Invi's Second Attempt - Some Classic Strains

I gave them a little tea only, no nutes. It's possible too that i mistook the leaf damage caused by the vent for P and K def. Wish i could distinguish them..

Tip burn almost gone, ill feed them sometime this week, except for the lemon and maybe the herer if it keeps this dark color.
Soon time for bud porn, if temps will be fine.

Ill get a new vent soon, that can exchange 345 m3 air an hour. Hope it will be enough for the 8 m3 room the tent is in. Means the 8 m3 air is pushed out in less then 1.4 minutes. I plan to run it for 15 mins each hour. If it doesn't help then i have no idea what will. It should decrease temp by ~10F during each run.
I got a shutter for it too, so no bugs come in or CO2 goes out there.

Anyone knows how much air should be exchanged to get rid of all the used, hot air? I have seen some 25x multiplier, but if that was true, even for this small room an industrial level vent would be needed (in a range for wich 400V required current is much more common than 110V or 230V, and price is pretty high)
You mean some of the outdoor girls were monster'd?
Wow those don't lack energy!
Cheers mate, you're my hero.

Oh and did they have N def? Or were they full on nutes the time you cut em? I have seen some info regarding cloning and how it works better with a slight nitrogen deficiency. Maybe i should wait until i see the N toxicity fade away before the cut?

I did not keep them in veg for 4 weeks last grow by the way, they really need some more time it seems.

Ahh just caught myself tinking about giving at least a little nute to them lol...
Better start up the camera, and make some pics instead :)

N deficient clones suck, I just ran the cloner a while back testing the theory and wasted two weeks and had to chuck the varmits, last batch of healthy cuts just went into the dirt at 11 days and they are all very healthy.
N deficient clones suck, I just ran the cloner a while back testing the theory and wasted two weeks and had to chuck the varmits, last batch of healthy cuts just went into the dirt at 11 days and they are all very healthy.

Thanks for the info. Less delay too - cheers McLoadie!
good weed invi:)
my favorite movie!!
But Mister President he is going to see the Big Board:)
Hey mate :) I'm here subbed n all,
I see the problems uv had man I musts been lucky or like we've discussed maybe canna terra soil is better suited to the slh
Reps on ur journey so far :)

Hey Alex! Thanks for Rep too and welcome!
Not much knowledge around here from my end at least, but i plan to make lot of bud porn pics,
hope that will keep folks interested :)

Yes, the soil might have some slow release N, that most strains eat up in without problems - that and the NPK ratio was too much for her.
Will make some shots of her when lights turn on, hope the color lightened a bit around the tops. Her smell is truly great - love that haze taste + some fruityness that i could call lemon if i wanted, its really close :)
You mean some of the outdoor girls were monster'd?
Wow those don't lack energy!
Cheers mate, you're my hero.

Oh and did they have N def? Or were they full on nutes the time you cut em? I have seen some info regarding cloning and how it works better with a slight nitrogen deficiency. Maybe i should wait until i see the N toxicity fade away before the cut?

I did not keep them in veg for 4 weeks last grow by the way, they really need some more time it seems.

Ahh just caught myself tinking about giving at least a little nute to them lol...
Better start up the camera, and make some pics instead :)

Hey sorry invi I missed this post somehow. Yes every plant you see in my garden currently, indoors and out is a monstered weemenz!! I love those branching structures my OD OG has thirty three natural colas.... :)
TBH I try not to overthink anything, I need clones I clone, I would not have even considered the N issue at all. I am by no means pro but I do have a great success rate with my clones. You are doing great man I repped ya!
Hey sorry invi I missed this post somehow. Yes every plant you see in my garden currently, indoors and out is a monstered weemenz!! I love those branching structures my OD OG has thirty three natural colas.... :)
TBH I try not to overthink anything, I need clones I clone, I would not have even considered the N issue at all. I am by no means pro but I do have a great success rate with my clones. You are doing great man I repped ya!

Thanks! I was afraid N od might waste all the clones. I'll cut them as soon as i have the hormone.

Aw man bud porn keeps all interested :)
I look forward to lights on piks. I love dark leaves but I guess there's a tipping point

Yeah i like dark leaves too. Those look much better in contrast with the resin :) pity its often a sign of nearing N od.

Oh well, here comes poor lemon. The small PK that the other strains didn't even notice caused quite a burn on her. Talk about sensitivity...
Don't think these bud sites will ever connect, i will get some small bud clouds here and there. But she probably wouldn't have looked like the herer or the rest, with the 10"+ dense colas, even if i hadn't screw her.
This is her 29th day in flower.

Ohh my what i've done...
But she smells great :)
Found some yellow leaves below on her, what the hell... She is just trying to trick me i know now, i won't feed :)
Maybe its just me but the light green seems to have spread. Muha.
the leaves clawing down is a clear sign of nitrogen overdose. high doses of nitrogen in flowering cause delayed and even small bud growth. how many millilitres per gallon are you feeding of nitrogen?
the leaves clawing down is a clear sign of nitrogen overdose. high doses of nitrogen in flowering cause delayed and even small bud growth. how many millilitres per gallon are you feeding of nitrogen?

None, in the past few weeks. Before that - while in veg - the highest concentration she got was 1.0 ec (was going up from 0.3), with a 3-1-4 ratio. That should be about 3/8 * 1.0 = 0.375 for the last veg feeding - in case 1ml N registers the same on ec scale as 1ml P or K, im not sure about that. Then she got flowering nutes once at 1.4 ec in the very end (2-2-4 so that means(?) 0.35 ec of N).
I think she is getting out of it, but damaged leaves will stay like this - so no visual improvement until new growth covers the old one.
Now she is just getting RO water, and occasionally i add a little PK to keep up a slight tip burn. I flushed her too at the first obvious signs of N od. Runoff ec was 1.0, last feeding 1.4 so i guess it could have been worse.

Should have put her in dirt, and only give her clean rainwater now i know :):)
good morning, good weed and most of all Have a Great Weedend invi:circle-of-love:
What are you growing in invi.

Soil - compo sana for seedlings and universal.

good morning, good weed and most of all Have a Great Weedend invi:circle-of-love:

Good weed to you Sir! :)
Oh and its weedend time again... means 1 less week till finish :)
Some might be ready in 3-4 weeks huh..
fingers crossed for you Invi:high-five:
Thanks Fish!

I finally got the new exhaust vent up and running - sucks air directly from above the bulbs, also added a slower one that pushes cold air in. I carved such a fitting hole for the exhaust vent, i didn't even need to fasten it to anything hihi.
And both ducts close when then vents aren't running.

If this doesnt help, its game over...
All these pipes and electric stuff makes my grow room look like a spaceship... with wooden walls lol. Luckily i like sci-fi :)

I made some pics of the widow and NL. Was surprised, thought the widow will be the resin king, but NL Blue is much better so far in that regard. Hope widow will catch up, and not suffers from some mistake i never realized :)

NL Blue

Wonder what will happen in the next 4 weeks :) I compared these to my last grow pics from the same day, and these girls look much stronger. Just let them survive till the end!

After some tests, temps seem to be better, so far kept it below 90F. If it wont exceed 95F the girls will be fine. 92 is the target..

Good weed everyone!
beautiful! good weed to you Invi!
reps to the garden:)
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