Invi's Second Attempt - Some Classic Strains

i use General Hydroponics Flora series 3 part nutrients. i mostly use the lucas formula for my plants.


here is their nutrient calculator

General Hydroponics Flora Nutrient PPM Calculator

Is this the same for soil and hydro? How do you use it?
I think this only tells what chemical ratios you will get, not how much of which additive you should feed at certain growth stages?
Of course one can try to read the plants only, but that can be dangerous for new strains especially if the nute has several components.
shoot they look fine invi! I would just keep doing with what you got.

Thanks Sir!

The more i look at the pics, the more i like em :) Seems i just have to make more pics lol.. instead of feeding them like there was no tomorrow.
I hope this PK only schedule might help - will get in trouble with the trace things later on though. But maybe a tea will deliver some of that..? No idea what has molibdene or zinc or iron for ex :) perhaps ill just put some printed circuit on the soil lol

Any suggestions on tea (or anything else) are welcome! :)
Thanks Sir!

The more i look at the pics, the more i like em :) Seems i just have to make more pics lol.. instead of feeding them like there was no tomorrow.
I hope this PK only schedule might help - will get in trouble with the trace things later on though. But maybe a tea will deliver some of that..? No idea what has molibdene or zinc or iron for ex :) perhaps ill just put some printed circuit on the soil lol

Any suggestions on tea (or anything else) are welcome! :)

I will bet that the tea will help you feel a little more looks to me like they want just a tiny bit more n, and at this point invi they are sooooo close to perfect I would apply water twice after the tea.....just me.....the plants look awesome....don't worry! When N levels are perfect....according to me....LOL....the tips of the leaves will be just ever so slightly lighter.........and browner....I call this "tipped", it tells me that they are loaded just under a will be seeing rapid growth within a coupla days....I MEAN RAPID! You can sterilize any amendment by putting it in the oven at around 200 F for a half hour, but anything living will be killed...good or bad!
I will bet that the tea will help you feel a little more looks to me like they want just a tiny bit more n, and at this point invi they are sooooo close to perfect I would apply water twice after the tea.....just me.....the plants look awesome....don't worry! When N levels are perfect....according to me....LOL....the tips of the leaves will be just ever so slightly lighter.........and browner....I call this "tipped", it tells me that they are loaded just under a will be seeing rapid growth within a coupla days....I MEAN RAPID! You can sterilize any amendment by putting it in the oven at around 200 F for a half hour, but anything living will be killed...good or bad!

I so hope you will be right about the rapid part, and that i stopped with N in time - no additional leaves started to curl&darken i believe :)
I'm after this tip effect now (lemon has maybe more than that), and feed with tea/boost and tiny PK until i see that on all the plants.
As soon as i see N def finally ill give some more normal nutes to supply all the rest.

I think co2's effect soon will be really apparent. I feel like getting +15-30% growth compared to previous grow, with same nutes, same soil, and 150W less light. Of course spending all the cash on it might make me say this, but i dont remember such dense bud growth from previous round. It's like they have grown much more nodes, or bud sites, during the 2-3 week period after the flip. Or penetration is better because light is reflected much better in this new room but that should just barely compensate for the 150W light loss i guess.

Thanks for the help MC!
Invi my brotha I noticed you mentioned a pheno being gone....I can not stress this enough, if there is a single living plant, no matter the stage of life, the pheno can ne preserved. Flowering clones are exactly what I use to get the crazy monster branching I have without having to top. You can still save the pheno. Racefan did a fantastic post concerning flowering clones. Thats what got me excited about the technique. I will try and link the post. Good job so far my friend.

I too struggle to exercise what fishie and I termed the "leaveitthefockalona" skill. Its hard not to stress when they are your children, you are doing fine.
A factor that is sometimes overlooked is the fact that the plants will still require N during flower to support the need for nutes to produce the vegetative material that comprises the actual bud itself, now I'm not saying they need tons of it....but they need sufficient amounts to achieve their genetic potential.

I can hardly wait the time they consume all the N from the soil. Hope it will happen before i get any immobile def because of keeping the flowering nute on hold. Lemon seems to be extra sensitive to N, but to all the other salts as well as i see. I see now what a fragile haze is like :) will be better prepared next time!
Orange bud and White Widow seem to like the ratios, and the regular feedings. Canna works fine for hungry plants it seems.

Invi my brotha I noticed you mentioned a pheno being gone....I can not stress this enough, if there is a single living plant, no matter the stage of life, the pheno can ne preserved. Flowering clones are exactly what I use to get the crazy monster branching I have without having to top. You can still save the pheno. Racefan did a fantastic post concerning flowering clones. Thats what got me excited about the technique. I will try and link the post. Good job so far my friend.


