Jon705's First Attempt at Organic SuperSoil Featuring TopLED's New COB LED Panel

Yep, a dome with a heating mat with a thermostat, I keep the dome at 78 degrees steady and spray the clones every couple of days with ro water, make sure to open the dome at least once a day to exchange the stale air in there:)

Thanks for the 411 bro. Looks like it must be the moms, everything is the same except the heat mat, my Veg room is around 78.
I let them grow to around 12-14 inches unmolested then I pick the 5 or 6 nicest branches and top right above the top one then remove anything inbetween or below them. Then I let those 5-6 branches grow a few inches and top them all. this gives me anywhere from 10-12 main growing tips. Then I leave them alone for a few weeks and let them do they're thing, once they've turned into fat bushes and penetration is starting to be and issue I spread each growing tip out with string tied to holes I drilled in the pots, so its a combination of topping and lst training:)

Jon, I fear this is a newbie question but… when you say you pick the 5 or 6 nicest branches, does this also include the main branch? Or are you leaving the main one alone, and going for the 5 or 6 nicest branches other than that one?
Do you have an opinion on your cob light just for veg?

I bought the same light you have. But I bought mine just to use in the veg tent. Would you use it just for that? Or do you feel that it's not very effective at anything?
Do you have an opinion on your cob light just for veg?

I bought the same light you have. But I bought mine just to use in the veg tent. Would you use it just for that? Or do you feel that it's not very effective at anything?
well...theres a couple of updates several pages back showing a side by side comparison of plants vegging under 1000w hps and my big panels, compared to the COB plants the others were twice the size, like I said I wont use this light anymore for veg or flower, its clearly missing some spectrums. This is why I said "wait and see what happens first" the plants were healthy just nowhere near as vigorous as the others, im pretty sure this from missing spectrums, red and blue alone isnt enough imho.
Too Bad for the Top LED's. I'm glad I waited. The other guy said he got a low yield with his Top Led and you obviously are not happy with the results so far.

I think before we lay a blanket over TopLED, a clarification is in order. First Jon was using the COB light and it didn't meet his expectations. From what I've seen in his posts and pics, I agree. It's hard to argue with empirical evidence. Secondly, BID was the one with "low yields", but he also described it as a maiden grow and there were other variables he said he needed to tweak that would ultimately improve yield weights. While his yield-weight was lower than his usual big haul, the quality was off the charts, and from his pictures, I'd have to agree with him too. The only thing there is that he used a 80x5w Mars II panel.
I think before we lay a blanket over TopLED, a clarification is in order. First Jon was using the COB light and it didn't meet his expectations. From what I've seen in his posts and pics, I agree. It's hard to argue with empirical evidence. Secondly, BID was the one with "low yields", but he also described it as a maiden grow and there were other variables he said he needed to tweak that would ultimately improve yield weights. While his yield-weight was lower than his usual big haul, the quality was off the charts, and from his pictures, I'd have to agree with him too. The only thing there is that he used a 80x5w Mars II panel.
I couldn't agree more...I'm having fantastic growth from my Mars II (240x5w), I couldn't be happier I went with a proven light, it finished my last round of plants just awesome. BID will get better results this round with his mars II for sure.

I'd love to see a side by side with the mars II/area 51/hps...I hope this is something TopLed will do with you John.
Jon, I fear this is a newbie question but… when you say you pick the 5 or 6 nicest branches, does this also include the main branch? Or are you leaving the main one alone, and going for the 5 or 6 nicest branches other than that one?

the main one is the stalk I ment side branches bro, the plants always have some side branches that are thicker and faster growing than others, its like the plant decides which branches will be keepers lol...I pick 5 or 6 of the fattest side branches and top the main stalk above them then remove any of the smaller stuff inbetween the branches I chose and below them

depending on the strain you might have to either supercrop or lst the top 2 branches down to level out the canopy, let them grow a few inches and then top all5 or 6 main growing tips then just let them be for a few weeks depending on how big you want them to get and eventually they will look something like this,

once I got them in the big room I spread them out, this brings all the main growing tips in line with the secondaries giving them all equal light,then just let them grow to the height you want to start flowering at.

hope this helps:)
I couldn't agree more...I'm having fantastic growth from my Mars II (240x5w), I couldn't be happier I went with a proven light, it finished my last round of plants just awesome. BID will get better results this round with his mars II for sure.

I'd love to see a side by side with the mars II/area 51/hps...I hope this is something TopLed will do with you John.

