Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

GJ dude productive Saturday.
Thank's Teldren,but not nearly as productive as I like to have been.lol.I will continue the up-date's this morning and threw out the day.
Jimmy my dude, I feel like I'm there!

and I'm hanging with Broke Ass.....:passitleft:

Thank's Reg and Dennise.It's funny how you get that feeling after talking with someone a bit and seeing and hearing what went on threw out there day.I will also say in D's case,I wish I were there.(before you started LST)I wanted to reach through the screen and start bending/super cropping everything.lol

Here are some pic's

Day 41 since 12/12 flowering schedule was introduced.


I have one more up-date to do on the veg girl's and will have it up soon.
Do not for get to check out my GreenSun journal.It's looking pretty good over there.:thumb:
Thank you J6K:joint:
The 9th episode of THE REPS ARE RIGHT will start in approximately 5 hrs from this post on "THIS" thread.
Be there or be square comrades!
Love your work buddy...Those multi headed ladies are the shizzle!!! :thumb:
Thank's Heady.To be honest I could not tell ya how I did it.Fimming I'm sure.lol
The 9th episode of THE REPS ARE RIGHT will start in approximately 5 hrs from this post on "THIS" thread.
Be there or be square comrades!
The Rep's are what?I'll try and make it if I can.lol..:rofl:
You know I'll be there.:thumb:

Up-Date on the chocolate fondu.(Freebean)
She was transplanted in to a # 5 smartpot and gently had a DIY screen placed on top making her a porta-scrog.
I also cleaned out all lower branches,except one.It was growing nicely and could not cut it.
She will stay in veg until there is room in flower.(hopefully 1-2 week's)
I have never flowered in a 5 gallon before and expect her to be a beast and produce the most weight from a single plant I have to date.
I did most of the process under green light and will be cleaning her up a bit more when she show's sign's she is comfortable.
Also am now entering Chronic's territory as she is only about 6 inches from the led.
There are zero light burn on her as of today.We'll see how she does.She was last updated on page #37.

Before transplant


These are the the branches coming of the two branches were she was topped and spread apart.They are at least 8 inches long.


This is what a root ball look's like in a Smart pot.You can see where she as just been pruning away.It's a very solid root ball.


And here she is all Taylor'ed up.lol


Here is a shot of the main stem were she was topped.The blurry part is the top branch.Sorry,I was in a some what of a hurry.


And her home for now.


I still have a handful of plant's to update,but light is off and will get to them after The Rep Are Right.:thumb:
Thank you J6K:joint:

(Edit).I will also post screen size later,so you have an idea of her size.
Jimmy, i've used your idea with the coloured coloured wire and i love it!! I have this funky clone of a Northern Light Blue which already had 2 tops, so i've been stretching her out with them. I figured you'd like it! Mine are only 4mm though, what are yours called? so i can "amazon" them :)

Here she is anyway


I'm gonna try and stretch her out, top/fim a couple of times and try and fill the Screen with her and her alone :) I might even start a journal just for her!


How the hell is this even possible anyway?! If i take clones of this one will they grow 2 heads too?! Haha!
hey google are those 3 plants gonna stay in there?
Happy Munchday J6k :thumb:

Hey Cronic! They will stay in there til they start fighting with each other then I'll probably move them to seperate buckets. The 2 headed beauty is outgrowing it fast in terms of leaf coverage so may move her out soon and move another little one in its place.

Happy Tuesday to you my friend :) feel free to check out my journal if you wanna see how she gets on :thumb:
:lot-o-toke::cheesygrinsmiley: What's up Teldren.
have to read this later just notice it must have been high :) to not have notice this thread :) cheers jimmy6k
Better late then never Getur.:thumb:.I hope you like what ya see.
How's I going Sara.:party:
Het jimmy! its looks like alot of work but u have everything under control. Everything is clean and in perfect shape. How many hours a day u put on your grow? It sure takes some time... Its looking very nice.
It depend's on how much time in the day I have to spend in there.lol.It took a while getting everything up and running tho the way it is now tho.I just do upgrade's and what not when money is right.Flowering area will be re done after this round.Most of the time I am in the grow room I am just bending,tying and staring at them.lol.If I had to guess.I would say at least 2 hr's a day just playing around.
hey google are those 3 plants gonna stay in there?
Happy Munchday J6k :thumb:
Happy Toker's Day Chronic.:thumb:

