Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

Gosh, beautiful plants, big yields, 3 different flowering areas, an adorable new puppy. You're living the dream Jimmy :) - albeit a long, busy one lol.

Seriously, oh my god Franky is cute. But I'm sure he'll be some badass security for you when he's older... let's just hope he doesn't have the taste for mylar/plastic grow tents when you're not home. :laughtwo:
Hi Jimmy, I finally made it here and what an awesome jaw-dropping and informative experience it has been catching up on your amazing journal. This is bar none the most intrinsic and detailed journal I've seen so far - many many hoorahs to you sir and thank you for sharing your grow efforts. I have already learned and enjoyed so much just catching up and will be watching over your journal moving forward. Thank you Jimmy - best!

:Namaste: :green_heart:

p.s. WOOF! :p
Jimmy I just gotta tell ya... I have the same dog except mine is ginger and white... Sweetest dog in the world but dumber than a box of rocks... don't know if it's the part mixed in with the Pit or the Pit part but he ain't real bright..:goof: Hands down the sweetest dog ever and as far as being a watch dog,,, good luck with that.... unless you are being attacked by lollipops.... Mine would lick em' to death.... I'm sure it would all be in the training too and this is actually my sons dog that he got once he got back from deployment and he has a pretty good case of PTSD so they told him to get a dog then they stationed him in f@#%ing Alaska... I have a new dog..:straightface: that I didn't get to train... I'm not saying he won't be a love bug but if ya got him to guard the girls.... you might want to invest in an alarm system..:winkyface:....:circle-of-love:
Well .. I have an American Bully .. and if she does not know you, you better stay out. She has had zero training .. just very territorial. Sweetest dog there is ... and yeah .. not the brightest :p
Ya know I say that about Paco but he is a bit possessive of me and you are probably right... If he thought someone was going to do me harm he might very well go there ....... When the UPS or post guy pulls in to deliver something he won't let them stand next to me without him being between us... Never thought of it that way... You might just be right.....:circle-of-love:
just like humans its not the pedigree
theres always stupid ones and smart ones to make up for it
My mother use to always say this about what she called the New York Crazies, (those bugged out people you see in their own world); "Don't laugh at them, it takes us all to keep this planet spinning"

God bless her soul, I still miss her. I guess that's something we never outgrow...
Good evening weed Jimmy. Man you have it down. Great harvests and girls that look like queens. Now you have great security to boot. The last picture of the puppy definitely won the hearts of this family. Your little girl will have her protector. Happy Tokerday Jimmy. :Namaste:
That scrog has little buds everywhere....beautiful.....cant wait to see it in another month or so....gonna be crazy full:)
Thank's G.D.
They C.K doesn't seem to stretch much.First round was from seed with not much stretch,hardly grew threw the screen.These 2 girl's are clone's and stretched even less.Imo.There due there first defol in flower so,we should see a lot more little buds after that's done.
Gosh, beautiful plants, big yields, 3 different flowering areas, an adorable new puppy. You're living the dream Jimmy :) - albeit a long, busy one lol.

Seriously, oh my god Franky is cute. But I'm sure he'll be some badass security for you when he's older... let's just hope he doesn't have the taste for mylar/plastic grow tents when you're not home. :laughtwo:
Thanks S.G and Congrat's on the MOTM nominee.:Namaste:
Well I do have 3 tent/area's but only 2 are flower.It would be awesome to have that kind of room but like you said it is a lot of work and already keep's me busy enough.Frankee is a girl.lol....I do the same thing,here at home..""Come here boy"".lol
My daughter named her after Monster High but spelled it with 2 ee"s like her name,instead of ie,or y or whatever it is.lol..
Hi Jimmy, I finally made it here and what an awesome jaw-dropping and informative experience it has been catching up on your amazing journal. This is bar none the most intrinsic and detailed journal I've seen so far - many many hoorahs to you sir and thank you for sharing your grow efforts. I have already learned and enjoyed so much just catching up and will be watching over your journal moving forward. Thank you Jimmy - best!

:Namaste: :green_heart:

