Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

Thank's Teldren.60cal,Pinky and CA.:thumb:
You are more then welcome to post what ever you like inhere CA.My house is your house man.:high-five:
You are correct about my back and if a canna-juice help's has you say it does,I got to try it.I have a hand full of girl's in veg dying for a trim and they are as healthy as can be.I'll first need to purchase a juicer.lol
Any suggestion's?
I also have a bit of good tric trim I would like to try and juice.
Well thank you my friend :Namaste: My pain levels daily are on average 7/10, being I am able to get things done but constantly have that thought of "damn is this going to go out, cant move this way, ouchy".. I am not sure if drinking the juiced leaves is helping directly at the source of pain, or if it is helping your mind adjust to the pain.. Very odd feeling you will have to try for yourselves I would really like to hear others opinions, maybe it is just me and how my body reacts to it :hmmmm: I have the black and deckar je2200b, cheap little appliance I decided to pick up rather than spending hundreds as I didn't even know if I was going to like juicing my own stuff. But it really work well, if you see yourself throwing away any fruits or veggies and don't have a compost bin, then juicing it should be your choice! Another plus for juicing older fruits and veggies is the older they get the more flavor and juice :yummy:

I have not tried juicing trich/flower trim... that would be fun to experiment with, was thinking about this the other day :)
It sound's like we are in the same shape(Bad)back and pain wise.I think I may have a pinched nerve.It's been like this for about 8 month's.lol.It started in my lower back,then side of my ass and now my thigh and leg all the way to my feet get numb about 30 time's a day now.I should just go see a doc.lolI only take ibuprofen and bayer for pain,and smoke of course.:thumb:Nice man,:thumb:I was hoping you were not going to say that I needed a 2 or 3 hundred dollar machine.lol
I am like you ,I just want to try it first.I will surly get one today and get my juice on.
I be sure to let you know how it goes.
You don't necessarily have to drink the juice down by itself you can mix it in with a smoothie(hash smoothie:)) or maybe your other favorite juice say orange to help mask the green. A better way to proper dose that I have not tried yet, pour your juice into an ice cube tray and store in the freezer for daily use. Pop out however many juice cubes you need in place of your morning asprin/motrin ;) In regards to the ratios.. Kind of hard to guess. I was using a 3+ trained porta scrog plant for my juicing and used the whole thing with this amount of fruit, and it was grassy green. But if I had to put a number on it.. about 100-150 healthy leaves to about 3-4 portions of fruit :) the juicier the better, banana makes more of a puree
Hope it is okay to post this for reference Jimmy:Namaste:
You got the "Juice" now..........from an old movie. Who can name it?
It sound's like we are in the same shape(Bad)back and pain wise.I think I may have a pinched nerve.It's been like this for about 8 month's.lol.It started in my lower back,then side of my ass and now my thigh and leg all the way to my feet get numb about 30 time's a day now.I should just go see a doc.lolI only take ibuprofen and bayer for pain,and smoke of course.:thumb:Nice man,:thumb:I was hoping you were not going to say that I needed a 2 or 3 hundred dollar machine.lol
I am like you ,I just want to try it first.I will surly get one today and get my juice on.
I be sure to let you know how it goes.
My back is the least of my pain actually but it is quite torqued and I also get the tingling, asleep pinch feeling in a couple of my toes but not as much as you brotha you are a champ pushing through that. I am freakin' broken, I don't take pills at all as my stomach has been worked over from everything I have taken, probably my young age is what is helping me cope with the pain. But with that being said, the juiced fan leaves definitely have some sort of healing properties that should be explored. Can't hurt, its definitely healthier than anything pharma :circle-of-love: i'd like to look out for my fellow 420magazinians and their health, can't wait to hear back Jimmy, hope the outcome is up to par buddy!

You got the "Juice" now..........from an old movie. Who can name it?

The movie, "Juice"? ;)
Happy Easter Jimmy.

great hunger shares :thumb:

thanks Jimmy6pak!, now i'm fluxin' starving:circle-of-love:
What's up Tric,and Happy Easter man.:thumb:We'll I got the machine to make The Sticky Juice.lol
Now I just need to get my defoliation on.lol
Happy Easter Jimmy.
Happy Easter Reg:high-five:and HappyEaster/420 to the entire 420 mag family and :circle-of-love:
I got a little work done this morning and wanted to throw a few pic's up before getting the day started.
I am chopping the girl's from my GreenSun journal amd now have the extra space for the girl's in this journal to go under the GS Znet4 tent.
I am moving plant's around at the moment so not much to up-date,but here is the Big O,G from last up-date.
She was trimmed pretty heavily and spread open a bit.


I am not going to get much done todayso an up-date will more likely be tomorrow.