So you think they will produce nice clones that will have enough energy to flower again?
Would be wonderful!!! I wanted a really hazy pheno and i think this is just about that - also grows really funny, the leaves have quite an extravagant shape.
And the herer pheno is a monster when it comes to bud production. If the effect is really that nice balanced high and not much couch lock i would have been veeery sad to loose it.

Wow im off to get some hormones tomorrow and make some more cutlings :) :) You're my hero if this works :)

I too struggle to exercise what fishie and I termed the "leaveitthefockalona" skill. Its hard not to stress when they are your children, you are doing fine.

Yeah i saw your scientific term, made me smile when i was about to feed the girls :)
And yeah its hard to follow. I try to look at 420 as Fishy suggested, or make some photos of the plants. Photos can take hours as well, and then i can also 420 the pics so it's twice as effective for the same price :)

Pity mixing nutes is lovely too, i always have to smell them and the odor never gets old somehow. Makes me wonder what the hell is in there, and what process makes it smell the way it does. Maybe its high time i start to make teas instead :)
Is this the same for soil and hydro? How do you use it?
I think this only tells what chemical ratios you will get, not how much of which additive you should feed at certain growth stages?
Of course one can try to read the plants only, but that can be dangerous for new strains especially if the nute has several components.

General Hydroponics Flora series nutrients are fairly easy to use. you mix a portion of grow with a portion of micro with a portion of bloom in water to get your nutrient mixture. with the lucas formula the ratio changes and increases in grow from grow-micro-bloom 1/4-1/4-1/4 to up to 3-2-1 and then for flowering 1-2-3 at a maximum as the plant dictates by its uptake. it can be used in soil, soiless or hydroponics. the nutrients are always added to water not to each other. by mixing the 3 part Flora series you can create virtually any combination for your plants and have complete control over how much nitrogen,phosphate and potassium are fed to your plants and in what growth phase.
General Hydroponics Flora series nutrients are fairly easy to use. you mix a portion of grow with a portion of micro with a portion of bloom in water to get your nutrient mixture. with the lucas formula the ratio changes and increases in grow from grow-micro-bloom 1/4-1/4-1/4 to up to 3-2-1 and then for flowering 1-2-3 at a maximum as the plant dictates by its uptake. it can be used in soil, soiless or hydroponics. the nutrients are always added to water not to each other. by mixing the 3 part Flora series you can create virtually any combination for your plants and have complete control over how much nitrogen,phosphate and potassium are fed to your plants and in what growth phase.

Thanks! Sounds easy with your explanation. Could have saved some trouble for the lemon with such flexibility.
Will look up some journals with it.
Starting next outdoor season I am going to build my own super soil, I bought 3 yards of dirt this year and while good the shit is sandy as hell which makes retain water a little too good. Super soil plus compost tea, actually Docbud and his high brix are really an inspiration. Here is the link to racefans post

Killer info!
Starting next outdoor season I am going to build my own super soil, I bought 3 yards of dirt this year and while good the shit is sandy as hell which makes retain water a little too good. Super soil plus compost tea, actually Docbud and his high brix are really an inspiration. Here is the link to racefans post

Killer info!

Thanks man! (for rep too :) )

Have fun with the soil mix! I'll do that once i get to know them plants better.

I actually did some clones last grow while in flower (around 3-4th week), they just lacked power becuase of the hormonal changes - but maybe if i kept them in veg for a few more weeks they could have recovered?

Seems i can keep this herer afterall yippie :)
Yes patience is crucial however last grow was not only my first time cloning but also first time taking flowering clones too and by the ens of the second week everyone was transplanted and by the end of the fourth week veg was full bore. Now look at em, some outside are huge! Out of 30 clones 27 survived and have been harvested or are flowering now. Pretty cool stuff! Thanks I repped ya back brotha great job so far! :)

I rock ruff and stuff with my afro puffs...
Yes patience is crucial however last grow was not only my first time cloning but also first time taking flowering clones too and by the ens of the second week everyone was transplanted and by the end of the fourth week veg was full bore. Now look at em, some outside are huge! Out of 30 clones 27 survived and have been harvested or are flowering now. Pretty cool stuff! Thanks I repped ya back brotha great job so far! :)

I rock ruff and stuff with my afro puffs...

You mean some of the outdoor girls were monster'd?
Wow those don't lack energy!
Cheers mate, you're my hero.

Oh and did they have N def? Or were they full on nutes the time you cut em? I have seen some info regarding cloning and how it works better with a slight nitrogen deficiency. Maybe i should wait until i see the N toxicity fade away before the cut?

