
Probably not true composting or worm bin but I add mulch into my cooks and other organic waste that I save orange peels, banana peels, egg shells, small Christmas tree limbs, all seafood waste, oyster shells, crab shells and shrimp tails. Usually aim for balance of both greens and browns.

I did find something neat by accident, I left a bucket mixed with alfalfa pellets and bird seed outdoors and forgot about it, there was another bucket inside that, well the pellets got plenty wet in a big rainstorm. When I next checked on the bucket it stunk real bad and was covered with maggots and white fuzz. So, I dried them out, ground them up and fed them to my plants! I may start repeating that mixture to brew tea with
Wild stuff. Hope it works out. Alfalfa is a good topper
Thanks Celt....!

I bought the 50 lb bag of alfalfa too and birdseed. I used to get good fine river sand but last time all they had was large grain sterile looking sand. I’m pumped about getting that gallon of monosilicic acid and now if I can get those new beans I will be set for a minute.

I run the birdseed as a cover crop and a week later sprout more seeds and trim off the older growth to fix nitrogen
I’ve never top dressed with it but it’s in all my soil mixes.
A topper can work out well especially if you feel your mix is a little hot. If you add it to the top it probably won't burn, and it will add broken down nutrinutrienAlfalfa is an outstanding food for microbes and can really help the carbon Nitrogen balance
Hey Bean! My ears were burnin. I'm honored you mentioned me thanks

Check this out.

If you're growing from seed you can have the best of everything and still wind up with small yields if your genetics aren't right. Even then it will take something Jorge Cervantes calls a " super seed" to get unusually large weights. You just need to make sure the environment, lights, and all the little stuff is dialed in to give the plant what it needs so it can do its thing.

You need to be ready to grow big plants. If you run out of room your plant will suffer. A solid knowledge of super cropping is important. Yoyos for the last few weeks is a good idea. Less nutrients is always better than more. You can completely shutdown flower if your pH gets out of hand or you simply overload you P-K at the end. Watch your pH even in soil. While its popular to say a properly manufactured soil will take care pH all by itself it really only works well pushing slightly acidic conditions back toward a higher number.

I was having a conversation with someone the other day who stated a nutrient solution with Silica that has a pH of 11 is OK to add to soil. PH is a logarithmic scale. So a pH of 6 is 10 times stronger than 5. 7 is 100 times stronger, 8 is 1000 times stronger, 11 is 1,000,000 times stronger than 5 on the pH scale. Its the same as ammonia... he believes the soil can fix that... and fix it faster than it destroys the root system please be aware of what you're adding to your plants, and learn how to adjust the pH before adding it if needed. If your nutrient pH is 7 or 8 lime will be fine to sort out the pH. Dolomite lime is a wonderful thing, but it can't easily fix such huge issues. Silica is probably the only additive that would cause a pH of 11, and even then only a couple potassium based products you shouldnt use anyway... but if you never check your pH you would never know as you fed your plant a caustic solution every week... know what youre giving your plants. Sorry for the rant. This situation is just so ridiculous.

Grow in RDWC hydro. Its widely thought of as the most productive grow method. Everyone has their own opinion on this of course. Ive grown plants over a pound more than once in RDWC. I believe this method is the easiest way to see the plants potential as soon as possible.

Use Silica. Don't bother with any Potassium based products. Only use products derived from monosilicic acid. The Potassium Silicate molecule is a chain and basically doesn't fit where it needs to in the plant. Monosilicic acid is a single molecule and goes right in. Theres a ton more to this, i can elaborate if you guys have questions. Silica is the coolest element we use in my opinion. Its not a macro nutrient, but it does so many things sone say its much more than a micro nute. If you dont know about Silica its worth your time to read about it. Again, if you have questions...

Genetics... you aren't gonna grow a 2 pound Grinspoon plant. Its just not in its DNA. Strains like Northern Lights, Big Bud, Industrial, Moby Dick all have the meat and potatoes to grow big ass colas. If you vegged for 2 months, you nutrients are right, your using Silica, your hydro rig is right and you have plenty of air in the water, your environment is good, and you have the correct genetics with a seed that has a cape with a big S on it, its easy to go over a pound.

My last big plant did 26oz, 737gm if I did my math right. The strain was Wembley from Pyramid seeds, its a sister to King Tut. I had 5 plants and got about 50oz total. The strain clearly had the capacity to grow big, but one seed had the "S" was swinging from the fences from day one. When the branches reached 62 inches i got really worried, but it worked out.

This is an example of how seeds can can suck... in one 17 gallon pot I have a plant that did 26oz. Right next to it (same pot) the plant never found second gear and only did 2oz. No nutrient, light, PGR, animal sacrifice will ever change the fact the little plant will always be a little plant.

The big plant grew really ugly. Huge buds, but just a lanky beast. It kinda took the fun out of it for me. And it didn't look like 26oz. Here are some pictures of that plant and the rest from that season. You will see a smaller plant in a smaller room. Its a wembley in soil. It did 10oz

for big yields you need 3 things - good genetics, good medium, good light not to say the cultivators skill-set
I started growing in a 4x3 using led lights this year and I've averaged 25oz per grow per 3 plants using less than 500w.

Grew previously in 4x4 tents using 600w HPS lights just a say reaching 20oz a run.

No skill set in particular but using 50x50mm mesh with more bud sites, more support, less stretch and bud sites galore, it does all the work for you trust me.

5 Grows all consecutive 25+oz a time.
Kola off a sour kush I just harvested
Nice freshies in the house!

I still have 4 autos going
2 gorilla glue 1 blueberry 1 cream

the sour kush was 65 days from seed almost out grew my tent got to 5ft tall


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So I vegged 1 plant for months, measured 6ft 8in wide and only just under 4ft tall, came in 52 and a 1/4 Oz dried, amnesia haze, 2.4 x 1.2 tent, I was curious what I could do with one plant, it struggled under its own weight, deva lights, coco hand fed
Congrats on your harvest and with 4 more to go you will be in the green for a while. All I know is - it sure feels good to store up mason jars full of bud!
I’m making seeds at the minute just started to spray a female gorilla glue auto with colloidal silver,I have a blueberry and cream auto females I’m going to hit with the pollen

I made a shit load of normal. feminized seeds last grow,this time it’s auto flower seeds I want to make


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