I agree, I think I would get great results with the Mars II, the COB just doesnt have enough spectrums. This was TopLed's test light that I recieved, they gave it to me to find out how it works, it clearly needs some work but the more traditional panels seem to work just fine going by Buck anf BIDs threads, that was BIDS first attempt at growing with led's, I had shitty results my first couple of rounds to with my big panels, it takes time to figure out the differences of growing with led, im sure BIDS yields will get better and better as he figures things out:)
I think before we lay a blanket over TopLED, a clarification is in order. First Jon was using the COB light and it didn't meet his expectations. From what I've seen in his posts and pics, I agree. It's hard to argue with empirical evidence. Secondly, BID was the one with "low yields", but he also described it as a maiden grow and there were other variables he said he needed to tweak that would ultimately improve yield weights. While his yield-weight was lower than his usual big haul, the quality was off the charts, and from his pictures, I'd have to agree with him too. The only thing there is that he used a 80x5w Mars II panel.

3 zips off a 200w light isn't exactly horrible either. It's not breaking any records but I don't consider that a failure either. If I get within .5-1gpw my first time with mine I'll be happy.
Thanks for the kick in the ass jon.
Didn't see the link in your sig when I was looking the other day.
subbed up bro, and heading back to page 1 to get caught up.
3 zips off a 200w light isn't exactly horrible either. It's not breaking any records but I don't consider that a failure either. If I get within .5-1gpw my first time with mine I'll be happy.

I agree. I mean, the fact of it is, I'm growing for a few reasons. I have a grandson with epilepsy and a wife with some rather serious mental disorders stemming from PTSD. I have chronic pain from a partial amputation resulting from an accident many years ago, but despite all this, I'm growing because I like it. Not for profit, to sell, or anything else. I'd like to not have to buy it any more and I'd like more say in what I use (strain, quality etc,). If I get shitty yields, but some flowers even remotely as frosty as those BID has posted, I'd be tickled shitless.
I agree, I think I would get great results with the Mars II, the COB just doesnt have enough spectrums. This was TopLed's test light that I recieved, they gave it to me to find out how it works, it clearly needs some work but the more traditional panels seem to work just fine going by Buck anf BIDs threads, that was BIDS first attempt at growing with led's, I had shitty results my first couple of rounds to with my big panels, it takes time to figure out the differences of growing with led, im sure BIDS yields will get better and better as he figures things out:)
Thank you Jon your girls are looking amazing!:thumb: my just attempt I consider a success considering a few key points they we're flowered in 1 gal pots, the 3 oz I got are all bud no popcorn at all no stems and very close trim,the bud is the most potent I've ever grown confirmed by 4 ppl now, I was growing in high brix soil, not a good idea in pots smaller than 5 gallon, I did a very short veg of 2 weeks from seed on all but 2, no topping,defol,lst or any yield increasing tech, and I think I had the height of the light wrong for most of the grow, so to say I got low yield as a blanket statement is a grievous error!, when it's easily double the potency and the flavor & aromas are also far better ,oh and all but 2 we're new untested new Crosses, I consider it a successful grow to get 3 zips of the best meds I've ever seen,and I learned alot to boot, I mean hell a bowl of this blue dream lasts spiffy all day,the last stuff it took her 3-4 bowls to get the same distance, !! So I would RATHER have 3oz of this than 6oz of the old stuff I'm not selling it so weight is just a number, quality is and has always been my priority, I think my light is kick ass! If yield is all you care about get plant some critical mass or big bud outdoors and get a few pounds! But I'm going for the low cost high quality top shelf meds everytime! Lol sorry Jon just needed to clear the air a little:high-five:
3 zips off a 200w light isn't exactly horrible either. It's not breaking any records but I don't consider that a failure either. If I get within .5-1gpw my first time with mine I'll be happy.
thank you LED acolyte, I'm very happy with what I got it's some serious butt kicker meds,yields will improve:thumb:

I agree. I mean, the fact of it is, I'm growing for a few reasons. I have a grandson with epilepsy and a wife with some rather serious mental disorders stemming from PTSD. I have chronic pain from a partial amputation resulting from an accident many years ago, but despite all this, I'm growing because I like it. Not for profit, to sell, or anything else. I'd like to not have to buy it any more and I'd like more say in what I use (strain, quality etc,). If I get shitty yields, but some flowers even remotely as frosty as those BID has posted, I'd be tickled shitless.

