Jon705's First Attempt at Organic SuperSoil Featuring TopLED's New COB LED Panel

So im looking to start couple new strains jon. Needs to yield and have quality, any suggestions?

Lost my fight mate. only my 2nd loss. got caught in a guilotine. had a massive haemotoma on my left ear and i went for double leg, and wen i drove my head in i felt like id been shot in head so went to break away and thats when he caught me! i was picking him apart on the feet as well, so didnt even need to shoot. gutted :(

sorry to hear that C, it happens to even the best. MMA has so many ways to win or loose no one stays undefeated and the best bounce back after a defeat better than ever! :)
So im looking to start couple new strains jon. Needs to yield and have quality, any suggestions?

Lost my fight mate. only my 2nd loss. got caught in a guilotine. had a massive haemotoma on my left ear and i went for double leg, and wen i drove my head in i felt like id been shot in head so went to break away and thats when he caught me! i was picking him apart on the feet as well, so didnt even need to shoot. gutted :(
You might have lost but it sounds like you didn't get dusted

sorry to hear that C, it happens to even the best. MMA has so many ways to win or loose no one stays undefeated and the best bounce back after a defeat better than ever! :)
2X what Ronnie said.:peace:
So im looking to start couple new strains jon. Needs to yield and have quality, any suggestions?

Lost my fight mate. only my 2nd loss. got caught in a guilotine. had a massive haemotoma on my left ear and i went for double leg, and wen i drove my head in i felt like id been shot in head so went to break away and thats when he caught me! i was picking him apart on the feet as well, so didnt even need to shoot. gutted :(

Minor on the loss C. Your a winner in my book bro, keep up the stellar work.
Strains? theres too many. its always such a hard choice but jon will probably have some good picks.
Hi Jon, question for you. The pic is one of my Master Kush top cola's. I was told you had this happen to one of your grows in the past. Is it good, bad, or doesn't really matter?..Hash tips. The LED's are about 18 inches from the plants, so its not bleaching, I don't think. Is it just a strain genetic thing?


Thanks for the help.;)
So im looking to start couple new strains jon. Needs to yield and have quality, any suggestions?

Lost my fight mate. only my 2nd loss. got caught in a guilotine. had a massive haemotoma on my left ear and i went for double leg, and wen i drove my head in i felt like id been shot in head so went to break away and thats when he caught me! i was picking him apart on the feet as well, so didnt even need to shoot. gutted :(
Ahh sorry to hear about the fight bro, no big deal though that shit can happen to anybody in MMA. As for strains I havent finished this timewreck yet but judging by the structure of all 3 of these phenos I have I would say its gearing up for something big right now, Subcool said this strain doesnt need support indoors and so far I agree with him, this is one stiff thick branched strain, and if its Subcools favorite hash and his wifes favorite flowers then im pretty confident its going to be some serioulsy potent shit, This Barneys Farms 8 Ball Kush is one of my favs right now to, I got 3 free fem seeds and got 3 completely different phenos, the one I kept was the heavy yielder, 14.5 oz from 1 plant under my big led's and its some tasty lemony spicy dank bro, very good weed imo but keep in mind its the biggest nute pig ive ever grown, full strength nutes 10 feedings in a row last round in soil, if I just watered it once the entire plant would be starting to fade the next morning, CH9 Jack is also some seriously potent weed that can finish as early as 7 weeks in hydro, this might be the most potent strain I have right now and its a good yielder, last round the plant was a bit smaller than the 8bk and it yielded 12 oz, this strain also has the best bag appeal by far of all the strains I have, it has alot of reds and purples in it and its a really easy strain to grow and not as much of a nute pig as the 8bk, so imo the 8bk taste better than the Jack but the Jack is just as potent if not more, its easier to grow and its some of the prettiest weed ive ever seen and its nowhere near as finicky, I would say Jack is the better comercial strain because #1 I havent had 1 problem growing it #2 its a fast finisher #3 bag appeal is off the charts #4 huge dense super frosty nugs, you should give it a try sometime bro, if I had to chose one to keep right now it would be the Jack hands down...but I havent finished a timewreck yet and I have a really good feeling about it too:)
Ahh sorry to hear about the fight bro, no big deal though that shit can happen to anybody in MMA. As for strains I havent finished this timewreck yet but judging by the structure of all 3 of these phenos I have I would say its gearing up for something big right now, Subcool said this strain doesnt need support indoors and so far I agree with him, this is one stiff thick branched strain, and if its Subcools favorite hash and his wifes favorite flowers then im pretty confident its going to be some serioulsy potent shit, This Barneys Farms 8 Ball Kush is one of my favs right now to, I got 3 free fem seeds and got 3 completely different phenos, the one I kept was the heavy yielder, 14.5 oz from 1 plant under my big led's and its some tasty lemony spicy dank bro, very good weed imo but keep in mind its the biggest nute pig ive ever grown, full strength nutes 10 feedings in a row last round in soil, if I just watered it once the entire plant would be starting to fade the next morning, CH9 Jack is also some seriously potent weed that can finish as early as 7 weeks in hydro, this might be the most potent strain I have right now and its a good yielder, last round the plant was a bit smaller than the 8bk and it yielded 12 oz, this strain also has the best bag appeal by far of all the strains I have, it has alot of reds and purples in it and its a really easy strain to grow and not as much of a nute pig as the 8bk, so imo the 8bk taste better than the Jack but the Jack is just as potent if not more, its easier to grow and its some of the prettiest weed ive ever seen and its nowhere near as finicky, I would say Jack is the better comercial strain because #1 I havent had 1 problem growing it #2 its a fast finisher #3 bag appeal is off the charts #4 huge dense super frosty nugs, you should give it a try sometime bro, if I had to chose one to keep right now it would be the Jack hands down...but I havent finished a timewreck yet and I have a really good feeling about it too:)

I am now going to get some new gear thanks. My wife is gonna love you jon better I not say who gave me the good strain ideas!!! haha
Hi Jon, question for you. The pic is one of my Master Kush top cola's. I was told you had this happen to one of your grows in the past. Is it good, bad, or doesn't really matter?..Hash tips. The LED's are about 18 inches from the plants, so its not bleaching, I don't think. Is it just a strain genetic thing?


