was the additional spectrum that that weak light was providing to the plant. If you have a light that is built with a targeted spectrum if you are contaminating that light with other spectrum sources then you really don't know if it would produce the same results. I have run a MH / HPS / LED test and even run a mix of them. My current test will run LED's then fire up the HPS for various time periods. The goal is to increase yield, potency yet minimize heat & cost.
none taken bro, I never claimed to have the perfect enviroment for testing lights, I just know how to grow dank with them., and alot of people here seem to like my journals. I ve been thinking about what you said earlier and it would be pretty easy for me to hang some panda film in between each row of lights leaving just the ends open for airflow, this would eliminate almost all of the light, I would just have to pick up some more wall fans to have airflow inbetween each "tent".one zone would be 3 plants under the 2 hps at the back of the room, then 3 plants under the 2 240 x 5w TopLed panels then 6 under my 4 panels, I could even split them up into 2 zones to eliminate any overlapping. we'll see what happens when the lights get here and we'll see how far Sara wants to go with this:)
Not questioning how he runs his test and meant no offense to anyone. How many LED's have you purchased and run a test with? I was simply stating a fact. It is basic science. If you are going to validate a product you need to test it in a controlled environment. Consumer Reports is one of the most respected "testing" organization out there. What about Underwriters Laboratories? I have been in manufacturing and involved in quality control for many years. How would you know if I have anybody that follows me and honestly that doesn't even matter to me. Many of my friends have been growing for 20 plus years.... The medicine I produce is "top shelf" I don't sell it. It is to care for my patients and provide an alternative to the big pharmaceutical companies. Look on Alibaba and see how many LED light manufacturers there are out there 100's if not 1000's you think they are all on the up and up? I will respectfully withdraw from further discussion on this thread and wish you all the best...


Not every test has to be performed per Consumer Reports this is a MMJ forum.... The way John is planning to set it up would for sure tell us if it'll grow cannabis or not. I don't think the makers of this test are looking to perform some sort of scientific process. He was asking to show the difference between his other 2 lighting sources and what grew the best of the 3. I don't think he should have to isolate each light, change his room just to appease a test. Askin a bit much IMO.
How's that foundation coming Jon? you finally get it finished? We are expecting our first snow fall so I know you can't be far behind.
almost done bro, the blueskin and weeping tile are done and the hole is half full now, I installed diamond mesh at the seam of the blueskin so the guy thats doing the parging can parge over the seam, this stops water from getting in behind the membrane and it looks like a brand new foundation when its done. I still have to install 2 concrete sono tubes for a new beam to support the back deck properly, it was done very badly lol... I figure another 3-4 days and it should be done:)
almost done bro, the blueskin and weeping tile are done and the hole is half full now, I installed diamond mesh at the seam of the blueskin so the guy thats doing the parging can parge over the seam, this stops water from getting in behind the membrane and it looks like a brand new foundation when its done. I still have to install 2 concrete sono tubes for a new beam to support the back deck properly, it was done very badly lol... I figure another 3-4 days and it should be done:)

Damn, that's a lot of work, good thing you know how to do it yourself. Your just a master of your trades.

With your super soil did you notice any slow down in your plants after you lollipopped them? And did you water or tea them before or right after lollipopping?

I'm wondering if I could be more aggressive with less down time using super soil.
Damn, that's a lot of work, good thing you know how to do it yourself. Your just a master of your trades.

With your super soil did you notice any slow down in your plants after you lollipopped them? And did you water or tea them before or right after lollipopping?

I'm wondering if I could be more aggressive with less down time using super soil.
yep its a ton of work but its done right and I dont have to worry about it anymore:)
all The big girls are getting B P N now bro, they ran out of food stiil in the veg stage, I didnt use enough ss for plants that size, they were fully recovered and showing new grow the next morning and I probably removed close to half the plant matter on each plant. The timewreck are the only girls still getting plain ro water, they got one feeding of T n J Industries microbial soil activator tea over a week ago, they also were praying to the lights and showing new growth the next morning. Im actually suprised by this, I thought for sure there was going to be some shock from that much abuse but they are looking awesome, so far im very impressed with ss:)

ps: I watered one of the timewreck because it needed it the same day but the rest still havent been watered since being lollypopped and they are fine.
Please remember this is a journal that will be read for many years. A journal that needs to get back to being a journal and not an argument. This discussion and immature name calling is not allowed in the forums and will be deleted. No more name calling and remember there are ladies and lots of mellow people here who just want to relax and enjoy reading about our favorite plant.

Our Posting Guidelines and Mission Statement are specifically structured to foster a positive exchange and discussion of ideas. We encourage respectful debate, but do not allow excessive negative energy in posts or threads; such as is typical with ranting.

And now, back to Jon's journal :peace:
Thanks so much kitty I came here to see jon not listen to led complain about his problem jon I strive to get where you are and that's why I'm here thanks to all and good night
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