Invi's Second Attempt - Some Classic Strains

Good job invi especially:thumb: with the heat stress issue that you have to deal with.:high-five:

Thanks Otto!

Night time temps are still suffocating them, but even if they dont grow any more, just ripen i'll have enough till next harvest probably.
Incredibly hardy plants.

I think i went as far as i could, the only thing that would really help is an air conditioner, but i refuse to use 1500W/hr for that.
Will probably start a grow early autumn - that should go much smoother now. This grow has been quite an intensive training for heat management and co2 usage so far :) I can hardly wait to do this again under more forgiving conditions. Should be a bit more easy i trust!
good luck and good weed Invi:)
1.5 kw is that what an ac unit runs?
Ppl think the lights are the pricey running costs

Yeah a smaller one, and just an approximate. Guess if the thing has to correct 10-20F 24/7 it could get a 'bit' worse.
good luck and good weed Invi:)

Why, thanks Sir!

Best of wishes to you too :)

I need to keep doing nothing, but not like this, for a week, and then NL should be ripe already!
Dunno how, the calyxes did not start to swell, she rather looks like a bunch of hairy sticks instead of fat buds, but i know already i'll love the taste!
Hope ill get lucky and she will recover a bit.
she will:)
Hey invi, I have heard alot of good concerning AN but the cost is quite high to get started approaching couple hundred bucks. You can always use local organic amendments that you can get at farm and feed stores. I was considering a switch to BPN but am going in favor of AN after more research. I would be glad to help if you ever have questions and I miss it here just post in my journal. Have a good weed invi!


Hey I see u asked about house and garden .. I am currently using their aqua flakes a and b ... Been using it my entire grow ! This is my first grow but I was gonna do a dwc grow and bought those nutes for that purpose but I ended up in soil and even though they r hydro nutes they are working amazing for my plants I think ... So far they are very healthy and well I use super thrive as we'll when transplanting or after lst :) happy growing
good weed Invi:)
good weed Invi:)

Hello Fish!! Good weed to you too! :)

Hey I see u asked about house and garden .. I am currently using their aqua flakes a and b ... Been using it my entire grow ! This is my first grow but I was gonna do a dwc grow and bought those nutes for that purpose but I ended up in soil and even though they r hydro nutes they are working amazing for my plants I think ... So far they are very healthy and well I use super thrive as we'll when transplanting or after lst :) happy growing

Can you somehow finetune the nutrient ratios with AN, if your plants happen to need that?
Thanks for the info anyway!
Oww and 3 clones stem got bent quite sharp. Did i overdo the water spray? They seem to have lost all their rigidity.
Not sure what i messed up...
They will for a couple of days!
By the time the 8 weekers and the lemon remain only i will probably turn off the 400W, they don't need so much light in the last few days.

This cool air already shows i think, NL and OB seems to look a bit better. The Widow still lacks resin, but smell is quite intensive - and OB has a very nice taste as well, delicate fruity and a bit minth like, awesome.
Lemon seems to have developed a nice N def finally - i can go on with 30% nutes for her and a bit more PK then schedule suggests.
They will start their 7th week tomorrow, hope there will some visible progress - if i see any i'll post pics too :)
Excellent. The not so resiny girl may pack on the visible resin at the end if u 48 hour darkness them? I will be giving two dark days at the end.

Not sure she would show significant progress in 2 days with what she didn't really want to do during whole flower. I'd be really surprised if she could catch up to even the Herer in the next 2 weeks regarding resin.
My guess is she has this trait from the sativa ancestors - or maybe my nutes or tea, but she looks more or less healthy to me.
I gotta make some pics soon, it sucks that i cannot observe them properly without hurting their light cycle.
But to be honest some deficiencies show earlier on the pics while i color correct them. There is a state of intervenial chlorosis that is not really visible for the naked eye under artificial lighting, but the pics show it well.
goood weeed Invi:)
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