Is my yield good?

One gram per watt probably shouldn’t really be considered as what you ‘should be getting’, so much as a gold standard or upper limit.

It depends on your lighting though. With HID its very difficult to get beyond 1 gram per watt of top grade trimmed bud. There’s physically just not much room for more bud than 1 gpw with HID light penetration. Sometimes people will exaggerate and talk about how they got 2 gpw and beyond, but not many believe them. Around .8 gpw is a more common upper average if everything goes well in the grow and you know what you’re doing. No- we aren’t counting the big pile of popcorn buds.

Cheap blurple LED is going to yield less.

The newer LEDs- Q boards and cobs, can yield you quite a bit more because they have better penetration, therefore giving you more growing space to work with, especially when you’re using multiple light sources.

Here’s a screen from a scrog that ended up yielding just over 1gpw of good large buds. It pushed the limits of my HPS bulb and I had a huge amount of smaller popcorn. You can see how there’s not that much more room.

One gram per watt probably shouldn’t really be considered as what you ‘should be getting’, so much as a gold standard or upper limit.

It depends on your lighting though. With HID its very difficult to get beyond 1 gram per watt of top grade trimmed bud. There’s physically just not much room for more bud than 1 gpw with HID light penetration. Sometimes people will exaggerate and talk about how they got 2 gpw and beyond, but not many believe them. Around .8 gpw is a more common upper average if everything goes well in the grow and you know what you’re doing. No- we aren’t counting the big pile of popcorn buds.

Cheap blurple LED is going to yield less.

The newer LEDs- Q boards and cobs, can yield you quite a bit more because they have better penetration, therefore giving you more growing space to work with, especially when you’re using multiple light sources.

Here’s a screen from a scrog that ended up yielding just over 1gpw of good large buds. It pushed the limits of my HPS bulb and I had a huge amount of smaller popcorn. You can see how there’s not that much more room.

A gram a watt is standard. Not gold standard. If you can’t push a gram per watt then your losing money. Literally losing money. Anyone watch the grow boss videos regarding this. 1 gram per watt is what should be expected. Can you get less? For sure. Can you get more? For sure. Too say .8 is average would be undercutting your operation. Prior to legalization, 1 gpw was standard in order to make a consistent profit.
One gram per watt probably shouldn’t really be considered as what you ‘should be getting’, so much as a gold standard or upper limit.

It depends on your lighting though. With HID its very difficult to get beyond 1 gram per watt of top grade trimmed bud. There’s physically just not much room for more bud than 1 gpw with HID light penetration. Sometimes people will exaggerate and talk about how they got 2 gpw and beyond, but not many believe them. Around .8 gpw is a more common upper average if everything goes well in the grow and you know what you’re doing. No- we aren’t counting the big pile of popcorn buds.

Cheap blurple LED is going to yield less.

The newer LEDs- Q boards and cobs, can yield you quite a bit more because they have better penetration, therefore giving you more growing space to work with, especially when you’re using multiple light sources.

Here’s a screen from a scrog that ended up yielding just over 1gpw of good large buds. It pushed the limits of my HPS bulb and I had a huge amount of smaller popcorn. You can see how there’s not that much more room.

very nice single scrog mate. i like to 4way mainline and supercrop where possible. scrogging can be restricting for my workable area although i did once get over 10oz from single super iced grapefruit scrogged out. it did take so much space though so could still have been another plant there yielding from same area of available light
A gram a watt is standard. Not gold standard. If you can’t push a gram per watt then your losing money. Literally losing money. Anyone watch the grow boss videos regarding this. 1 gram per watt is what should be expected. Can you get less? For sure. Can you get more? For sure. Too say .8 is average would be undercutting your operation. Prior to legalization, 1 gpw was standard in order to make a consistent profit.

Oh it’s this guy I remember you now.

Uhhh no. I realize you can find whatever you want on the net. Experience tends to tell the real story. It’s obvious from your postings on the forum that you’re a complete newbie grower though, and talk is cheap. Got some pics of some of your past harvests? Just the boring old average one gram per watt ones would do, but feel free to post some of your better ones too.
very nice single scrog mate. i like to 4way mainline and supercrop where possible. scrogging can be restricting for my workable area although i did once get over 10oz from single super iced grapefruit scrogged out. it did take so much space though so could still have been another plant there yielding from same area of available light

Thanks Ganja. At one point a few years back I used to scrog everything and made a bunch of these screens. Four fit together under each 600w HPS in flowering. The buds that you see dangling over the sides were up on top, before I took the screen out of the room.

The pics were really just to show what 1 gpw looks like in terms of bud density per square inch or whatever. Not my best bud necessarily- but it shows how crowded you need it.

