Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

So I got a little free time this morning and got some shit done.
CF seedling is doing better,but is still showing sign's of some burn.I believe she"ll get over it.I placed her half way under t5 and one of those screw in led's and I don't think she liked it.

All clones were repotted in coco/ffof/af/perlite mix.As you can see I burned them pretty good,but they will recover.They 2 with perlite were repotted 2 day's ago and are doing much better.

Clones that are rooting.
These were cut at same time,as you can see one rooted way faster then all the rest.

And now for the lady's.

And my momma b.v.k.. Critical Mass mom donated after taking clone's.

I believe I have to many plant's to flower for a scrog so for now I am just going to fill 4x8 with the 14 in last pic's.I wish I had room to flower momma b.v.k..I'll try and work something out.They will be give a dark period and then switched to flower.12/12 will start 7pm 11/4.Thank you Jimmy6K
Great update, Nice flicks...
Wow! So far youve got the nicest most organized set up ive seen! I love the attention to detail by the way! You make it look so easy jimmy! Im in for the rest if ya dont mind :):adore::bravo:
Thank's Dirty,Welcome aboard,I'm glad to have ya.I see you are using organic's.I have recently switched from GH line to Age Old Organic's line.They also have a hydro line that is New so my store does not carry it yet,but they did get sample's and the hole line is clear.I don't know if that's good or bad.I'll do a update with pic's of what and how I feed all the girl's.I should have done it long ago.Your kind word's have me fire'd up.Light's on at 7.I think I may have killed all the clone's in clone bucket.Last night when I potted the 1 CM,I for got to turn pump back on.:oops:So they went 12 hour's with no water.They looked like hell this morning.I have not gone in yet to find out.W'ell see soon.
Thank's Dirty,Welcome aboard,I'm glad to have ya.I see you are using organic's.I have recently switched from GH line to Age Old Organic's line.They also have a hydro line that is New so my store does not carry it yet,but they did get sample's and the hole line is clear.I don't know if that's good or bad.I'll do a update with pic's of what and how I feed all the girl's.I should have done it long ago.Your kind word's have me fire'd up.Light's on at 7.I think I may have killed all the clone's in clone bucket.Last night when I potted the 1 CM,I for got to turn pump back on.:oops:So they went 12 hour's with no water.They looked like hell this morning.I have not gone in yet to find out.W'ell see soon.
Oh man, what a bad break! Sorry to here that.
I have a quick ?.I have noticed here lately after I water,plant's droop.Never had this problem before.I can only think of one thing.My water jug's sit in my grow room with good temp's,but it's in my basement and has concrete floor's.It's getting chilly here and the floor is alway's cooler then air temp.Could the floor be making my water a little too cold for them,or does this make no sense at all.Thank you J6k
I don't know much here but I have read and heard the water should be tepid. When my ladies were cold I gave than a warm flush. I think they liked it a lot.
I have a quick ?.I have noticed here lately after I water,plant's droop.Never had this problem before.I can only think of one thing.My water jug's sit in my grow room with good temp's,but it's in my basement and has concrete floor's.It's getting chilly here and the floor is alway's cooler then air temp.Could the floor be making my water a little too cold for them,or does this make no sense at all.Thank you J6k

From what ive gathered, if your plants canopy is on the warmer side its ok, even advised, to give them colder than normal water.
Hope that helps :)
Sup Craw.I have not heard of any mold on hash/kief.I think with this method it does not really get wet.The first time I did a batch, I let it sit out in dark space and flip/stir it every now and then for about 2 day's and then pressed,then in air tight container and it was fine.This time I pressed right after I was done processing.So I'll let ya know how they are after sitting out awhile.I don't think it will make a difference.Would you mind if I PM'd you sometime.I have a few ? about led's and from what I gather from your journal you have done alot of research I and would love your input on what I want to do.
Sup Craw.I have not heard of any mold on hash/kief.I think with this method it does not really get wet.The first time I did a batch, I let it sit out in dark space and flip/stir it every now and then for about 2 day's and then pressed,then in air tight container and it was fine.This time I pressed right after I was done processing.So I'll let ya know how they are after sitting out awhile.I don't think it will make a difference.Would you mind if I PM'd you sometime.I have a few ? about led's and from what I gather from your journal you have done alot of research I and would love your input on what I want to do.

Anytime man, or just ask me in my journal so everyone can see info.
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