Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

I was going to mention super cropping the tall one in the back,but figured you had it under control.:thumb:
Growing is very addictive.:high-five:

i just try to keep it under control, it's not yet done at all, i think it will stretch a full more week , will make 5/6 weeks of stretch for her to start to trichs. i can't wait to see the holly resin coming all over this beauty sooooooooon !!!!!!!!!!
Good morning Jimmy Started my summer journal so stop on by and pull up a chair. Link in sig
i just try to keep it under control, it's not yet done at all, i think it will stretch a full more week , will make 5/6 weeks of stretch for her to start to trichs. i can't wait to see the holly resin coming all over this beauty sooooooooon !!!!!!!!!!
That's about all you can do man.Thety look pretty sticky to me.:thumb:You will see how sticky they are when you go for that defol.lol
Good morning Jimmy Started my summer journal so stop on by and pull up a chair. Link in sig
Good Morning buddy.:Namaste:
I am on it.:thumb:
Thank's Pinky.The one thing I miss about my closet's is they were on the same level of the house as I am.
Now I have to go down to flight's of stair's to get to the basement.lol
The condition's are much better down there for them and it's a small price to pay for what they will give me in return.
If I can keep them happy.:thanks:

I completely understand Jimmy! My 4x4 is in my room/office, and my 4x2 is in my kitchen. All upstairs! But with the temperatures going up soon, I may need to move them to the garage downstairs. I absolutely dread being that far away from them! The lower level of my house is my sons room, living room, bathroom, and garage. I NEVER go down there. OK, maybe once every 6 months for 30 seconds. I have never felt comfortable down there, it's in the basement so there is only windows in the bedrooms on one side, no where else. Upstairs large picture windows rap 2/3rd's of the house, so I am surrounded in Pine Trees and nature. So, to make a long story short, I dread when that day comes!
You are stronger than me Jimmy! :circle-of-love:

thanx Pinky, i do my best to keep them green and happy.
nice to have you around.
green sticky vibes from tha Garden.

Thanks ecdriver! That just made me want to go check on my girls! Thanks! :thumb:
I pretty much had my room in the basement as kid every where we lived growing up,so it really don't bother me.I don't like carrying 4 gallon jug's down stair's tho.I do have a sink in the basement but the jug's are to big to fill in it.Stupid me,just this morning after looking closer at the faucet,I was able to hook a garden hose to it.lol.:lot-o-toke:My jug luggin day's are over.lol
high Jimmy, i have a question for you M8,
my groom just end it 4th week of 12/12, plants are budding since beginningof 3rd week, then 2 weeks in real bloom.
as you can see in the pics they are pretty close to each other...
the question is that despite i've defol a few times since 12/12 have started, they are still very dense and i'm afraid the airflow inside is not good enough.
i have a big fan on a timer 15min on and 15 off, and at night 15min every hour. the fan is very large and i run it at low power otherwise i have burntleaves edge in the area where the fan blows.
my RH is 60% nearly all the time.
i'm not sure if i increase the frequency of the fan or if it is better to defol more.
i'm sure you have an opinion about that Jimmy.
Thanx M8.

Hi Eco I do use the damp rid box things you can get at the dollar store or wally world and they do help a bit but I ended up having to buy a dehumidified but can only use it during the day because it has a light on it that can't be covered so I get it as low as possible before lights out and pray for the best and so far have been lucky not to have to deal with any type of mold issues. I do keep my girls pretty heavily defol'd for this reason and noticed during the last defol if I hadn't done it when I did I think I would have had issues as some of the bottom foliage was smushy so I totally agree with Jimmy about doing a really heavy defol especially on the bottom popcorn and small limbs and fan leaves. It will most likely stall your girls for a minute or two but then they will explode with growth from the sites that have been covered up and with the energy being wasted on the bottom being redirected toward the upper growth. Hope it helps.....:circle-of-love:
Hi Eco I do use the damp rid box things you can get at the dollar store or wally world and they do help a bit but I ended up having to buy a dehumidified but can only use it during the day because it has a light on it that can't be covered so I get it as low as possible before lights out and pray for the best and so far have been lucky not to have to deal with any type of mold issues. I do keep my girls pretty heavily defol'd for this reason and noticed during the last defol if I hadn't done it when I did I think I would have had issues as some of the bottom foliage was smushy so I totally agree with Jimmy about doing a really heavy defol especially on the bottom popcorn and small limbs and fan leaves. It will most likely stall your girls for a minute or two but then they will explode with growth from the sites that have been covered up and with the energy being wasted on the bottom being redirected toward the upper growth. Hope it helps.....:circle-of-love:

thanx so much Dennise, i just have done the job (defol and snapped all the popcorn at about 30%height from the bottom) and i’ll picture the groom tomorrow, they also had a heavy Calgreen rain/shower and loved it once again.
have a nice evening Dennise.
T-minus under an hour until Show time.

Join Judge John, Moderator Cannafan, myself and the rest of THE REPS ARE RIGHT team at exactly 6:00 PM EST on my thread for the long awaited 11th episode.
That's about all you can do man.Thety look pretty sticky to me.:thumb:You will see how sticky they are when you go for that defol.lol

you were right about stickyness M8, just to defol and lollipop a bit gave me super-stinky-sticky hands, i'm really impressed with this strain, if it produce as now all along the 6/7 more weeks to go i would be more than satisfied.
Whats an early past picture :rofl:
is there a late current one?
looking good here J6k :thumb:

i mean not a pic from current day , didn't take my camera yesterday.......
i'll make actual daily pics tomorrow...:goof:

i told you i write English langage like a 10 years old boy, you see i'm not a liar.
have a nice green day Cronic.
i mean not a pic from current day , didn't take my camera yesterday.......
i'll make actual daily pics tomorrow...:goof:

i told you i write English langage like a 10 years old boy, you see i'm not a liar.
have a nice green day Cronic.

not laughing at you laughing with you so hope your laughing too
hi Dennise, sorry for that silly Bubblicious, keep some dust if you have a small room to let it drop his powdery gold and store it in a small zip inside an air/moist tight small container in your fridge, can keep it for more than a month without any power loss and longer with less effectiveness in polinating power, but even usable and would give less seeds.
love to play with those Holly Dust.
have a nice sweeeet day.
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