p.s. WOOF! :p
Thank's Colorful.That's wicked kind of you.:Namaste:
I am glad you like what you see and are even learning a bit from it.:thumb:
Glad to see you got journal up and running.Im there man.:thumb:
Jimmy I just gotta tell ya... I have the same dog except mine is ginger and white... Sweetest dog in the world but dumber than a box of rocks... don't know if it's the part mixed in with the Pit or the Pit part but he ain't real bright..:goof: Hands down the sweetest dog ever and as far as being a watch dog,,, good luck with that.... unless you are being attacked by lollipops.... Mine would lick em' to death.... I'm sure it would all be in the training too and this is actually my sons dog that he got once he got back from deployment and he has a pretty good case of PTSD so they told him to get a dog then they stationed him in f@#%ing Alaska... I have a new dog..:straightface: that I didn't get to train... I'm not saying he won't be a love bug but if ya got him to guard the girls.... you might want to invest in an alarm system..:winkyface:....:circle-of-love:
Hey D.
Yea,I have had some dumb dogs and I think it was all my own doing,or better yet not doing.Back then tho,I was hardly able to take care of myself let alone a puppy.I won't get in to detail's but I'm in a much better place now and hope I can train her the basic's anyway.
As far as guarding the grow room,Don't think she'll be much help as my grow room is in the basement,but I would hope for her to bark if she did hear something.lol
Well .. I have an American Bully .. and if she does not know you, you better stay out. She has had zero training .. just very territorial. Sweetest dog there is ... and yeah .. not the brightest :p
That would work for me.Im not looking to put her threw any classes or hire any kind of whisperer.lol
Ya know I say that about Paco but he is a bit possessive of me and you are probably right... If he thought someone was going to do me harm he might very well go there ....... When the UPS or post guy pulls in to deliver something he won't let them stand next to me without him being between us... Never thought of it that way... You might just be right.....:circle-of-love:
Maybe he just wants to know were the hell they have been.:rofl:

just like humans its not the pedigree
theres always stupid ones and smart ones to make up for it
Indeed there is my friend..:high-five:I just hope she's not a complete dum-dum.lol
My mother use to always say this about what she called the New York Crazies, (those bugged out people you see in their own world); "Don't laugh at them, it takes us all to keep this planet spinning"

God bless her soul, I still miss her. I guess that's something we never outgrow...
Judging by her son,your mother must have been an awesome woman Reg.:circle-of-love:
Good evening weed Jimmy. Man you have it down. Great harvests and girls that look like queens. Now you have great security to boot. The last picture of the puppy definitely won the hearts of this family. Your little girl will have her protector. Happy Tokerday Jimmy. :Namaste:
Thank's Beemer and Congrat's for the MOTM nomination also..:Namaste:
Long over due my friend...
I won't blow my journal up but I'll keep everyone up-dated on how she's(Frankee) doing.:thumb:

Im gonna do a quick up-date in another post..coming very soon.........
Judging by her son,your mother must have been an awesome woman Reg.:circle-of-love:
As far as morals go she's the reason I'm the man I am today...
Well today was the last day of work for awhile and so I'll have a bit more time on here then usual.For a few week's anyway.
It will also give me time to get all the girl's in shape and give them there first defoliaton in flower.
I will also be topping /fim all the girls in veg ,there second time.Most likely tomorrow.
Here are some pics of what's going on as of yesterday...

Topled veg tent...


Flowering Girl starting to show some more veg action.


Check this leaf out.This is actual color.I don't think there's anything wrong but just thought it was weird.


To be continued.....
Next we have the Greensun flower tent.


and the 1200w hps tent.

Money Maker.

N.L x B.B.

Notice the salt build up on the N.L x B.B fabric pots.They are the girl's in rockwool cube's.Not sure if it that is the cause or if it is the cheap fabric pot's.The M.M are in smartpot's.(not cheap fabric pot)
Don't remember having that much build up on the outside of pot's before tho,so Im leaning toward the R.W cube's.
Doesn't seem to be effecting them at all tho.

Thank's Everyone...
I noticed it on the heavy fabric pots too Jimmy but not near as much on the Smartpots... It was so bad on the thick ones that even after I washed then they were almost stiff around the bottom and you can definitely see salt lines still so I don't think I will use them a second time....but on the Smartpots I can see a little of it after washing them but very little.... Glad to hear your going to have some time off for Christmas. This is the only the second Christmas we haven't gone to upstate... Fella is working nonstop right now and will only get home Christmas eve and then has to leave back out Christmas night...:circle-of-love:
As far as morals go she's the reason I'm the man I am today...
And a hell of a man you are Reg..:Namaste:
I noticed it on the heavy fabric pots too Jimmy but not near as much on the Smartpots... It was so bad on the thick ones that even after I washed then they were almost stiff around the bottom and you can definitely see salt lines still so I don't think I will use them a second time....but on the Smartpots I can see a little of it after washing them but very little.... Glad to hear your going to have some time off for Christmas. This is the only the second Christmas we haven't gone to upstate... Fella is working nonstop right now and will only get home Christmas eve and then has to leave back out Christmas night...:circle-of-love:

Thank's D.
The cheap pot's are made very thin and of a different material.Im not going to use them again.I dont believe they were meant to be reused anyway.lol...Smart pot's are the way to go, Imho.I gotta go get about 10 #2's and 8 #3's and mabe a few 5s..Not sure yet,gotta see what I have.I remember you saying your hubby had family up this way.That's awesome.Maybe one day well well meet up in real life.:high-five:

Well,first day off and I have done completely nothing constructive in the grow room.I wanted to get them all trimmed up but lights are all off and now have to go water in the dark.lol(green light.)
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