Is this leaf septoria? If so, what should I do?

If they're all ready to harvest and you have time at night, just turn the floodlights on and work at night. Nothing bad will happen within the next week if they're all coming down. It takes longer than that for a plant to respond to changes in light schedule.

And even if they hermie at this stage it doesn't make any difference to the harvest.
IDK what strain the first plant I posted pics of that is almost stripped of its fan leaves. I believe that one is close to being done. If I was to guess I would say the Green Cracks will be ready in a week, maybe a week and a half. The Sour Diesels look like they are going to be a couple more weeks. Normal harvest in my area is around mid to late October. These plants received some light interference though, so I don't know if that is going to have an effect on the harvest date.
I am glad they will not all be ready at the same time. Next year I will be doing way more pruning than I did this year so it is not such a headache come harvest. My husband keeps saying no outdoor plants again. I keep trying to explain that the reason the plants have been so time-consuming this year is because I have been operating in a reactive vs proactive way as I learn from my mistakes. Next year should be a lot smoother.......but he doesn't want to hear it. Maybe he will feel differently once he can reap some of the rewards.
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