Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

Good morning D..
Hope your feeling a little better today..:circle-of-love:
Happy Daze J6.....just popping in to say hello and hope all is well with you:)
What's up G.D..
Almost didn't notice ya with the avatar change...Nice man.:high-five:

Still the cleanest set up in the :420: community Jimbo...

Thank's Reg.:high-five:
I hope the girl's don't make to much of a mess for me when I get back from vacation.lol

I've read something familiar about iron but they were talking about during the curing process; how it can degrade the THC.
Huh,I had not heard of that either.Learn something new everyday.Thank's Reg.:circle-of-love:

I just realized I had not posted the final weight from this round of girl's.
Im not counting the bit's a piece's I took before completely dry.Just what was there before jarring,so Im a little light on the number's but oh well.

Critical kush #1 = 3+oz
Critical kush #2=3+oz
N.l x B.B = 4 + oz
Money Maker #1 =3 oz
Money Maker #2=3 1/2 oz
Money maker #3=3 1/2 oz.

for a total of (not counting the +=overage)
20 oz+
We'll call it 560 g's
560 divided by 6= 93.3 g's per plant.
93.3=3.3 oz per plant.

Not bad number's but for what I m using for light I should be doing a lot better.

On another note I am going out of town for a week of so.Here is my problem.
I have 6 big girl's in flower that need watered now.I am leaving Tuesday night.
If I water now,they will be no where near dry enough to super soak before leaving on Tuesday.
My plan is to get a few over sized tray's and super soak them before leaving and pray they stay wet for a week.
I was thinking maybe a foliage spray today would buy me some time until tomorrow night before I soak them and head out.
Im open for suggestion's and any help is appreciated.:circle-of-love:

Nature is not always tending to needs either .. give em a small drink now, and soak tomorrow, and they should live a week afaik ... nature is often more harsh.
I would not bother too much .. unless you normally have to water every other day .. then I dunno ... maybe use a gravity drip feeder that runs for a day or 2 .. altho that will probably not get build and tested before then :p
You know PlanetJ,That make's perfect sense.It doesn't all way's rain hard in nature.lol
That's what I'm gonna do.:thumb:Thank's for opening my eye's.:trance:I am no where near ready to go and I am just at a bit of a panic getting everything ready.
Yea,any kind of building/setting up of any kind of self watering system is kinda out of the question.Just not enough time to test run anything.
I really appreciate the help and feel a bit more at ease.:Namaste:
Are your leafs drooping atm or has it just been the normal interval that they go without water ? As long as the leafs are not drooping and you do not have to water every 2 to 3 days, they should last 7 ;) And even then, they go into survival mode, where they use the build up starches and sugars, to get through the dry period .. you might loose a bunch of fanleafs, which then performed their function ;)
Yea,there starting to show there get thirsty.Last test run with the tray's I know will give me 4 day's until needing a drink.
That's were there at now,4 day's since I soaked them last.I don't want them to go into survival mode (as you put it),just yet so Im gonna give them a small drink,and get some bigger tray's for the added run off.I'm gonna try and do the same thing to all the veg girl's also.Soak the pot's and fill the tray's.Now there only in small idk, 5 to 7 inch square plastic pot's with tray's made for 1 maybe 2 gallon pot's,(the girl's in the last pic update.}so it's gonna be pushing it.They normally will go 3 day's without flooding them,so Im hoping by flooding them,I will get the 5-6 day's I need.Worst come's to worst,all I can do is hope they go in to survival mode.:cheesygrinsmiley:
What I did Jimbo, when we took a week for Thanksgiving vacation was put all our plants in one big container to use as a big drain pan. The night we left I just filled the container (basically bottom feed). Everything was so healthy when we got home 6 days later & still didn't have to feed for another day that we now feed all our plants in late veg this way; not quite as full but about half the amount as we did.
They will do that automatically .. should not stress them too much either .. I think it's harder on you :p
I think your right PlanetJ...
I went to the grow shop and got the thing's I need and then some.lol
Funny how that work's.:cheesygrinsmiley:
What I did Jimbo, when we took a week for Thanksgiving vacation was put all our plants in one big container to use as a big drain pan. The night we left I just filled the container (basically bottom feed). Everything was so healthy when we got home 6 days later & still didn't have to feed for another day that we now feed all our plants in late veg this way; not quite as full but about half the amount as we did.

Thank's Reg..:thumb:
I basically got the idea from you.:Namaste:
Only difference is I have to do them individually in there own tray and hope for the best.
I didn't plan well enough is the problem.:tokin:
Just wanted to do a quick pic update before heading out to Ohio for a little X-Mas vacation.:thumb:

First the Greensun scrog tent..
I was a bit ruff tring to get the bigger tray's under them so there looking a little mashed.

Next is a few shot's of the Hps tent.

Money Maker..


continued on next post....
Someone was very kind to me this X-mas.:)
They were so kind as to send me a little gift.:thumb:

The gift's inside I will reveal as I pop them.lol.
To this person....I can't thank you enough and I will not forget your kindness.:circle-of-love::Namaste:
and when I return from vaca,we shall let the fun began.:high-five:
Just want to wish everyone a Very Merry X-Mas :xmas:and a Wicked new year.:party: before I head out...


That bud volcano's about to erupt Jimbo...
Merry Xmas to you & yours Jimbo
That bud volcano's about to erupt Jimbo...
Thank's Reg.
They were X-mas gift's for Mom and big sis.:circle-of-love:
Merry Christmas Jimmy...:xmas:....:circle-of-love:

Merry Xmas to you & yours Jimbo

Merry Christmas to you and yours J6:circle-of-love:

Hi Jimmy, that was a sweet update and choice Christmas greeting sir. YUM! All the best to you and your family J. Thank you for letting us stare at your grow. Cheers sir.

:peacetwo: :xmas:

Merry Christmas J6k :xmas:

Merry Chistmas jimbo.

Merry Xmass, and thanks for that last minute update, looking great!
Thank you everyone.:circle-of-love:
Happy (late)X-Mas to you all.It look's like everyone has had a great one.:high-five:
Im sorry for not being around for X-mas but the trip and family kept me very busy the whole time.It was a good thing tho,I had a great time.:thumb:
Good morning J6......hoping you had an awesome day with the fam yesterday:)
Thank's G.D.:Namaste:
I had an awesome X-mas,but Im kinda glad all the running and shopping and driving is over for a bit.It feel's good to be home I'll tell ya that.:cheesygrinsmiley:

Ok,Gonna start a pic up-date in another post.:thumb:
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