Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual


Beautiful tin work Jimmy....:circle-of-love:
I swear I know that handwriting, I just can't put my finger on it. LOL

Everything's looking good Jimbo. It's weird how the 420 cycle keeps repeating itself. The same way Fuzzy Duck helped you out in your first journal it was you along with a host of other members that helped me during my first. This is truly a "Pay-it-forward" type of place.
Looking great J6:).....you do that reflector justice for sure my friend:)
Thank's G.D.
Ya know,I got a 43x3(40 something.lol)reflector just sitting on a shelf.I just don't think I need that much for veg.Iv'e never used the bloom switch on either reflector's.lol.Im thinking of switching some things around and using my Topled reflector's for flower and the Greensun znet4's for veg.No real reason just that I want to see for my self what the topled will do in flower.
Cheers for the nice words J6K & LA.

Ye i took a few months off mid 2014 from the forums... but ye i missed :420: a long with frequently asked questions & the problem section of the forums where i can normally be found all the time.

Aye pretty rare for me to go exploring peoples journals these days or any time in the last 3 years i've been here too be honest !

I just prefer assisting in growing/plant problems etc having a root around ask a few questions get an answer, options explored, it can be quite educational at times just keeps me on my toe's the tip of the sword so to speak & learning :green_heart:
My pleasure Fuzzy..:Namaste:
It's fun to go to FAQ's and give back.It certainly take's me back.
Also I feel I have been here long enough and learned a few thing's and that I can and should help out a bit more then I have in the past.
Just was not very confident,and to be honest Im still very hesitant when giving advice now.

Beautiful tin work Jimmy....:circle-of-love:
Thank's D,
If all goes well with this tin germ method,I'll find one that look's the part(420 related)or decorate it myself.
I swear I know that handwriting, I just can't put my finger on it. LOL

Everything's looking good Jimbo. It's weird how the 420 cycle keeps repeating itself. The same way Fuzzy Duck helped you out in your first journal it was you along with a host of other members that helped me during my first. This is truly a "Pay-it-forward" type of place.
Thank you Reg,that really mean's a lot my friend and it has been my pleasure.
Look's to be a woman's,but idk.lol
Indeed it is my friend.:Namaste:and you can bet I will.(Pay it Forward)

Well after 72 hr's and no peeking.(was told it would jinx's it.lol)
I cracked open the tin and was very happy with what I saw.:cheesygrinsmiley:

The paper towel's were a bit on the cold side so,Im gonna place them back in the tin and break out the seedling mat and place them in the grow room in hope's the the tap will grow a bit more and maybe pot them up tomorrow.So far 2 for 2 for the tin method as far as popping bean's,so well see if I can get them to the potting stage.
Be back in a few,with a quick update and a few pic's.

Jimmy to be honest with ya I would put them back in the tin for a day... I guess the only difference it would make is how long it will take to pop dirt but with the tap that short it is going to add at least another day in the dirt if not more... That's why I try to let my taps get so long is I have no patience (here we go again) with waiting for them to pop soil.... Just a thought.... good job on the 100% germ though....:circle-of-love:
Jimmy to be honest with ya I would put them back in the tin for a day... I guess the only difference it would make is how long it will take to pop dirt but with the tap that short it is going to add at least another day in the dirt if not more... That's why I try to let my taps get so long is I have no patience (here we go again) with waiting for them to pop soil.... Just a thought.... good job on the 100% germ though....:circle-of-love:
I agree.:thumb:I stated in my post that I was going to put them on the seedling mat and in grow room,but I failed to mention that I meant the whole tin,not the seed's in pot's.Sorry D.
Maybe I can try and go correct it real fast.lol
Happy TokerDaze J6.....congratz on the two germs:)lol
Thank's G.D
So far loving the tin method.:thumb:As stated above ,Im gonna put them back in the paper towel, and on a seedling heat mat in the grow room and hope for the best.lol(fixed)
I also have a bit of an update.I almost forgot.lol:lot-o-toke:
I was running a packed veg tent,so I was forced to start the 10 fill in girl's a few day's sooner then I wanted to but I think it will be fine.
I now have 5 N.L x B.B...
1 Critical kush and the little N.L x B.B flower clone.Im hoping to there will be a purple Train wreck and N/L x B.B(Auto to add to the mix soon.
I did a bit of trimming and tied them open a bit today.They will go into #3 SP just as soon as I get everything sorted out in flower.
I just noticed in pic's how miss placed the girl's look.Sorry,I literally got them done at light's off.lol


Iv'e never had calyx like these on a veg plant before.At least not that I noticed.

N.L xB.B Monster clone.

