Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

Jimmy great update. Your girls are looking very healthy and look like they are growing like crazy. :bravo:
Very nice Jimmy.
T-minus 18hrs
high Jimmy, i have a question for you M8,
my groom just end it 4th week of 12/12, plants are budding since beginningof 3rd week, then 2 weeks in real bloom.
as you can see in the pics they are pretty close to each other...
the question is that despite i've defol a few times since 12/12 have started, they are still very dense and i'm afraid the airflow inside is not good enough.
i have a big fan on a timer 15min on and 15 off, and at night 15min every hour. the fan is very large and i run it at low power otherwise i have burntleaves edge in the area where the fan blows.
my RH is 60% nearly all the time.
i'm not sure if i increase the frequency of the fan or if it is better to defol more.
i'm sure you have an opinion about that Jimmy.
Thanx M8.
Your full house beats my two pair Jimmy. Looking good.
Thank's Reg.Full house is exactly right.lol
I think I may have over did it again.Too many plant's.Usually when that happens,I tend to get behind and end up neglecting my duties and start seeing problem's.It has gotten easier to get rid of some but I don't like doing it.lol.
The sad thing is I got a 10x Hawaiian Skunk haze regular's from our buddy Herbie, and am itching to pop.
high Jimmy, your room makes me dreaming every time i look at it Man!!!!
it is clean as i like and plants are super-healthy.
i love the clones rooting also, i rooted many flowering clones and many people think that you can’t root a flowering cut, it’s wrong; you can clone all the time but returning to real veg and normal growth take lot more time to appear with clones taken on a flowering mother-plant.
i see your cloner is well dialed Jimmy, congrats on the roots length and healthy-white.
green warm vibes from the south M8.
Thank's E.D.:thumb: I have done a few flower clone's in the past,but was such a newbee,I did not really know how to train a flower clone properly.To be honest I am not sure I do now,but I like the C.M and did not get enough clones from her in veg,so I went this route.
To be honest this one rooted just as fast as a normal clone and I believe it did most of it's re-veg in the cloner.
OMG!OMG!OMG! they look amazing and I love the ink... I put the very last of my Fox Farms girls in a 5 gallon pot today and after her I will be totally Growology too..:yahoo:... It all just looks amazing Jimmy.....:circle-of-love:
Thank's D.:tokin:I wish I were all Growology.I still have 13 big girl's that are Age old,but they are going to flower soon.To be honest I can't wait to get them finished.Yea,I love tat's.I have been thinking of getting one to show my love for :420:

I wanna come to one of your Halloween parties! It's a haunted house in there with the purple light, fog, and monster plants! Very cool looking and awesome update as always sir.

Bob ;)
Thank's Doc.:thumb:It does look pretty cool but I am not sure it does a damn thing.lol
They don't seem to mind it tho.:cheesygrinsmiley:
Great update, Jimmy :ciao:

They all look really healthy and happy :yummy:
Thank's Rico and if anyone ask me,I'ma tell'em ""You da man,You da man,You da man"".lol:high-five:
Awesome roots, how long those take to root that well? and what was your method? I still having good luck with my cloning, but just a long time to root and then recover.
Thank's Craw.
This batch of white widow rooted in like 8 day's.I was waiting on the Growology to arrive so I left them in for a bit longer.I would say they were in the cloner for about 2 1/2 week's before I potted them.They were starting to grow in the cloner.I would say they were one of the best strain's I have cloned.They never wilted once.They also sat in a cup of water for a day before I could get them to the machine and I usually do not do that.I wonder if leaving them sit in cup of water for a while had anything to do with it.
Jimmy great update. Your girls are looking very healthy and look like they are growing like crazy. :bravo:
Thank's Beemer.They are growing like crazy and I am running out of room.lol
I got a couple that are just about ready to come out of flower but got 5 ready to go in.lol
Very nice Jimmy.
Thank's 60cal.:thumb:You are one of the few members I know with a reputation beyond repute with out ever starting a journal.lol:bravo::Namaste:

