Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

So I did that same thing before for some one that's funny but it was right off the plant with dirty scissors and I put it in a cup of cold tap water right from the spigot. He's good now gave him confidence. I think I said before BAR lemme know when your ready I'll straighten you out..haha..and once again jimmy looking great!
So I did that same thing before for some one that's funny but it was right off the plant with dirty scissors and I put it in a cup of cold tap water right from the spigot. He's good now gave him confidence. I think I said before BAR lemme know when your ready I'll straighten you out..haha..and once again jimmy looking great!

Freebean is looking great Jimmy, that top is going to be a mighty nice clone also :bravo:
I need to work on my cloning BAR no worries.. should I mention I have a cloning survival rate of 5% :battingeyelashes:
I know I shouldn't have liked that post but it just felt good to hear you say that. LOL
Wait, ill make it better... I made a diy cloner rubbermaid box and spent a good hundred bucks, only to get a 0% success rate & a leaky box that has since been used as its real purpose, a storage tote LOL. My other attempt was the rapid rooters which was janky as heck, ended with one clone to spare :) It's okay to laugh I think its hilarious. :laugh:
you could always go to hardware store and buy 6 furniture casters, then all you need is a piece of board that fits the grow space then a scrog would work out ok,

thats what i would be doing when i get round to giving a scrog a try, i will at some point but i have plants in different stages of growth so id need to stop planting seeds until i was ready to do a scrog, i will try one but its just a matter of when

@BAR, its only a matter of time before you get out of the dead clone society my friend, the only problem i seen with your clones was the soil you had the clones in was way to wet and not deep enough, one thing i have also tried is cutting the end of the clone into like an X so it has 4 strips at the bottom where the roots grow, that seemed to speed it up by a couple of days, practice cloning some plants in your garden and get them rooted then you wont be losing cuttings all the time, go and chop up some of your mrs's plants and blame it on the dog or neighbours dog, then get cloning my friend, once you rooted 2 or 3 clones you will wonder why you found it so hard, it took me ages to work out where i was going wrong, for me it was the soil to wet and to much leaf on the clones,
i often dont leave any fan leaves on my clones, i take off the fan leaves and just leave the new leaves at the top, that seems to work ok.

im not even sure if the rooting hormones work as well as they say they do, i clone without it from time to time and it roots at about the same time.
another tip i came across was to stop feeding a high N food for 2 weeks before taking the clones as the nitrogen makes it harder for roots to grow, ill try and find the info, its why i often take my clones after week 2 of 12/12.
but to be honest i dont think it makes much difference.
If you really want to laugh CA the Rapid Rooters was my last venture into cloning with the germination station & all... LOL
Dead clone society :rofl: it'll work out eventually BAR, patience & practice.

I think I was also taking side branches that weren't too beefy which could have lowered the chances for success quite abit.
If you guys lollipop you know what I mean, I am trying to clone those little tiny popcorn buds that wont to anything others wise.

I don't want to hi jack Jimmy's thread, but any opinions on cloning flowering plants @~6 weeks?
Jimmy doesn't mind. He's cool like that....
I actually have better rooting times with clonex then without
even tho it gets wet soon after I put it on seems to root faster and better with then without it
I have been having a good percentage of rooting since I made this bubble cloner
I have pics of clones from 7wks and 8wks, I'm growing them right now I'll try really hard to post them tonight they take along time to start but can turn out really great, they seem to branch from a node all over its kind of crazy not always predictable but can be quite beneficial.
I did some of the flowering clones some where in my old journal.I believe I even flowered a few.They do take longer to root,but did have more branching then normal.The one's I flowered finished faster in flower also Imo.
So I had a change in plan's.I am not going to keep my mother plant,which was just placed in flower to make room for veg.She is just to far gone for me to spend the time and space to bring her back.Spider mite's got her bad.

Here are the clones taken yesterday.We may lose a few.Top look's good tho.

These 2 I am unsure about.

The clone stuck in dirt not looking so good.
Awe mate saddens me to see about that momma plant they gotta be healthy before a big trim or they shock to much to fight off disease and such l, all else looks great jimmy your doing good things.
They look awesome J6k! Sorry about your mother plant. :rip:

So far I've had the same experience with my clones. They seem to stay frozen for a week or two, and they take off. I almost gave up on them. I can't wait to see them through flower.

Your setup looks so nice and clean. I am so sorry about the spider mites! What are you going to do to combat them?

Sorry to hear the bad news about Mommy Dearest, your Mother plant Jimmy.

Happy Sativaday J6k :thumb:
yea death to all mites and gnats and bugs that do harm to our lovely girls :circle-of-love:
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