I did not keep them in veg for 4 weeks last grow by the way, they really need some more time it seems.

Ahh just caught myself tinking about giving at least a little nute to them lol...
Better start up the camera, and make some pics instead :)
sooo the pics :)

OB is fine, i can feed her, lemon has tip burns, and enough N i guess so its clear what to do there.

Rest looks like to have a very tiny burn, maybe enough stuff for them too for a while.
At least i hope this little yellowing means there is enough nutes.

And resin finally starts to show too.

NL Blue

White Widow

Jack Herer

Oh man i love every herer i had so far :) Widow i never had - this one looks like a heavy hitter indica.
The Widow and NL Blue clones did make it now im sure, i let them dry a bit and they recovered after a watering. Time to transplant them i guess.
I have an other lemon pheno (one that actually is fine with official canna schedule - must be a less hazy one) from a friend, the NL and WW clones so its time to start up the veg tent again. I'll run the GLR with it. Keeping them small but healthy until winter will be a new challenge for me.
As soon as i can get to a grow shop ill make some clones of the herer, ob and lemon again. Not sure which of them to keep, i want to pop a blueberry seed too for the winter grow. Maybe cold will help me with the purple color :)
Only seen a purple gajna in my life once, but that was some nute overdose...
You mean some of the outdoor girls were monster'd?
Wow those don't lack energy!
Cheers mate, you're my hero.

Oh and did they have N def? Or were they full on nutes the time you cut em? I have seen some info regarding cloning and how it works better with a slight nitrogen deficiency. Maybe i should wait until i see the N toxicity fade away before the cut?

I did not keep them in veg for 4 weeks last grow by the way, they really need some more time it seems.

Ahh just caught myself tinking about giving at least a little nute to them lol...
Better start up the camera, and make some pics instead :)

dont make me get all typeyy with you!!
I will you know! and there will be many words misspeeeled:\
here ponder this.
A man dies and is sent to Hell. after he gets there the Devil takes him to the place he is going to spend eternity at.
The man looks down and sees thousands of people standing Knee deep in shit. each with a coffee cup in their hands.
The Devil says "that is where you will be" as he laughs wildly. The guy looks at the people below and then at the Devil..he replies "I can handle that! is that all you have?"
Poof the man is down in the shit with all the other folks. a coffee cup appears in his hand and its the greatest coffee he has ever tasted!
Just then a man walks out on a podium and yells "ALRIGHT EVERYONE!! BACK ON YOUR HEADS!! BREAK TIME IS OVER!!"
dont make me get all typeyy with you!!
I will you know! and there will be many words misspeeeled:\
here ponder this.
A man dies and is sent to Hell. after he gets there the Devil takes him to the place he is going to spend eternity at.
The man looks down and sees thousands of people standing Knee deep in shit. each with a coffee cup in their hands.
The Devil says "that is where you will be" as he laughs wildly. The guy looks at the people below and then at the Devil..he replies "I can handle that! is that all you have?"
Poof the man is down in the shit with all the other folks. a coffee cup appears in his hand and its the greatest coffee he has ever tasted!
Just then a man walks out on a podium and yells "ALRIGHT EVERYONE!! BACK ON YOUR HEADS!! BREAK TIME IS OVER!!"

Ok, lemme try to digest this..

Maybe i'm the poor guy, the coffee is the weed i make, and the shit is everyday life bitching around...
But thats too generic, lets see..

Maybe i'm the devil and the girls are the poor girls trying to survive in the excecc amount of shit nutes i fill them with - but then i'd be the devil wait..

So the nutes are the coffee, the girls are the poor guy, and the shit is my fear of giving them proper feed.

Ok im off to feed the shit out of them finally! :)

Hey invi great read. Just wondering what your thoughts are about the caramello as ive got some of those seeds as well

I loved it very much. As delicious states, truly long lasting, energetic feel. No couchlock or even stoned phase. You know when you start thinking am i high at all..? and then next min you do say something that pretty much proves the opposite :) Not a good night smoke by any means.
Yields really nice, grows almost like an indica. Can take nutes, hardy plant (at least the phenos i saw).

Delicious seems to be a nice bank, got much better plants from them then for ex from DP. More health, less bananas.
what??? oh.. why not:)
Ok, lemme try to digest this..

Maybe i'm the poor guy, the coffee is the weed i make, and the shit is everyday life bitching around...
But thats too generic, lets see..

Maybe i'm the devil and the girls are the poor girls trying to survive in the excecc amount of shit nutes i fill them with - but then i'd be the devil wait..

So the nutes are the coffee, the girls are the poor guy, and the shit is my fear of giving them proper feed.

Ok im off to feed the shit out of them finally! :)
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