Outstanding Jimmy! I am so jealous! Your girls are stunners! Your setup is pristine! :circle-of-love: :bravo:
Thank's Pinky.It's hard to imagine I used to grow in my 2 living room closet's.lol.
I would not be able to grow 2 of the girl's I grow now in them.:circle-of-love:
T-minus 18hrs
:thumb:T-minus 9 1/2 hour's.:high-five:
high Jimmy, i have a question for you M8,
my groom just end it 4th week of 12/12, plants are budding since beginningof 3rd week, then 2 weeks in real bloom.
as you can see in the pics they are pretty close to each other...
the question is that despite i've defol a few times since 12/12 have started, they are still very dense and i'm afraid the airflow inside is not good enough.
i have a big fan on a timer 15min on and 15 off, and at night 15min every hour. the fan is very large and i run it at low power otherwise i have burntleaves edge in the area where the fan blows.
my RH is 60% nearly all the time.
i'm not sure if i increase the frequency of the fan or if it is better to defol more.
i'm sure you have an opinion about that Jimmy.
Thanx M8.

Well man,I can say your tent is very packed.:bravo:
Normally most would defol a week before going in to flower and then 21-25 day's after flowering as started and then again at 42-48 or something like that.lol
If it were me.I would give them a good Hard Defol.All the little popcorn and under growth mainly but also remove any big fan leaves covering bud sites.I would also put a small fan on the floor of your tent blowing air around and threw the plant's.Just enough to keep air moving.It will make your pot's dry out a bit faster so,you may want to keep an eye on that too.60% humidity is a bit high for flower,but the fan on the floor should help a bit.You don't need to drop it much.I know Dennise uses some kind of "Damp Rid" boxes in her tent's.That may be just enough to get you where you want to be.I have not used them so hopefully she will stop by and let us know how they work.

I am working on getting everyone potted and tagged.
I will have a pic up-date soon.
thanx for the answer Jimmy, i would be happy to set up a small fan on the floor but i don't have any and i'm really on budget till the end of summer. but it is the best way to bring moving air in the center-jungle.
i'll do a decent defol and lollipop a bit tonight as you suggest Man, i'm sure it is the better choice without additional small fan.
i guess Pinky shall confirm that.
thank you very much Jimmy.
here is an early-past picture set for you Pinky.:thanks:
budz density in the whole space is pretty high and the Hawaiian snow in the up-right corner is becoming unmanageable , i have to pinch and fold the main tops and they are more than 30, this plant is really my favorite between many weeds. even if it is not easy for noobs like me to grow, i love it so much, the high is indescribable, made of paranoid rushes, laugh , happiness , and strong power feelings.
a must have for sativa lovers.
You are right ecdriver, I agree with Jimmy! :high-five:

Wow Jimmy, 2 closets to this... you've sure come a long way!:bravo::circle-of-love:

Thank's Pinky.The one thing I miss about my closet's is they were on the same level of the house as I am.
Now I have to go down to flight's of stair's to get to the basement.lol
The condition's are much better down there for them and it's a small price to pay for what they will give me in return.
If I can keep them happy.:thanks:
budz density in the whole space is pretty high and the Hawaiian snow in the up-right corner is becoming unmanageable , i have to pinch and fold the main tops and they are more than 30, this plant is really my favorite between many weeds. even if it is not easy for noobs like me to grow, i love it so much, the high is indescribable, made of paranoid rushes, laugh , happiness , and strong power feelings.
a must have for sativa lovers.

I was going to mention super cropping the tall one in the back,but figured you had it under control.:thumb:
Growing is very addictive.:high-five:
I hear ya man.Money was very tight my first grow and pretty much still is.lol
I use a 8$ fan from the DG in my area's.lol
I do use a few clip fan's also,but they were like 20$ each and that was pretty hard to swallow for 6 inch fan.lol

totally agree Jimmy,and if you say that the 2 clip fan i had for the same price than you a few years ago didn't last more than 2 runs and still ran but didn't move air anymore, no air blown in front of the fan, shitty quality for 20 bucks can't swallow it anymore.
hopefully i'll get a nice real brand when money will comes back a bit and keep it for a few working years.
they really play with us with quality at very high price and bullshits for cheaper, i'm not in that game anymore.
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