Is my yield good?

Would love to no what yield I’ll get
looks good to me mate could do 2oz a piece if you make sure the light can get to all of the developing bud sites evenly and try to keep the canopy as even as possible by tying down if needed or supercropping with a good bend. Fingers crossed for you mate. a decent booster with carbs and sugars will help too ( canna boost , a.n big bud , shogun active boost ect..) These will give them mega food when they call for it during later flowering weeks and also a p.k product for a week too.
what nutes you using?
I have been using Humboldts Secret Golden tree which is an additive that replaces many many others in one. This has been doing good and i currently use just that instead of boosters , pk , zyms. It is worth a research but there is limited info on it as it is still fairly unknown against the "bigger advertised" brands. It is very concentrated and and does turn tour mix dark but at 2ml per litre for veg and only 4ml per litre flower , a small 250ml bottle goes a long way.
I am nearly finished with the last if mine and will be using it again for sure but this crop, I am giving Shogun additives a try as i have heard good things about them. A stable , well reviewed and often advised one is "Canna boost" and also A.N Big Bud. These do seem to be used a lot in general and i have had good results with both at different times. I am always looking to find the ones i want to stick with but do like to try a few to also see a comparison sometimes. hope this helps and hit me up with a @Ganjagrandaddy on your journal anytime so i can join the fun. settled in for the ride mate:passitleft:
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