Jon705's First Attempt at Organic SuperSoil Featuring TopLED's New COB LED Panel

it wasnt SNS's leds, it was an led company that wrote into them because they was saying how poor led lights was due to just having the blue and red leds, so this led company wrote into them and they wrote it in the back of their book, so it wasnt sns providing the info it was this led light company thats producing full spectrum led's, 12 spectrums it says
I see they make comparisons to replacing a 500w or 1100w HPS. Anyone ever seen those size bulbs?

I didn't even see the size of the LED's or wavelength etc. A little vague on the make up of the unit I thought.
see i think you might be right, but i also know plants have been evolving and adapting far longer than humans have been here and doing "science" science does not explain everything,and there are many things plants do that science does not understand or even comprehend, like why have my plants turned to face me instead of the light after i moved them out of the tent for a couple hours! i had the liner out to clean and was sitting at the computer no light sources anywhere near me besides my monitors, just me and some music playing low, i turned around and they had tipped in my direction rather than the hps they were only 6 feet from bout 1o ft from me! kinda creeped me out and i cant come up with any plausible explanation, , my point being is despite our sizable knowledge on plants we dont know everything, so im always open to new ideas and concepts, i think back a few years to when i was first introduced to how to feminize seeds with colloidal silver and how totaly nuts that sounded but its a common tool i use regularly now, or how appalled i was at the though of washing my meds in a tub of hot then cold water!! i remember thinking "right ! thats a great way to ruin my crop!" now its mandatory, so maybe full spectrum lights will be the everyday thing i wont be without who knows!!:thumb: the videos i saw on another bud mag site showing a side by side vs a 1k hps looked impressive!
They wanted to see if you were talking about them, that's all that was.
Jon buddy I been thinking, we all agree the best light be all end all is the sun right? So why is a company not making an artificial full spectrum sun? So I got to looking around and I came upon this site they claim full spectrum LED is the shizzle their propaganda makes sense to my brain have a look and let me know what you think ,I'm seeing a small very affordable light that might just out perform every other comparable light I'm seriously interested,

There's a guy in oz selling them, but only for 5 times more than they are asking and they won't ship to anyone else because that guy is their sole distributor. The australia tax strikes again.
see i think you might be right, but i also know plants have been evolving and adapting far longer than humans have been here and doing "science" science does not explain everything,and there are many things plants do that science does not understand or even comprehend, like why have my plants turned to face me instead of the light after i moved them out of the tent for a couple hours! i had the liner out to clean and was sitting at the computer no light sources anywhere near me besides my monitors, just me and some music playing low, i turned around and they had tipped in my direction rather than the hps they were only 6 feet from bout 1o ft from me! kinda creeped me out and i cant come up with any plausible explanation, , my point being is despite our sizable knowledge on plants we dont know everything, so im always open to new ideas and concepts, i think back a few years to when i was first introduced to how to feminize seeds with colloidal silver and how totaly nuts that sounded but its a common tool i use regularly now, or how appalled i was at the though of washing my meds in a tub of hot then cold water!! i remember thinking "right ! thats a great way to ruin my crop!" now its mandatory, so maybe full spectrum lights will be the everyday thing i wont be without who knows!!:thumb: the videos i saw on another bud mag site showing a side by side vs a 1k hps looked impressive!

Science does explain everything, it's just we haven't discovered how to measure it yet. But the rest I agree with, recent research has proven that the sap channels in plants carry electric signals that the plant sends down to the root cluster when it suffers damage. What does that sound like to you, cause that seems a bit like a nerve to me. Another response to damage they have is to release specific gasses into the air, which are then detected by other plants in the area who then start releasing that gas themselves. Sounds a bit like passing messages along to me. People have a habit of underestimating things that don't have a human face.
Hi Jon, sorry for my late, I just read this post. we have many many customers are talking about our mars II on another forum, so I do not think my boss will send out some MARs II out FREE. can you just test our COB first? I will apply a FREE 240x5w for u when the time is right.:) how do you think about it ? I know you are really very interested in our Mars II .
Heres my proposition Sara, I will send this COB back to you at my expense, send me a 240 x 5w Mars II to test out, I will take one of my Area 51 panels down and put the Mars II in its place and do a proper comparison, 1000w hps vs 600w Area 51 3w panel vs your 240 x 5w Mars II panel, you have already sold some lights from the publicity you are getting here at :420: why not showcase your best light against one of your competitors and a 1000w hps, the light the Mars II is suposed to replace? If I like the results I get from the Mars II I will commit to buy 3 more of them and change my whole flower room over to Led, you have my word on this and then eventually the veg room too, what do you think?
Thats too bad Sara, I feel I present a unique oppertunity for TopLed to showcase they're best light against one of your main competitors lights and a 1000w hps. Your right, I am interested in The 240 x 5w Mars II panel but I wont buy them without testing them, I get exellent results with my Area 51 lights and yes they are more expensive but they have a lifetime warranty and they use Cree diodes. Im going back to work for the winter so I will be working a fulltime job and running this perpetual grow, I think my free time will become very valuable to me, wintertime is snowmachine time for me and that is something I do every chance I get, I ll have to think about this...
Jon buddy I been thinking, we all agree the best light be all end all is the sun right? So why is a company not making an artificial full spectrum sun? So I got to looking around and I came upon this site they claim full spectrum LED is the shizzle their propaganda makes sense to my brain have a look and let me know what you think ,I'm seeing a small very affordable light that might just out perform every other comparable light I'm seriously interested,

