Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

OG Kush......gonna be good.(hopefully bout to screen some of my own.)
Yea,I have been smoking it for a bout a week,and think it will be to my liking.I think I just like Kush.I have been running Vanilla Kush for over a year and love it.
Congrats on the new baby.......:yahoo:
Thank's Dennise,I wish now I would have waited.Been cool to start them at the same time as the other seed's I sent out to my buddy's.
Happy Munchday J6k :thumb:
Good Morning/night Chronic.I will stop by later.I got a few more ?'s for ya.:thumb:
New things happening over here huh Jimmy.
Yea Buddy,but not nearly as exciting as what you have coming up.:high-five:
Great plants Jimmy, you should be a contestant for PoM, those are winners!

I looked today I can't recall if I saw you on that HUGE list. Great info share :thumb:

Hey Tric's.Thank's Man.I did not enter this month.I may try and get one in next month but really just have no expectation's of winning.I entered one last year,but it's a whole new ball game this year and everyone has really stepped it up a lot since those day's.lol

Here's a few shot's of the O.G sprout from overnight to this morning.It's looking good.I am using the close cfl method.6500k


Yesterday was also week 6 in flower for the 4x8 girl's.
I may end up chopping a few early as I again need the room and Med's.
I will get a update on them asap.
Thank you J6k:joint:
Looks good new additions!
Thank's Teldren.I may discontinue growing the Critical Mass.The O.G will replace it.
She so cute.... and guess what day it is????? Not just one out for delivery but both are out for delivery......:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

Nice D. I spoke with him this Morning.He is excited and ready.
The O.G sprout is most likely the best looking sprout I have had and is very strong.I gave it a few flip's to get some water off and it is like a spring.I can not be a 100% sure it is female,but it should be.I am going to try and not bore every one with a bunch of sprout shot's everyday,but I did just take a few.


Also yesterday was week 6 in flowering.:thumb:


I am going to Chop 1 or 2 today,I would like to hold off a few more week's but just not going to happen.Same as with every time I harvest.lol.I will update with what I take and chop later today.
Thank you J6K:joint:
You're setting the mood here Jimmy. (cannabis related that is)
Don't want any mis-understandings. :laughtwo:
I like pretty pictures....:circle-of-love:
I like pretty pic's too,but it seem's the quality of them lately has not been the best.Ever since I had to start messing with the setting's for the Led's,I have not been able get ant decent Hps shot's.They need to invent a Canna Camera.lol.With only 3 setting's,Hps,led and fluro.lol
Very nice anyone got a napkin to wipe the drool off my face?
Happy Tokerday J6k :thumb:
Thank's Chronic.They got a few more week's left to fatten up a bit.I will be a drooling fool come harvest.

Nice soon to be harvest there buddy, what soil mix do you use again for the seedling?
Thank's Craw.I would like to pull close to 2oz a plant at least.8 plant's=1pd.:thumb:Should be very do able.
The soil mix is
FFOF/Coco 50/50
I then add to that
GH Ancient forest Alaska Humus
Savannah Gold Mushroom compost
Worm casting's
Xtreme Gardening Myko's
It look's like a rough mix but the seed was buried about a inch deep and popped up with no problem's and no helmet to be found.:Namaste:
You're setting the mood here Jimmy. (cannabis related that is)
Don't want any mis-understandings. :laughtwo:
I am glad you are comfortable Reg.No misunderstanding at all.We know you are a proud NY man and very sensitive when it come's to women.lol
oooooooooooooo :popcorn:
Happy Sativaday J6k deja vu yea I was already in your other journal :rofl:
Jimmy my dude, I feel like I'm there!
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