With a better light, now that better lights than HPS finally exist, scrog and such techniques are less necessary and you’ll see regular Christmas tree shaped plants with buds way down the stem that are fully developed. So yields can be higher without having to train the plant into a two dimensional space cause your lights don’t penetrate well.
cant beat that view mate. seeing all the starfish and knowing they will all be big fatties so soon is comforting. We wait so long to get to the actual flowers showing it can feel like getting nowhere fast. nice work skunks.
Thanks Ganja. At one point a few years back I used to scrog everything and made a bunch of these screens. Four fit together under each 600w HPS in flowering. The buds that you see dangling over the sides were up on top, before I took the screen out of the room.
The pics were just to show what 1 gpw looks like in terms of bud density per square inch or whatever.
With a better light, now that better lights than HPS finally exist, scrog and such techniques are less necessary and you’ll see regular Christmas tree shaped plants with buds way down the stem that are fully developed. So yields can be higher without having to train the plant into a two dimensional space cause your lights don’t penetrate well. :passitleft:
Been on hps for decades and still feel the initial layout on new LED is always out of reach ( father of 8 !!) Been hoping to win in a comp or get sponsored by Mars to "convert" me to the new "god" of light but fell on deaf ears so I run 1200w in tubes (for heat mainly) and tbh i love my finished buds. It can be a real confidence killer when 1st crops dont yield high as expected but it can make you more focused for the next crop and also show what really works for your own environment.
All of this 1gr per watt talk is ridiculous. There are so many factors that go into getting Xgr per watt it cannot be said like that in a blanket statement. If I were using a cheapo single ended hps I know I wouldn't hit 1gr per watt. It would probably be closer to 0.5gr per watt. My result would be the same for 10 different makers of blurple LED's. There are blurple LED's that CAN help you hit 1+ grams per watt but not many of them and those that will don't cost $100 per light. Quantum board LED's and QUALITY cob arrays? Yes, 1-2 grams per watt can be had with an experienced grower with things dialed in.
Grams per watt depends HIGHLY on some of these;
Type of light source
Efficiency of light source (umol/j)
Grower experience level
Environmental control
container size.....
The list goes on and on. I am a grower that consistently hits 1-1.5 grams per watt with my room but I don't do this with little experience, cheap lights and without 100% control of my environment and without a strain that will allow me to do so....

Bottom line is that if you are growing a plant with moderate yield potential, little experience and decent light source and get 3 oz from a plant then you did just fine!
Looks like great stuff more importantly.
A gram a watt is standard. Not gold standard. If you can’t push a gram per watt then your losing money. Literally losing money. Anyone watch the grow boss videos regarding this. 1 gram per watt is what should be expected. Can you get less? For sure. Can you get more? For sure. Too say .8 is average would be undercutting your operation. Prior to legalization, 1 gpw was standard in order to make a consistent profit.
I would like to see your electricity costs to show ANY truth to this....This is crazy talk plain and simple. If someone grows 300g under a 600w light how in the world are they losing money when a decent quarter oz at a dispensary would cost them $75? 300g at $75 per quarter oz =$3000 for dispensaries prices. $10 per gram.
Now, to run a 600w light cost may be $100???? So, tell me please, where is the loss?
All of this 1gr per watt talk is ridiculous.

Well I hear you, there are a ton of variables. And ‘grams per watt’ is also kind of meaningless unless you factor in other things like time, costs of power and equipment -blah blah blah. Graytail records grams per watt per day for his strains which makes more sense.

Yield is an outcome of - your lighting, equipment, environment, strain selection, luck, not getting busted, not getting mites, etc etc.
-multiplied by how badly you happened to fuck things up that time around.

Yield isn’t a big priority for me or I’d be growing totally differently. But the grams per watt question is still interesting and can tell you something about how your grow is going compared to other grows.
It tends to be a burning question when you’re a new grower. At least it was for me for a while.
Well I hear you, there are a ton of variables. And ‘grams per watt’ is also kind of meaningless unless you factor in other things like time, costs of power and equipment -blah blah blah. Graytail records grams per watt per day for his strains which makes more sense.

Yield is an outcome of - your lighting, equipment, environment, strain selection, luck, not getting busted, not getting mites, etc etc.
-multiplied by how badly you happened to fuck things up that time around.

Yield isn’t a big priority for me or I’d be growing totally differently. But the grams per watt question is still interesting and can tell you something about how your grow is going compared to other grows.
It tends to be a burning question when you’re a new grower. At least it was for me for a while.
Here Watch the grow boss. He explains so well, even a cave man can understand.
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