Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

I dont have enough posts yet to PM.

I was just making a comment "AMAZING!!!" at your journal. I started from the front and saw your early stuff and ur girls were beautiful. I subbed so I could follow and learn as I an a n00b to growing.

I will have tons of questions going forward. Keep up the great work!!

I have a feeling she will be even bigger and happier! It seems like whenever I wake the girls up, they are so big and happy, like they love the dark too! I see the most growth then... but then again, I check on them over a dozen times a day, and in the morning it's been at least 6 hours since the last check! LOL!
Tp be honest,I have not even checked on her this morning.lol.
I am going right now to start the chop process.:thumb:I believe KJC has done quite the research on dark period before harvest and came to the conclusion that it does nothing.lol


I dont have enough posts yet to PM.

I was just making a comment "AMAZING!!!" at your journal. I started from the front and saw your early stuff and ur girls were beautiful. I subbed so I could follow and learn as I an a n00b to growing.

I will have tons of questions going forward. Keep up the great work!!


You came to the right place man.:thumb::420:

I also subbed up by you and will jump in if I think I know what I am talking about.lol

Chopped pic's coming soon.I think I will do a few tric shot's also.:thumb:
Thank's Everyone...J6K:joint:
hey Jimmy, you're a happy-lucky daddy,
congrats about new babies.

they know already that you love them for sure.
nice job Jimmy.
I also wanted to introduce the J6K Flux meter..Model#420... Easy to use..Only one setting...Set it in the sun.lol

Happy to Have some sun today.
Gonna start this in the winder,until she break's soil and the the close cfl treatment.
Yea.it's going to be interesting.:thumb:Maybe Reg,will be so kind as to let us document the process in his 2.0 journal.:high-five:
You know I don't have a problem with that Jimmy. The 3 of us doing the same strain together could be a beautiful thing.
More REPS I had to come here because I had a hunch I would LMFAO! :rofl::rofl:

That J6K Flux meter..Model#420fluxhog, HILARIOUS!
There selling out fast.Better get your order in.lol
:oops: my reps have run dry, try some of my secret stash :roorrip:
I hope you have enough to share with the rest of us.lol
You know I don't have a problem with that Jimmy. The 3 of us doing the same strain together could be a beautiful thing.
Nice,Thank's Reg.I will be over to post a few up,in your journal.:thumb:
a beautiful thing! I love that line :thumb:
Who's OG are you growing, Jimmy? I have a Dinafem OG in the second week of flower and it is a very attractive plant so far.
It's a seed from a bag of O.G so I do not know the breeder.I will have to go check out your Dinafem O.G:thumb:
Dennise just sprouted an OG seed too!!! This will be very cool! :thumb::circle-of-love:
Oh,she did?:party:lol.Well have to see if she want's to join in on the fun.lol
:passitleft: great laughs & great shares :nicethread: :thumb:
Thank's Tric's:thumb:

I have been a bit busy lately and only have a few shot's today.
I will get some more up later on in the day

O.G sprout..I will call this day 1


Here is her sister.She is at about 6 week's from sprout.She was also chopped in half about a week ago.So her growth was slowed down a bit.She is back to normal growth rate now.


That's it for now.:thumb:
Thank you J6k:joint:

Also the return of the Rep's Are Right will happen this Sunday at..New City Grower 2.0 That's 3/30/14 at 3 pm.:thumb:It's a great way to meet people and filled with ton's of different few's of question's that have been floating around :420:
How long of a slow down do you usually see on topping or other severe training (like cutting your girl in half! You must be a magician)
Thank's Doc.To be honest,it seem's for me that normal topping and fim's,take a bit more time to bounce back from.When I chop them in half they don't seem to mind as much.I am sure they a bit stunned tho.lol
LST'ing really does not hurt and they are bent back up with in hr's.The supercropping for me take's about 3-4 day's before the break is manageable.
Looking good :thumb:


Thank's Fr3d.:high-five:
Hey Jimmy, I been trying to use the hydroton as a topping for my soil too, but my problem comes when I am trying to get the hydroton off the top to re-use after harvest, at the end it usually comes down to just picking the hydroton out one by one, after scooping out about 75%. How do you get the stuff separated from the soil to reuse for next run?

Was such a pain, I gave up using hydroton topping except for my REAL big plants. Of which i only have one right now.
Hey Jimmy, I been trying to use the hydroton as a topping for my soil too, but my problem comes when I am trying to get the hydroton off the top to re-use after harvest, at the end it usually comes down to just picking the hydroton out one by one, after scooping out about 75%. How do you get the stuff separated from the soil to reuse for next run?

Was such a pain, I gave up using hydroton topping except for my REAL big plants. Of which i only have one right now.

Hey Craw:tokin:
After I chop a plant I let the soil get bone dry and then the hydroton usually will just roll rite out of the pot when tip side way's.I use fabric pot's also,so when a plant is harvested I don't normally have any soil to mess with.Just one big root ball.
It's a seed from a bag of O.G so I do not know the breeder.I will have to go check out your Dinafem O.G

I haven't updated in a while, Jimmy. I made things easy for anyone who wants to look by posting an update/retrospective of the OG today.
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