Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

Yea,Im still using the Growology with the FF flowering trio.I did not hear of them not making it anymore.
I am how ever going to go back and use the Old age organic's line I ran a few round's back,or mayby even go back to the GH line.I have every bottle of both line's just sitting around so why not.I also want to say (not possitive but I think)that I was getting better result's with the Age old and the gh then I am now with Growology but to be sure Im going to go back to one of the 2 (age old or GH) just to find out for sure what's better for me.Not saying anything bad about growology.I have grown some decent smoke with it and it's so simple.Not to mention,I don't like the salt that has built up on a few of my girl's pot's.I don't flush so,that's a problem for me.Don't flush because I feel you wash all the good out as well,but a flush is a must in some cases.

That is the #1 reason I stopped using it... I threw away 3 of my 5 gallon smart pots because I couldn't get the salt build up out.... I did flush them but if you can't get it out of the friggin' pot I doubt your gonna get it out of the girls.... I too grew some good herb with it just like what I'm using now better.... I read they were discontinuing on one of the contest threads... One of the admins was saying why they were no longer a prize.....:circle-of-love:
The taps roots look longer and healthier to me... Especially the first one... anyhow congrats on the babies... I love babies.... I was rolling a joint of my Black Jack and guess what I found..:confused:.. 1 lonely seed..:yahoo: and it looks quite viable.... I don't want to try and pop it yet cause of obvious circumstances but I will soon....:circle-of-love:
I'll have to go to contest and see why.It's all news to me.
I'll try and get some pic's of the salt buid up on the girl's in flower now ,tonight.
I think it come's from step 2 more then anything,but Im not sure.I'll be able to tell if that's the case,as the 10 girl's I just put in to flower were never watered with step one in there new pot's.They were transplanted and watered with Flora blend and greatwhite,cal-mag and open seasme.
The N.L x B.B auto tap does look a little bigger but Not so much the P.T.W.
I think the'll make it.I watered with ph water and a few drop's of house and garden Root excelerator.
That's awesome you found a bean.Just add it to the collection.lol:thumb:
Looking grand as usual in here my friend! :)
Thank's L.A.....:Namaste:
Assuming this auto break's soil.Do you think you can pop threw and give me a few pointer's on how you get the most from an auto.
I hear not to top,but I thought I read somewhere where you topped it once with good result's.Maybe it was the removing of the heart tech but I don't remember and can't find it anywhere.I may be wrong.That would explain why I can't find it.:thumb:
Great looking girls J6.....congrats on the beans popping:).....i hope you get your led sorted out soon:)....she has work to do:)
Thank's G.D..:high-five:
So far neither have broke soil,and I have not heard anything from Greensun Amy.
Oh well.Im pretty sure I have jinxed myself when I told you a few post ago,that I had a 48x3 sitting on shelf.
Well that's not the case anymore.I have replaced the broken Znet4 with it.

Also I am out of my own med's so Im thinking of chopping one of the C.K out of the scrog.
To be honest Im not happy with this scrog round.Idk,maybe there is more bud then Im seeing but it it doesn't look as full as the first run but it will have to do.These first 2 scrog's I placed plant's under screen and flipped right away.If I run It again.I will give the girl's some time in veg under the screen before flipping.

Alos here a few shot's of the pot's and the salt buide up.If you remember,I potted 2 girl's(N.L x B.B)in rockwool cube's.
in fabric pot's.(Not smart pot's).Well other then the salt build up there is a bit of green algae(Im guessing) growing in the bottom's of the pot.Id doesn't surprise me ,as the bottom's never ever really dry out.It's a very ugly site in the inside of the bottom of those pot's Im sure.They don't seem to be to effected by this,but it can't be good for them.I wouldn't think.

Bud shot's from that plant...


Thank's Everyone and enjoy the week-end.:Namaste:

Your girls look amazing Jimmy but that pot is grooossss!... the fact that they stopped making the nutes that are doing that says a lot and I am wondering if that could possible be good for ya. If it is mucking up the pots that bad what is it doing to our girls.... Other than step 1 I think I am done with it as I have kinda got scared of it.... I blamed myself for a lot of the issues I had with that grow and now I'm not so sure it was all me... That just can't be good for them.....:circle-of-love:
I know right..There pretty yukked up.The build up is not all over the smart pot's like they are the cheap one's but Im sure it's in there.Im sure the R.W cube's are the cause of the algae,not the growology but the salt surly is.I still grew some decent smoke off it.I still maybe use it on hempy's one day but Im going to put it on the shelf and next round use Age Old.
Yeah, that's quite some build up Jimbo...
I've never used them and actually don't remember ever hearing of them so this will be good. I'm still smoking some of the meds I grew with the Growology and I certainly ain't complaining.... I just can't imagine all that salt is a good thing.... I finally got the light up and going along with the fan and all the other nonsense but it sure does work good.... Just pray the tent doesn't cave in please....:circle-of-love:
Hapy weekend jimmy.
Very frosty my good sir.
I use rootreck by technaflora works everytime.
Thank's Dusty.
Iv'e all way's used clonex with good result's and still have over half a big bottle still,so don't think I will be trying any thing else for awhile,but thank you.Good to know it work's.:high-five:
Buds Looks Great J6k :thumb:
Thank's Chronic..:Namaste:
Those buds look A-MAZING:bravo:
Hey Peaky.:passitleft:
Thank's and thank's for stopping by.
Yeah, that's quite some build up Jimbo...
Thank's Reg...
It take's many gallon's of step 2 to get that kind of build up.lol:rofl:
On a serious note tho,I am going to dis-continue using step 2.
I'll finish the girl's in flower with step 3,then I'll dis-continue growology all together.Well,I'll still use step 1 untill it's gone I guess.
Afterall wecan't get it anymore ,anyway.

I've never used them and actually don't remember ever hearing of them so this will be good. I'm still smoking some of the meds I grew with the Growology and I certainly ain't complaining.... I just can't imagine all that salt is a good thing.... I finally got the light up and going along with the fan and all the other nonsense but it sure does work good.... Just pray the tent doesn't cave in please....:circle-of-love:

Hey D..
There not a new company,I just don't see to many member's using it.I used it a few round's back(in this journal I believe)and remember getting good result's.I think I can do even better know with a bit more knowledge and some better gear.It's much more cleaner then growology,I know that for a fact.

I guess I'll need to put in for a name change on my journal now..:thumb:


Update on the bean's
Both broke soil yesterday.:yahoo:
Here are a few pic's.
NL x BB..(Auto)
Broke soil 1/12/15
Pic's from this morning.

and the Purple Train wreck.



To be continued....
Congrats on the chop Jimbo...
Congratulations on your awesome harvest Jimmy6K.
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