I saw schematics many years ago for a led light that changed color at different times of day based on timer that simulate dawn to dusk color changes via angle of plant to sun in atmosphere. Seem like a good idea but the unit if I recall was massive! lol Do they make stuff like that yet on the market?
see i think you might be right, but i also know plants have been evolving and adapting far longer than humans have been here and doing "science" science does not explain everything,and there are many things plants do that science does not understand or even comprehend, like why have my plants turned to face me instead of the light after i moved them out of the tent for a couple hours! i had the liner out to clean and was sitting at the computer no light sources anywhere near me besides my monitors, just me and some music playing low, i turned around and they had tipped in my direction rather than the hps they were only 6 feet from bout 1o ft from me! kinda creeped me out and i cant come up with any plausible explanation, , my point being is despite our sizable knowledge on plants we dont know everything, so im always open to new ideas and concepts, i think back a few years to when i was first introduced to how to feminize seeds with colloidal silver and how totaly nuts that sounded but its a common tool i use regularly now, or how appalled i was at the though of washing my meds in a tub of hot then cold water!! i remember thinking "right ! thats a great way to ruin my crop!" now its mandatory, so maybe full spectrum lights will be the everyday thing i wont be without who knows!!:thumb: the videos i saw on another bud mag site showing a side by side vs a 1k hps looked impressive!

They face you because you are emitting energy they want!...MOMMA!
I saw schematics many years ago for a led light that changed color at different times of day based on timer that simulate dawn to dusk color changes via angle of plant to sun in atmosphere. Seem like a good idea but the unit if I recall was massive! lol Do they make stuff like that yet on the market?
I too remember something like that but I only have the vaguest recollection ,
They face you because you are emitting energy they want!...MOMMA!

Lol me ,furthest think from motherly your likely to get,(me to plants) see that fireplace!? Grow right or it hellfire and cedar smoke for you!
Hi Jon. I just finished reading this and am subbed. I have read BID's and Bucks journals on TopLeds also. I was hoping the cobs would work well for everyone. It is a shame that TopLed did not send you a bigger panel for a better side by side comparison. Thank you for your time and sharing your results with the community ! Your opinion and experience means a lot to those of us on the fence.

A lot of us are watching these "tests" with keen interest. I trust Jon to give it to us straight. If I were you, I would get him a big light to showcase ASAP. Even if your light did not win the challenge, it would at least show us what it is capable of. I want to switch to LED so bad, but the same money will buy me a lot of proven HPS bulbs. If you want to sell more lights here, you should make the small investment so we can see what your big light can really do in the hands of master.
I can dig their desire to better-perfect the COB light, but as someone who has donated their time, effort and feedback to test a light (and ultimately to have found it lacking), then to offer the company an excellent opportunity to showcase their flagship unit, you would think they'd be all over that. After all, it's only one light and it could result in far more sales.

Just look at BID's results. The quality of the medicine he produced this time has HAD to result in some added sales. Not to mention, the light isn't "expected" to be a donation. As described in the initial discussions, should you desire to keep it, it will be offered at a substantial discount as a result of participation. I didn't bracket that in quotes, but that was the gist of it I'm sure.
and I would keep testing the COB at the same time in the same space,as many times as TopLed wanted me too, I still prefer traditional Led panels with individual lenses, I dont mind doing these tests for TopLed but I dont want to buy COB lights thats why I wanted the MarsII to try out and compare them to my panels. I dont think im asking to much.I ll be in the market for another 4 big panels next spring or twice as many Area 51 panels to replace those hydro suckers, I figured if I liked the MarsII and bought those over the Area 51"s people here would notice and Sara would probably get more sales because of it.
Hi Jon. I just finished reading this and am subbed. I have read BID's and Bucks journals on TopLeds also. I was hoping the cobs would work well for everyone. It is a shame that TopLed did not send you a bigger panel for a better side by side comparison. Thank you for your time and sharing your results with the community ! Your opinion and experience means a lot to those of us on the fence.

A lot of us are watching these "tests" with keen interest. I trust Jon to give it to us straight. If I were you, I would get him a big light to showcase ASAP. Even if your light did not win the challenge, it would at least show us what it is capable of. I want to switch to LED so bad, but the same money will buy me a lot of proven HPS bulbs. If you want to sell more lights here, you should make the small investment so we can see what your big light can really do in the hands of master.
Thanks for the kinds words Kimmy:Namaste: and welcome:)
There's a guy in oz selling them, but only for 5 times more than they are asking and they won't ship to anyone else because that guy is their sole distributor. The australia tax strikes again.

I deal with that kind of thing from time to time where I live as well.

There is a pretty simple way of dealing with it that might work for you. PayPal a trusted friend in the US the money to buy these. Have them shipped to him. He takes them directly to a UPS store and sends them to you. Barely adds anything to the cost of shipping.

The big problem you face, and the one I do too is that if you ever had to send them back for warranty work it would be almost impossible. It would cost you more to send them back probably than to buy new ones. And the company would probably only send them back to your friend who bought them. So you end up paying shipping both ways again.
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