I will have an up-date on the remaining veg girl's today.I have been doing some transplanting on the C.F clone's.
Thank's Everyone. J6K
I did not get any pic's of the Led veg area today but I did get one transplanted and cut a batch of clone's to try and keep this perpetual going.I know I said I was dis-continuing the Critical Mass,but the one's I have finishing in flower this round have multiple,banana size cola's.Much better then last round.I feel I have a good understanding on how it grow's and will be keeping it around for a while longer.
I also chopped one of the Chocolate fondu clone's(C-2) in half and am attempting to clone the top and a branch off of it.I also transplanted C-3.It is now in a cheap 3 gallon fabric pot.(not a smart pot).She(C-3) is going to be my pride and joy for a while.lol.
Also some shot's of the O.G. at 1 week old.

We'll start with the C.F clone that was chopped in half.


After chop


The batch of clone's...4 Vanilla Kush..2 Chocolate Fondu...2 Critical Mass.


Here is the top of the C.F. clone.


I also topped it.


Here is C-3.She has some real potential and expect good thing's from her.


Now the O.G at 1 week.


Light is not as close as it look's.
More coming soon...
Thank's everyone...J6k:joint:
Happy Frieday Chronic.:tokin:
I have decided to harvest a few early due to lack of my own smoke and for way too long.
I chopped 1 C.M at day 46 that has a flowering time of 7 week's.(49 day's).
I chopped 1 V.K at day 46 that has a flowering time of 8 week's.(56 day's).
I decide to chop the V.K that I was having the most trouble keeping bud's from falling.
I also started the C.F (Freebean) in to flower.:clap:
I also threw the V.k that I buried the bottom branch on(solar panel)into flower.It did not grow any root's from it,and grew very slow,so it was chopped off.She's a big girl and not sure what if I'll keep her in flower yet.
I'll explain as we go.

Vanilla Kush at 46 day's
This is what see looked like after I took all the the support's off and took her out of of the flowering area.She is the girl in past pic's, that had multiple pipette's strung from my cool tube,holding up the bud's.


Here is the Critical mass I choose to go first.


Here are the result's of the V.K.....Wet weight.


Smaller bud's and popcorn weighed 26.4 wet.I did not weigh trim.


My Old lady had her camera,at the time of chopping the C.M.so I could not get any weight pic's.
She came in wet at. 29.7 gram's smaller bud's and popcorn and 172.5 of bud.

Here are some shot's I am not happy with the quality but will share anyway.lol


Pic flipped up-side down..lol



So my goal at a pound is not looking to bad.(gram's)
V.K=211.2 and 26.4 smaller bud's and pocorn
C.M.=172.5 and 29.7 smaller bud's and popcorn.
Total of 2 plant's=383.7...13.7 oz wet bud's.
Total of 2 plant's=56.1...2 oz smaller buds and popcorn.
All total=493.8...15.7 oz.
I am aware of how much will be lost during drying/cure.
We'll say 75% will be lost, leaving us with..123.4....4.4 oz.
If all my calculation's are correct,if not please,fell free to correct me.
6 plant's left to go.I should be able to let them get there full flower time.lol.We'll see.

Will continue up-date shortly.I need to up-load pic's first.:thumb:
Thank you flower and D.I will most likely be chopping the last 6 with in these next two week's.
I chopprd up a bunch of the small bud's and popcorn,put it in a box and left it on heater all night.
It was surprisingly nicely dried this morning and a bowl was the first thing I did.
I will say that the AO organic nute's made a world of difference in the taste.
Even with only 3 day's of straight water and no flush and a super fast dry the taste and smell are great.It make's me wonder how bad my last harvest really tasted.It's amazing the difference.

I also keep the girl's alive.I think.In what may be an attempt at a indoor re-veg that will finish outside.I am not sure if I will have anywhere to put them outdoor's yet.


Here is the C.F (Freebean) and and the V.K I spoke of in last post.
Flower Day 1


I am in the process of getting thing's in order and have not posted pic's of all the girl's in veg yet.Today I am going to do some transplanting and will up-date after.Don't forget to check out my GreenSun journal,also up-dated today.
Thank you J6K.
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