Jon705's First Attempt at Organic SuperSoil Featuring TopLED's New COB LED Panel

Excellent documentation jon! Thank you for the photos of the "hash tips"....very interesting and informative, if we could find a way to induce this sooner in the process! I hope sara gets the research she needs for the have done a stellar job!
Thanks bro, I havent found enough info on "hash tips" to know what causes it, as far as I know it only happens with led's, it sure would be nice to figure out what causes it and enhance the spectrums, could you imagine whole nugs like that!! for every joint you roled you would have a bong or vape full of kief for dessert lol
Well Jon, I'm not sure what your desires are, but I would personally love to see you try out one of the Mars II panels too. Maybe a 900 or 1200 as they would be a decent replacement (wattage-wise) for one of your other big panels. I didn't mess with spectrum design on my 700 and got the default setup. But the 5w diodes and larger coverage area might be better.
When Sara chose me to do this test I was really hoping for a 5w panel big enough to replace one of my Area 51 panels so I could do a side by side by side in the same room, TopLed vs Area 51 vs 1000w hps, this would of made more sense with my setup over the small 200w COB, hopefully I can send this one back and work out a deal for a big 5w panel to test out and journal:)
When Sara chose me to do this test I was really hoping for a 5w panel big enough to replace one of my Area 51 panels so I could do a side by side by side in the same room, TopLed vs Area 51 vs 1000w hps, this would of made more sense with my setup over the small 200w COB, hopefully I can send this one back and work out a deal for a big 5w panel to test out and journal:)

Indeed. THAT would be a legit test/comparison...and one I would grab a front row seat for.
Heres my proposition Sara, I will send this COB back to you at my expense, send me a 240 x 5w Mars II to test out, I will take one of my Area 51 panels down and put the Mars II in its place and do a proper comparison, 1000w hps vs 600w Area 51 3w panel vs your 240 x 5w Mars II panel, you have already sold some lights from the publicity you are getting here at :420: why not showcase your best light against one of your competitors and a 1000w hps, the light the Mars II is suposed to replace? If I like the results I get from the Mars II I will commit to buy 3 more of them and change my whole flower room over to Led, you have my word on this and then eventually the veg room too, what do you think?
Speaking of pretty pictures heres the DAY 10 from the flip flower room update.

CO2 1500 PPM'S
RH 40-45%

I've started feeding them Corey's nutes, I still have alot of it left so instead of buying new "organic" nutes I decided to use the rest of this up first. There just isnt enough Supersoil in the pots this round to finish plants this size. Next round I will transplant from the 2.5 gallon pots right into the 10's with straight supersoil with no buffer, Im hoping that 7.5 gallons of SS is enough, other than that these are some of the healtiest plants ive ever grown, even the 8 Ball Kush is coming around nicely and is praying to the lights:)

Its definetly taking longer for them to get going in soil, im thinking they're going to need 2 extra weeks to finish compared to hydro at this point but maybe they will suprise me.
heres the Timewreck under the COB, I forgot to add these pics to the other update.

4 of these Timewreck clones will be the first 4 plants in my perpetual grow, they all rooted in 7 days and after 11 days the roots are just crazy!

12 fingered Timewreck leaf!! never seen one of these before:)

hope you enjoy the pics:peace:
Speaking of pretty pictures heres the DAY 10 from the flip flower room update.

CO2 1500 PPM'S
RH 40-45%

I've started feeding them Corey's nutes, I still have alot of it left so instead of buying new "organic" nutes I decided to use the rest of this up first. There just isnt enough Supersoil in the pots this round to finish plants this size. Next round I will transplant from the 2.5 gallon pots right into the 10's with straight supersoil with no buffer, Im hoping that 7.5 gallons of SS is enough, other than that these are some of the healtiest plants ive ever grown, even the 8 Ball Kush is coming around nicely and is praying to the lights:)

Its definetly taking longer for them to get going in soil, im thinking they're going to need 2 extra weeks to finish compared to hydro at this point but maybe they will suprise me.
heres the Timewreck under the COB, I forgot to add these pics to the other update.

4 of these Timewreck clones will be the first 4 plants in my perpetual grow, they all rooted in 7 days and after 11 days the roots are just crazy!

12 fingered Timewreck leaf!! never seen one of these before:)

hope you enjoy the pics:peace:
Too Bad for the Top LED's. I'm glad I waited. The other guy said he got a low yield with his Top Led and you obviously are not happy with the results so far. I'm going to stick with my supplier as I know their lamp work very good. I am in the process of procuring one of their 240x5w reflector style panels now. I may eventually try out one of the Area 51's as they seem to do really great for you.

p.s What are you using to get the clones to roots like that, Mine quit growing in the cubes so I went back to root powder straight in the soil where I've always had good success.


I love the shape of your plants... do you top them? if so how many times?
I use rapid rooters and clonex bro, the clonex is expensive buts its the best that ive tried by far:)

Yea, that's what I was doing. Do you use a Dome over them and what is the temp in the clone area?

I think my 3yr old mom's are spent. I blasted thru a shitload of cuttings lately. I took a couple from some younger plants and they seem to catch right on. I'm thinking of getting rid of the moms as they are about 5' tall and taking up a lot of valuable space.

Does anyone know if the Mom's "lose it" after so long?

I love the shape of your plants... do you top them? if so how many times?
I let them grow to around 12-14 inches unmolested then I pick the 5 or 6 nicest branches and top right above the top one then remove anything inbetween or below them. Then I let those 5-6 branches grow a few inches and top them all. this gives me anywhere from 10-12 main growing tips. Then I leave them alone for a few weeks and let them do they're thing, once they've turned into fat bushes and penetration is starting to be and issue I spread each growing tip out with string tied to holes I drilled in the pots, so its a combination of topping and lst training:)
Yea, that's what I was doing. Do you use a Dome over them and what is the temp in the clone area?

I think my 3yr old mom's are spent. I blasted thru a shitload of cuttings lately. I took a couple from some younger plants and they seem to catch right on. I'm thinking of getting rid of the moms as they are about 5' tall and taking up a lot of valuable space.

Does anyone know if the Mom's "lose it" after so long?
Yep, a dome with a heating mat with a thermostat, I keep the dome at 78 degrees steady and spray the clones every couple of days with ro water, make sure to open the dome at least once a day to exchange the stale air in there:)

PS: moms dont lose anything as long as they're healthy bro, but why not flower them and start some new smaller moms?
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