Thanks Mr g-chz I am very tickled about these meds I got an amazing jump in potency on the 2 strains I am familiar with just by changing a light! Hellz ya! There will be more pics of the LED buds coming up ,only 1 strain has been covered so far
Ppl jons light is untested till he got it he is the beta tester here ! Knowing fully well his results might be substandard, providing a valuable service to the manufacturer and all of us, so thank you Jon for risking plants and time & $$ to give us the data,you rock brother:Namaste:
well...theres a couple of updates several pages back showing a side by side comparison of plants vegging under 1000w hps and my big panels, compared to the COB plants the others were twice the size, like I said I wont use this light anymore for veg or flower, its clearly missing some spectrums. This is why I said "wait and see what happens first" the plants were healthy just nowhere near as vigorous as the others, im pretty sure this from missing spectrums, red and blue alone isnt enough imho.

I must have missed or not quite got what you said earlier. What I was trying to figure out is if it was after the flip that the huge difference in growth took place. Thanks for clarifying.
Ok that only took me 4 hours to catch up.
Read every word from start to finish.
I feel like I just finished reading a novel, so many ups and downs.
But mostly ups!:cheesygrinsmiley:
Everything is looking totally stellar bro.
Keep up the good work homie.
Sorry Techman, I just edited my answer, Moms wont lose any vigor or anything like that as long as they're healthy, Cultivator had a A.M.S mom for years and never had any problems with the clones but if you dont need moms that big why not flower them and start new ones?

on mothers, u can keep one going years and years. it just depends how u care for her that matters. was heart broken when i lost my main A.M.S mother, she was part of the family! yielded me thousands of cuts. Wasnt even that big, around 3'x3'x3'.
Thank you Jon your girls are looking amazing!:thumb: my just attempt I consider a success considering a few key points they we're flowered in 1 gal pots, the 3 oz I got are all bud no popcorn at all no stems and very close trim,the bud is the most potent I've ever grown confirmed by 4 ppl now, I was growing in high brix soil, not a good idea in pots smaller than 5 gallon, I did a very short veg of 2 weeks from seed on all but 2, no topping,defol,lst or any yield increasing tech, and I think I had the height of the light wrong for most of the grow, so to say I got low yield as a blanket statement is a grievous error!, when it's easily double the potency and the flavor & aromas are also far better ,oh and all but 2 we're new untested new Crosses, I consider it a successful grow to get 3 zips of the best meds I've ever seen,and I learned alot to boot, I mean hell a bowl of this blue dream lasts spiffy all day,the last stuff it took her 3-4 bowls to get the same distance, !! So I would RATHER have 3oz of this than 6oz of the old stuff I'm not selling it so weight is just a number, quality is and has always been my priority, I think my light is kick ass! If yield is all you care about get plant some critical mass or big bud outdoors and get a few pounds! But I'm going for the low cost high quality top shelf meds everytime! Lol sorry Jon just needed to clear the air a little:high-five:
thank you LED acolyte, I'm very happy with what I got it's some serious butt kicker meds,yields will improve:thumb:

Thanks Mr g-chz I am very tickled about these meds I got an amazing jump in potency on the 2 strains I am familiar with just by changing a light! Hellz ya! There will be more pics of the LED buds coming up ,only 1 strain has been covered so far
Ppl jons light is untested till he got it he is the beta tester here ! Knowing fully well his results might be substandard, providing a valuable service to the manufacturer and all of us, so thank you Jon for risking plants and time & $$ to give us the data,you rock brother:Namaste:
Thanks for the kind words BID:Namaste: I dont mind doing this sort of thing at all really, I get to try out new tecnology and see for myself how it works before I commit to buy, I really hope Sara decides to swap for the bigger 5w Mars II, I could do a much more acurate test in the big room side by side, getting that plant out of the res room to do the side by side comparisons is a pain in the ass and getting worse the more it stretches lol..the doorway is only 18 inches wide, that room was originally for my res to keep it seperate in a dark cool space but close enough to the system, if the test light was in the big room it would make things alot easier:)
Ok that only took me 4 hours to catch up.
Read every word from start to finish.
I feel like I just finished reading a novel, so many ups and downs.
But mostly ups!:cheesygrinsmiley:
Everything is looking totally stellar bro.
Keep up the good work homie.

Thanks brother:Namaste:Yea it was a rough start but I think im on the right track with my plan for next round, same size pots, smaller plants, more supersoil, its just a matter of figuring out how much soil it takes to finish them, then all I gotta do is give them water when they need it and watch the magic happen:)
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