Jon705's First Attempt at Organic SuperSoil Featuring TopLED's New COB LED Panel

Oh I'm following along. I found everyone I could using LEDs. I'm waiting for seeds in the mail and then waiting for seeds to grow. It will be like a month at least before I even need it. I'm going to stick with t5s for the babies this panel is stupid overkill for that.

fuck why did I buy this thing lol
I think I'm going to try your hanging methodology when I do get going though I'm working in a tent so it only goes as high as it goes. I was surprised at how much I can feel the LEDs. It's not straight up heat like the way you feel HPS either; it's like you can actually feel the photons on your skin well after the heat from the lamp dissipates. I actually don't like being under it as I have very sensitive skin. it also fucks with my eyes something fierce. Even after a few minutes of exposure everything else looks green for a while.
stay away from the 8bk in ss bro, I think you would have to up your pot size to finish it but the Jack would do just fine in 7's I think, if your looking for a new comercial strain Jack's the way to go bro, 8bk took 11 weeks to finish, the Jack was done at week 9 in soil with 30 - 40% amber at 7 weeks it was all milky trychs and could of been harvested then:)

straight Jack Herer?
I think I'm going to try your hanging methodology when I do get going though I'm working in a tent so it only goes as high as it goes. I was surprised at how much I can feel the LEDs. It's not straight up heat like the way you feel HPS either; it's like you can actually feel the photons on your skin well after the heat from the lamp dissipates. I actually don't like being under it as I have very sensitive skin. it also fucks with my eyes something fierce. Even after a few minutes of exposure everything else looks green for a while.

Wear some shades man...they help :)
if its chopped up into sand it only takes a day or 2, after that cure it like weed for a week burping the jars daily the flavor really pops:)

Thank you! I would not have thought to cure it...
Jon buddy I been thinking, we all agree the best light be all end all is the sun right? So why is a company not making an artificial full spectrum sun? So I got to looking around and I came upon this site they claim full spectrum LED is the shizzle their propaganda makes sense to my brain have a look and let me know what you think ,I'm seeing a small very affordable light that might just out perform every other comparable light I'm seriously interested,
BD, I peeped at the site just now & if what they say is true then I'd surely be willing to pay $200 for the Tree Master Mini. But I've heard some of you say that with LEDs you can't be to close to the plants & I'm inside of a tent. I'll do some research on these Tree Masters & get back with you.
Look like the a51 spectrum to me. Red and white and we've seen that do well. I wish they would give more technical data about what the light is though. The large model has 150 diodes with a draw of 250w and is being passively cooled so my guess is 3w diodes driven at 1.8w. Personally I'd question anyone claiming a 250w light is a 500w light replacement unless they are factoring cooling power consumption into the equation.
im just sharing what i found, i know its hard to put wattage out of our minds, but im just saying what if? where in the rules does it say high wattage is an absolute requirement? it seems to me that if you can replicate the suns exact spectrum you might not need all the watts, hps works because of sheer overkill power, the spectrum is far from ideal, it makes up for its lack of spectrum with tons of energy much is wasted as the plants only need so much of each spectrum i dont know if that light is the be all end all i just thought it was worth a look, im trying to learn all i can cuz im tired of paying huge bills and stressing over every light that gets turned on and living in the dark most of the time and wearing a headlamp so i dont have to turn on lights! :loopy:
Jon buddy I been thinking, we all agree the best light be all end all is the sun right? So why is a company not making an artificial full spectrum sun? So I got to looking around and I came upon this site they claim full spectrum LED is the shizzle their propaganda makes sense to my brain have a look and let me know what you think ,I'm seeing a small very affordable light that might just out perform every other comparable light I'm seriously interested,

Preface my response with this is pure physics/biology, no exp. with full spectrum LED....

Photosynthesis only uses certain wavelengths of light, leading to PAR(Photosynthetically Active Radiation) measurements. That is why you see the smart, IMO, manufacturers give a PAR rating for the light. So theoretically you would only have to give a plant those certain spectrums. But of course that simple theory, maybe there are other wavelengths not for photosynthesis directly. Personally I would lean towards not needing full spectrum, but also more then 2 ranges.

Here is Wikipedia for PAR, Photosynthetically active radiation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, of course not going to be that simple in end, but for sake of short answer, that the basics of why, IMO, a complete full spectrum not needed. Just more spectrum then 2.
see i think you might be right, but i also know plants have been evolving and adapting far longer than humans have been here and doing "science" science does not explain everything,and there are many things plants do that science does not understand or even comprehend, like why have my plants turned to face me instead of the light after i moved them out of the tent for a couple hours! i had the liner out to clean and was sitting at the computer no light sources anywhere near me besides my monitors, just me and some music playing low, i turned around and they had tipped in my direction rather than the hps they were only 6 feet from bout 1o ft from me! kinda creeped me out and i cant come up with any plausible explanation, , my point being is despite our sizable knowledge on plants we dont know everything, so im always open to new ideas and concepts, i think back a few years to when i was first introduced to how to feminize seeds with colloidal silver and how totaly nuts that sounded but its a common tool i use regularly now, or how appalled i was at the though of washing my meds in a tub of hot then cold water!! i remember thinking "right ! thats a great way to ruin my crop!" now its mandatory, so maybe full spectrum lights will be the everyday thing i wont be without who knows!!:thumb: the videos i saw on another bud mag site showing a side by side vs a 1k hps looked impressive!
if anyone has the SNS grow book issue 4 then in the back of that it mentions full spectrum leds, an led company wrote into them and said they never said blue and red was the only spectrum needed but its the most important spectrums, it does not mention what other spectrums, it also goes on to mentiod ultra violet and infrared and something about if you look at the leds through welding masks then you will see some of the blue lights dimmed out and this is the leds emitting the uv and infra red,

again im only quoting from the SNS grow book, ive not used led's its why im following these journals as i will be switching to leds in the future at some point when i set up more rooms so was interested in the lights been tested from sara,
Jon buddy I been thinking, we all agree the best light be all end all is the sun right? So why is a company not making an artificial full spectrum sun? So I got to looking around and I came upon this site they claim full spectrum LED is the shizzle their propaganda makes sense to my brain have a look and let me know what you think ,I'm seeing a small very affordable light that might just out perform every other comparable light I'm seriously interested,

I think you should post this in the light forum and see what folks like Hosebomber have to say about it.
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