Thanks for the help.;)
Hash tips, its just something that happens with some strains under led's bro theres nothing bad about it at all, once the nugs are dried and cured it pretty much looks like any other nug with more frost on the tip:)
Hi Jon, question for you. The pic is one of my Master Kush top cola's. I was told you had this happen to one of your grows in the past. Is it good, bad, or doesn't really matter?..Hash tips. The LED's are about 18 inches from the plants, so its not bleaching, I don't think. Is it just a strain genetic thing?


Thanks for the help.;)

I grow strains that will do this at the end of flower...IDK, but I have been told that this is a trait of equatorial sativas.........and when they "helicopter".....what I call have 2-3 weeks to go!
I am now going to get some new gear thanks. My wife is gonna love you jon better I not say who gave me the good strain ideas!!! haha
stay away from the 8bk in ss bro, I think you would have to up your pot size to finish it but the Jack would do just fine in 7's I think, if your looking for a new comercial strain Jack's the way to go bro, 8bk took 11 weeks to finish, the Jack was done at week 9 in soil with 30 - 40% amber at 7 weeks it was all milky trychs and could of been harvested then:)
I grow strains that will do this at the end of flower...IDK, but I have been told that this is a trait of equatorial sativas.........and when they "helicopter".....what I call have 2-3 weeks to go!
I think he was talking about the white hash tip bro, ive seen alot of plants on here with leaves like that on the nugs but i ve never had it so Im not sure what causes it.
Hey Jon

I am still waiting for my washer machine. I was sent an e-mail from the vendor that Fedass opened my package... wtf. Oh well it is still on its way and my question is. You use fresh product, right? I mean not dried.

FYI folks if you are shipping Fedass read what I was sent by my shipper

"We've just received a official notice from FedEx regarding your shipment. We've sincerely sorry to let you know that FedEx may have random inspections on your package, so package might be opened and re-packed by them. If your package is received with unsatisfied looks or condition. We're sincerely sorry about the inconvenience and delay has caused to you. "
Hash tips, its just something that happens with some strains under led's bro theres nothing bad about it at all, once the nugs are dried and cured it pretty much looks like any other nug with more frost on the tip:)

I grow strains that will do this at the end of flower...IDK, but I have been told that this is a trait of equatorial sativas.........and when they "helicopter".....what I call have 2-3 weeks to go!

I was talking about the white hash tip, but thanks MC, good to know.;)

I think he was talking about the white hash tip bro, ive seen alot of plants on here with leaves like that on the nugs but i ve never had it so Im not sure what causes it.

Thanks for the answers guys. Your grow is looking great Jon. Keep up the good work. :thumb:
ok mate, thanks, i'll give the jack a blast. i'll just try a dozen and see how they turn out. i have 3 mothers now an A.M.S which ive just started as i lost my original during raids earlier in year, a trainwreck and an alaskan ice. all are good but want 1 more, so people have variety on weed and wen they come for cuttings.
Top Led COB update, day 10 from the flip

Ok so all the plants that were under the COB turned out to be males so I took one of the 3 fems from the flower room and put it under the COB, all 3 plants were pretty much identical in size and structure, The COB has been 14 inches from the top of the plant for 7 of the 10 days from the flip, it was 24 inches for the first 3 days.
Theres definetly something missing from this light, 10 days is not a long time to see such obvious differences between the COB plant and the other 2, one is directly under a 1000w hps and the other is right in the middle of my big panels which are 31 inches from the tops of the plants, by the time they stop stretching they should be around 24-26 inches from the canopy. I really dont know enough about different light spectrums and what each one does for the plants but I think its safe to say that red and blue alone is not enough spectrums.
The plant on the left is the COB plant and the one on the right is from under my big Area 51 panels.

The one on the right is almost twice the size of the COB plant already.
THe 3rd plant is from the hps side of the room, its in a bit taller pot than the others so its still pretty much identical to the Area 51 plant.

Even the stalks on the other 2 are thicker than the COB plant.

the other 2

Im not really sure what else to say at this point, clearly theres issues with this light, I have an agreement with TopLed to document a grow with this light so im going to finish it but I wont be using it after this journal is complete, Sorry Sara I wish I had better news for you.

PS: All 3 plants are in roughly the same size pots in supersoil, they have all gotten one dose of soil activator tea and plain ro water ever since, the room the COB is in is inside the flower room, the door is open and theres a fan blowing co2 enriched air into the room,room conditions are identical for all 3 plants.
Well Jon, I'm not sure what your desires are, but I would personally love to see you try out one of the Mars II panels too. Maybe a 900 or 1200 as they would be a decent replacement (wattage-wise) for one of your other big panels. I didn't mess with spectrum design on my 700 and got the default setup. But the 5w diodes and larger coverage area might be better.
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