I know I have said this the last few update's and not delivered but I'll have a few pic's of the flowering tent's tonight after light's on..lol

I do somewhat the same method except my tin is a rubbermaid type container......i then place it on top of one of my leds:)lol......works great, but lately i have been using an aerogarden:)

I would imagine plastic would work just the same.
Love the aerogarden's I just don't pop enough bean's to need one and I do to many cut's to use one for clone's,but there cool.
Jimmy I know I should know this but are you still using Growology..:confused: I just read that they are not going to make it anymore....:straightface: I'm not sure what's up with that but I haven't used it in the last few grows but was just curious what you are using now or are you just using the FF..... I really do like my FF... My babies are all in PJ's soil and it is my first dog and pony show... so we shall see but they do look amazing right now...:blushsmile:.....:circle-of-love:
Is Growology pulling the plug?
Yea,Im still using the Growology with the FF flowering trio.I did not hear of them not making it anymore.
I am how ever going to go back and use the Old age organic's line I ran a few round's back,or mayby even go back to the GH line.I have every bottle of both line's just sitting around so why not.I also want to say (not possitive but I think)that I was getting better result's with the Age old and the gh then I am now with Growology but to be sure Im going to go back to one of the 2 (age old or GH) just to find out for sure what's better for me.Not saying anything bad about growology.I have grown some decent smoke with it and it's so simple.Not to mention,I don't like the salt that has built up on a few of my girl's pot's.I don't flush so,that's a problem for me.Don't flush because I feel you wash all the good out as well,but a flush is a must in some cases.
Hello Jimbo, have you tried the Ralph Kramden approach with the light yet? Take your right hand leaving it open as if you were pan-handling & smack the side that's dim a couple of times.

To be honest I find Growology Step 1 to be great for root development & seedling start up and Step 2 kept my plants healthy as can be during Veg. But I wasn't to keen on Growology Step 3 during Bloom.
I can't really put the blame on Growology Step 3 yet though because at the time I was still stumbling my way through everything during flowering.

To give them the benefit of the doubt I'll do a full Growology run in the near future with one of my plants in Perlite.
Hey jimbo ladies are lovely as alway man.
Hope you get your light fixed up bud.
Thank's D.K.
I just noticed it this morning so Im still waiting to hear back.Well see.:thumb:
Hello Jimbo, have you tried the Ralph Kramden approach with the light yet? Take your right hand leaving it open as if you were pan-handling & smack the side that's dim a couple of times.

To be honest I find Growology Step 1 to be great for root development & seedling start up and Step 2 kept my plants healthy as can be during Veg. But I wasn't to keen on Growology Step 3 during Bloom.
I can't really put the blame on Growology Step 3 yet though because at the time I was still stumbling my way through everything during flowering.

To give them the benefit of the doubt I'll do a full Growology run in the near future with one of my plants in Perlite.

Ya know Reg,I did not try that.I just switched it on a off a few time's.I'll give it a try when light come back on tho.Your right it has worked many time's in the past,,for something's.
I didn't really have any issue's in flower with the growology last run.No issue's threw out the whole grow.It's just I think in my set-up I can get better result's with my old nute's and new knowledge.Yea,I was thinking of doing a couple of 2 liter hempy's and using the growology.Which is basically all perlite anyway.Im with you as far as 2ltr go.You can get good result's with little space needed and worked out pretty well on my very first grow.Im not sure tho,I think Im gonna run out of room again real fast.

So I'll start with the 5 N.L x B.B,Critical kush and the N.L x B.B Monster clone.
They were transplanted in to #3 Smart Pot's.(Brand new one's lol)A few of the S.P's came with a free sample size of rooting gel.
I have a good size bottle of clonex that I normally use,so I will most likely not use the free rooting gel but hey who doesn't like free stuff.Also if anyone would is in need of rooting gel or just want's to try it.Let me know.:thumb:
Here's a few pic's.....Cup on the side has a few N.L x B.B clone's in it.I gotta set up the machine and most likely take a few more from somewhere.Might as well if Im gonna fire up the cloner.I also am still wanting to get my feet wet and do a hydro bucket.I normally get really good root's in the machine and I figured I'll let the root's get good in long in there before going in to a bucket.Nothing special,just a bubbler like Chronic run's.


Monster clone is only in a #2 S.P.
I figure she is gonna take awhile and I'll finish her in a #5.

To be continued...
Ok now for the bean's.
The tap root's were not much bigger today then the last pic's I took 2 day's ago.
The paper towel was still very damp and I think that was why they were not growing much.I know in the past Iv'e had the towel dry out and have a wicked long tap.Next time I will not soak the paper towel so much.
So I potted them up.The N.L auto went in to a #3 S.P and will remain there as I hear they don't like transplant's and the Purple T.W will be started in small plastic pot and transplanted as needed.

Thank's Everyone..
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