Jon705's First Attempt at Organic SuperSoil Featuring TopLED's New COB LED Panel

I am so glad i have waited on the lights. I am going to add led into my room but honestly I know there is still some kinks to be worked out but these A51's are looking prime. And with jon's word I can feel comfortable saying they are worth every penny more. Would love to see topled figure it out and keep the price the same. Maybe i will buy both the mars 5w and one of the a51's and compare myself. I know I need to start learning the tech soon or else I will not be a well rounded indoor gardener imo. this is the future so better get on the train.

And thank you Jon for your continued friendship and support on here, your the man!!!! +reps bru
Good job Jon telling it like it is your grows are awesome have some reps+:peace::high-five::thumb::bravo::circle-of-love:

Kind of regretting getting a COB light now after seeing your results. I will see how it works out but may have to eventually get some supplemental lights for different spectrums. Well this is just the beginning of my growing, hopefully, career.
Maybe once we figure out the right spectrums it could be as simple as TopLed sending you the replacement COB units for your panel, its not hard to switch them out:)

I am so glad i have waited on the lights. I am going to add led into my room but honestly I know there is still some kinks to be worked out but these A51's are looking prime. And with jon's word I can feel comfortable saying they are worth every penny more. Would love to see topled figure it out and keep the price the same. Maybe i will buy both the mars 5w and one of the a51's and compare myself. I know I need to start learning the tech soon or else I will not be a well rounded indoor gardener imo. this is the future so better get on the train.

And thank you Jon for your continued friendship and support on here, your the man!!!! +reps bru
Thanks brother:Namaste:Im speaking only about the COB panel bro, from what im seeing in other journals the Mars II and the reflector panels from TopLed seem to work great thats why I want to try one for myself, It would be great to save some coin when I upgrade to all led:)
its about 8'x4'. i hang filter so use every bit of space. i'll see when i get them and i'll just jam the tent full lol. never thought of asking for veg only light! good idea mate.
Maybe 5 then, man that would be a solid led panel covering the whole tent, very cool bro, yea veg only is the way to go if your running seperate veg and flower rooms, you could cover alot more space if all those flower spectrum chips were veg spectrum:)
Thanks brother:Namaste:Yea it was a rough start but I think im on the right track with my plan for next round, same size pots, smaller plants, more supersoil, its just a matter of figuring out how much soil it takes to finish them, then all I gotta do is give them water when they need it and watch the magic happen:)

Like anything new it's gunna take some tweaking.
But you're handling the lurning curve and documenting it all so well without hiding anything.
Wouldn't worse case scenario be you'd have to top dress mid way through flower for those amendments that have already been used up?
Like anything new it's gunna take some tweaking.
But you're handling the lurning curve and documenting it all so well without hiding anything.
Wouldn't worse case scenario be you'd have to top dress mid way through flower for those amendments that have already been used up?
Yep thats the plan bro, there was no point in topdressing this round, they ran out of food while still in veg lol..I going full perpetual next round, 3 zones of 4 plants 3 weeks apart, so they will be in the same 10 gallon pots with twice as much ss and the plants will be smaller, I think its going to work out just fine.The mix seems to be great judging by the Timewrecks, just gotta figure out the ratios now:)
now it goes on to say that led lights are like intense lasers, very focussed so theirs no scatter and because led manufactorers make their panels small with the led's close together your canopy will be small but the penetration deep.

it was saying the leds are way to intense so cant be kept as close to the plants as hid lights, then in big letters its says after all the number 1 problem is to much light. (this might be why jon and bid was not getting the fast growth rate due to the light been to intense, so i think jon is right about having the led 4 or 5 ft above the plants as if the lights to intense then the plants suffer and growth is slow)

