Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

Lol, you and your funny names

Happy Indicapendance day, Hemphog :p if it were july 4th that is :p, Happy Belated Indicapendance day, more like it

Great looking girls Jimmy6k, Can I ask how long your B.V.K's have been in flower, mine are coming up on the 2 month mark and still look like they have a lil ways to go..

Sup bloo,With me they took closer to 10 week's in soil and 8/9 in hempy's.Depending on how you like them.I cut my light back 1/2 hr toward end of flower,then after a couple day's another 1/2 hour until there I want them,But every grow is different.I am sure you will be very happy with end product.Thank you Jimmy6K
I have placed an order with Bonza seeds.I paid for the buccaneer shipping and tee shirt.We'll see how it goes.Order #1%#4! Contained the Following Items:
Item Details Price
2 x White Russian Feminized Seeds
1 x Big Bang Feminised Cannabis Seeds
2 x *New* BlackBerry Feminised Seeds
1 x **NEW** The Doctor Feminised Cannabis Seeds
Will have pic's later of girl's in veg and clones. Thank you Jimmy6K
I will be starting a new journal after I receive my seeds.Here are pic's of some of the girl's that will be in my new journal. B.V.K mother
I have been posting this girl as Critical Kali Mist,but it may be Critical Mass.I make sure she's posted in new journal.
B.V.K mother in back,Critical? in front.
B.V.K clones
Critical? clones
B.V.K clones in front tray,Critical? in back.
I have 4 more clones of each that were put in 4 inch pots 2 days
ago that are not pictured.I will continue to update here until I get my seed's and then will start new journal.Thank you Jimmy6K :lot-o-toke:
Happy Skunkday to you Cronic,and welcome USMC0420grow, glad to have ya.Sorry I have not been updating just been trying to get thing's organized.I have been spending more time catching up on previous journal's and reading new one's then anything.I have not got around to starting new journal,so I will continue to update here for now.Room still under construction,but I'm gettin there.Here are some update pic's of the what is going on as of now. These are the clone's from last pic update on 9/27.Pic's were taken on 10/13
B.V.K clone's
Critical Mass clone's
Chocolate Fondu 10/10.No luck so far with other seed's.
Here are pic's taken 10/20.(Today)
B.V.K clone's
C.M clone's
C.F seedling
My plan is to take a few more clone's and donate mother's.I do not have room for big mother's,nor room to flower them and keep shit going the way I want.So I will attempt some bonsai mother's.Also,there are 14,2 gallon smart pot's in those pic's.7 B.V.K. and 7 C.M..I also will be attempting to do a SCRog.I have everything to do it,except time,but that will come soon.Flowering room is 8x5 and do not want to fill it,so I can attempt a perpetual grow.So size of scrog is undecided and plant number undecided.All plant's will be trained,topped,fimmed in some sort of way.There has been has been some change's from last journal,including nutrient's.I think I have enough of the GH to finish the 14, 2 gallon.Everything else has been started on Age Old Organic's.New batch of clone's will be grown in rockwool chunk's.Just trying to find what work's best for me.I'll get all the info for a legit journal(as far as setup info and feedin's and shit) asap.We'll I gotta take some clone's and get these mother's moved out,and start on scrog.Gonna make some round's first.:blunt:Thank you Jimmy6K
super Subbed! Will do a full read later.
totally caught up
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