Thank's again and Have a Great 4/20.
Good morning weed to yea Jimmy. Thought I would stop on by and see your grow. Wow very nice setup and the girls are looking very healthy. I regard to juicing, at our local MMJ Saturday Market, which has 20 to 30 venders selling every kind of bud, shatter and edible, I met this guy that has been juicing for quite some time. He uses 12 to 15 large fan leaves and sometimes a few popcorn buds for each dose. He uses fruit also to sweeten it up. He claims it has taken most of his pain from a gun shot injury to the foot, which happened years ago. I think he said he doses 3 times a day. If I see him again I will ask about freezing it. He stated that it, in juice form, will last a couple of days and then goes bad. Anyway Happy Easter and it's 420 so lets get stoned
Happy Easter Beemerbill!

Jimmy, I use the Nutribullet. It's quick, easy, and works well for less than $100. You just fill the cups, and put them on the blender for less than a minute!
Spinach, Fan leaves and other super greens, strawberries, Kiwi, bananas, Apple, grapes, almonds, chia seed, flax seed! Yum!
Happy 420/Easter Jimmy6K.
Happy Easter Beemerbill!

Jimmy, I use the Nutribullet. It's quick, easy, and works well for less than $100. You just fill the cups, and put them on the blender for less than a minute!
Spinach, Fan leaves and other super greens, strawberries, Kiwi, bananas, Apple, grapes, almonds, chia seed, flax seed! Yum!

That look's like it would surly do the job and I may have to look in to one.I am having trouble juicing them with the one I got.It's my fault.I fired it up with out removing a piece of protective cardboard,and must have gummed up or maybe dulled the blade's up a bit,because as soon as I stuff a few leaves in,it just grab a hold of them and shoot's them out.I cleaned it up,but have yet to try it again.lol Thank's Pinky:thumb:

Happy 420/Easter Jimmy6K.
Happy late Easter Buddy.:high-five::lot-o-toke:
:passitleft: High Jimmy... Trying to catch up after a day away is hard. It seems everyone was really busy and I have a lot of reading to do. I did get 1 of the girls harvested so had a great Easter and 420. Hope your was good too. Your girls are beautiful as always and anxiously awaiting ur next update......:circle-of-love:

I am a bit behind on this journal,D and by now you have chop 2 .lol
2 oz a plant is not shabby at all.That's about what I have been averaging these last few harvest.:bravo:
Thank's Dennise.

So if this journal was not confusing enough,I have made a few changes.lol
I have now made the switch from Age Old Organic's to Growology with Promix BX as my medium.:thumb:
I have some girl's that are still on the Age old and will finish on it.
As for the Growology # step system,I have 16 White Widow and a few other strain's started in the Promix and step 1.
There are a few that are in a FFOF/coco mix,but the they have been in the pot's for awhile now and I am sure the soil is depleted.They do not have the step 1 in the soil,but I am feeding them the same as I will be feeding the W.W Growology girl's.
So far they have only been feed 3 time's with the step one at 1 teaspoon to start.I will soon be transplanting and then will go to 1/2,then full strght,depending on how they like it.It may be easier to explain in so pic's.:thumb:

First I will start with the White Widow.


Critical Mass flowering clone


They where all living under the T-5 for a few day's.


They are now living under the Topled tent.


I will get them tagged after transplant and we will be able to better tell who is who,but for now this will work.

This is the C.M flowering clone...Pic taken today.



O.G top.


O.G top and O.G clone.


O.G kush seed.Not surewhat is going on.She has nice color but droop's every time I water.I will let her dry out and see what happen's.I may just cut her down to the second node and go from there.


Here is the O.G mother.I am giving her some time to recover and then she will be heading to the flower tent.


Gotta start new post.Too many pic's.lol

Here is the 4 Chocolate fondu that are hanging out in the GreenSun tent and loving it.
They are too big to flower in here so they will go in the hps flowering tent when room is available.

A little left of dry ice from a small run.

Ok,that's about it for now.I have the whole hps tent to up-date when light's come on.
Thank you all for being so patient.:Namaste:
Your full house beats my two pair Jimmy. Looking good.
high Jimmy, your room makes me dreaming every time i look at it Man!!!!
it is clean as i like and plants are super-healthy.
i love the clones rooting also, i rooted many flowering clones and many people think that you can’t root a flowering cut, it’s wrong; you can clone all the time but returning to real veg and normal growth take lot more time to appear with clones taken on a flowering mother-plant.
i see your cloner is well dialed Jimmy, congrats on the roots length and healthy-white.
green warm vibes from the south M8.
A little left of dry ice from a small run.

I wanna come to one of your Halloween parties! It's a haunted house in there with the purple light, fog, and monster plants! Very cool looking and awesome update as always sir.

Bob ;)
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