I may be a total noob to growing, but I know me physics, and them problems could be fixed with some lenses. Concaves on the top to diffuse the light within the lens and a convex on the bottom to focus it in the right direction again. You'd maintain the overall output of the LEDs but spread it around better and no one place would get overdosed with one spectrum. The more concave areas on the top the better it would be, preferably one per LED.
I may be a total noob to growing, but I know me physics, and them problems could be fixed with some lenses. Concaves on the top to diffuse the light within the lens and a convex on the bottom to focus it in the right direction again. You'd maintain the overall output of the LEDs but spread it around better and no one place would get overdosed with one spectrum. The more concave areas on the top the better it would be, preferably one per LED.
As far as I know you can't use lenses with a COB light bro, the diodes are placed much to close together and the chips are mounted directly to a circuit board. I dont think its an overdose of one spectrum or the other, the reflector seems to spread it out pretty evenly but more a lack of spectrums, if red and blue were all that was needed to grow dank then most led panels would only have red and blue spectrums.
As far as I know you can't use lenses with a COB light bro, the diodes are placed much to close together and the chips are mounted directly to a circuit board. I dont think its an overdose of one spectrum or the other, the reflector seems to spread it out pretty evenly but more a lack of spectrums, if red and blue were all that was needed to grow dank then most led panels would only have red and blue spectrums.

You could, you'd just have to get the design right. A well designed lens can move light in any way you like from any sized source. Just ask the NSA. But I was only addressing the specific concerns raised by donpaul.p, and no amount of lenses will fix a problem caused by missing a specific spectrum, but it is definitely the best way to redirect light and mix point sources uniformly. Unfortunately it's something manufacturers would have to look at during design and construction as getting a single lens made like this would kill most ppls bank balances.
Thanks Mcloadie, just taking it easy today bro:)

Right on jon, I'm so glad to see that "hydro stress" outta your life for now..........the soil offers a nice time buffer, and you are getting great results. That's awesome for you to use up the bee pee enn nutes, in so many ways...the shit won't end up in the water table or at some waste disposal facility..........btw, I have a large slab that I can make supersoil on now, but I think I'll wait til the last minute to have it ready for next spring and see what advancements you make with it and what your final mix ends up like. I'd like to start with a ton, and pawn it off on the suckers in the well as use it myself...LOL......I F'n hate grow stores..........when I see what they do....just selling random shit to anyone they can talk out of their money. They are going out of business here, I talked with my friendly grow store owner only to find out that they called their competitor and complained that they were selling too cheap....LOL......crybaby.....the grow store owner told me that I can get supplies cheaper than they can off the net.,,another stupid statement.....just go on the net like I do...duh. The grow store owner said they are still making a profit, which may be true at those prices, combined with the fact that they don't pay rent for the space they occupy....LOL....they also told me that they are there for the person that has an emergency in their get supplies when you used to have an issue and you used to have to run around to get it straightened out before your hydro rigs failed....LOL......the damn store is only open from like 11-4 tues-sat, and the other day I went there and it was closed when it shoulda been open...WTF? So, I guess a hydro grower will have to plan when they are going to have issues........during the times when the store is SUPPOSED to be open. When I get these kind of things coming from a professional....every thing they say or do is now SUSPECT........LOL....I can be an a hole I suppose.,.but not in my genetics!
I F'n hate grow stores..........when I see what they do....just selling random shit to anyone they can talk out of their money.

I agree. My local urban garden center is totally on my shit list (with the exception of a couple of the employees)

Listen up vendors

A "good" local store would be one with ethical well informed employee's/owners that sell "good" products. The use of such a place would be for convenience, information, exposure to other products and grow styles, learning and finally you should be able to rely on what you get knowing it is "for you" and that you have eliminated the "risk" factor going it alone and paid a LITTLE more...

Hell if I had a store like that around I would pay a LOT more!


How long do you "dry" bubble? I say "dry" but just touching it melts it :cheesygrinsmiley:
Shame about the COB; really wanted to see it do well. Hope their other models don't suck as well. :lot-o-toke:

I haven't had a chance to grow with mine yet. I just turn it on twice a day to make sure it still looks awesome.
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