InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Grey and drizzly Monday update everyone! Just a quickie to show how I split my clones, since I did that yesterday on the revegging Sour G's.

Some of you might remember that I put more than one cutting in each solo cup to conserve heat-mat real estate and increase the chances of a successful result odds that I will have cuttings I need to find homes for. And once I have good root systems on those clones I need to split them into separate cups. This process is a lot easier if the substrate is on the dry side.

First thing is to slide the combined root balls out of the cups:

Then I roll, squeeze, bang, knock, and cajole all the dirt off the roots and slowly work them apart:

Finally, bury them in new dirt and water with full strength veg nutes:

I had another cup with two in case you're wondering how I made two clones into four. And revegging plants are so ugly!

One of these will be a temporary mother and the rest for another round of STS spraying this spring. If I get seeds I won't keep the mother around.

May your week fly by and the weekend be here sooner than you think! :Namaste:

Quotes, and thanks for saving me from another orphaned post. :) :
Congrats on your Harvest Shed looks like a pretty good haul!
I am curious what causes the discolouration of the stocks it almost looks like some type of fungus from being out in the wet weather like I’ve seen on some outdoor plants I grew years ago. They had a kinda black look on some of the stocks and I just figured it was from to much moisture on them near harvest time but I’m certainly no expert on the subject lol.
Thanks N! It looks to me like something rotting from the inside and I'm guessing it's related to the cold and wet weather they went through. I've been looking online for similar images with an explanation but haven't found one yet. I'll keep typing various word combos into google images though. I can't be the first person with this!

I know it's not bud rot or fusarium, and I'll check the roots for signs of rot when I break the pots down on Friday.
Wow good harvest
Thanks 7D, and :welcome: to my perpetual grow journal!
We always hope for better But sometimes, a cardboard box of damn fine smoke is good enough - nice harvest, Shed.
Thank you Felipe! Something smokeable is a lot better than having to use the entire Tin Can Kush plant for topicals because of mold.
Nice harvest!!!
I'm glad you had help for the trim, and that its done! I always feel better after the chop and trim! Hope you get a handle on why the JH didn't do so well!!
I would have been up until 3am without the help, and I no longer function at that hour. :eek:
That box looks ready to ship, need an address? Seriously though- congratulations on the harvest Shed!
If we were in Canada I would be shipping stuff all over! Thanks Rex. :thumb:
another couple bite the dust
Yup, and glad to see the back of them. ;)
Congrats on the harvests, Shed! Looks like the JH produced pretty well, even though she had some problems.
Thank you Carcass! I'm pretty sure the g/day won't be anywhere near my norm, but if they end up being close to what HG says about them ↓, it'll be worth it. And I have the clone ready for transplant into a 7 gallon for another go 'round.
Congrats on the harvest, Shed. I hope your family enjoys the Jack Herer as much as I do.
Thanks HG! I will certainly let you know, sometime in late February. :)
Looks like a nice haul from here, Shedster!
I have to admit I was surprised that you hadn't seen the problem with the JH earlier. You seem to pay such meticulous attention to your plants! I assume the problems were deep within the plant, out of view?
Thanks GDB! I don't pay anywhere near as much attention to my plants as some folks here (cough VG cough), and these spent way more time out of sight than normal because weather. I'll certainly be doing the nervously watching thing for the next grow to make sure it doesn't happen again though. :nervous-guy:
Good Job on the Harvest looks sorted out pretty well , hope it smokes good too
Thank you sb, and I really hope I get more than "It gets me high" on this one. Also, I hope the Sour G serves as a good comparison to the droughted one from the fall.
Congrats on the harvest Shed. Nicely done. Interesting tats on her. I don't recall who it was but someone had something similar to that and there was some sort of bug in there. Maybe one of those fuzzy worm things.
I hope there are no fuzzy worms, or worms of any sort! And I'm still looking for the artist who decided to go to town on those branches. ;)
What's a "tat?" And don't disappear without answering!
LOL! I believe MrS is referring to the blackened branches as tattoos. All the cool kids are doing it these days.
Ya, I did some digging around, and I think it was the hemp borer. I don't think that was your issue now, though.
Jeez I hope not! I'll cut open the branches there and see if it looks different on the inside as well. Pics tomorrow, so you might have to come back sooner than usual.
Lol, I stayed long enough to answer. Tats are short for tattoos.
You could have hung around for my answer though. Just saying...

I'm still here. And that's a dumb answer. I didn't see a drop of ink on that plant.
How about "ink"?
Well, ya. Most of mine are.
But the rest are pure gold. :adore:
Haha. Dying here.
Hey Lerugged! You stopped by Justin Time. :)
Your candida is so beautiful Shed! I'm starting mine in a couple of weeks! Happy harvest!
Thanks Otter! And I can't wait to see you grow those out. :green_heart:
They are going to star a “Funniest Post of the Month” award in your honor.
The two of them would win every time. :laugh:
Hey Shed its been a few years but glad to see you still going strong! Im going to hop back in :popcorn:
I’m really glad to hear from you, Don! We were a bit worried.
How about a Saturday harvest/Sunday update!

Yesterday was flip day 76 and the rain finally moved on, so I started working on taking off the fans from the Jack Herer. As I dug into it I noticed how sick-looking the plant was, with tons of pale green growth that didn't seem to have any trichomes. I spent a long time taking all that crap off before I harvested.

Here is the plant before:

Here is most of what came off:

And a close-up of what I'm talking about:

You can see that some of the branches don't look all that healthy:

And here is what was left when I actually chopped it down:

On some of the branches I removed everything and on some I only left the top inch or two.

I'm thinking it's something down in the roots that does that, and I'll see if I can tell anything when the pot dries out and I break it down. Anyway, that was one of the two.

Next was the Sour G. Much healthier but not all that happy as you can see by what it looked like earlier in the week here. Looks a lot better with the fans off, that's for sure:

Because of the rain I got a late start, so trimming wasn't all done and cleaned up until after 1am with the three of us working. Here is Sour G hanging:

And here's what's left of the Jack Herer:

Pretty airy and fluffy, but I hope it's a glimpse of what the JH legend is supposed to be!

Anyway, that's the less-than-satisfactory end to the winter grow, and as I mentioned before, I won't be doing this again. Winter is for vegging!

I hope your weekend went well, and the week ahead looks healthy and happy. :peace:


Thanks Boo! I think after the DV will come all the odds and ends I have growing so I can clean house before the summer. That means flowering out the big Candida and the Jack Herer 1.1 clone along with another shot at making seeds from the revegging Sour G collection. Once all that is in process I can go through the seed collection and see what the summer will bring. :cool:

Nice harvest, Shed!

Hope all has been well with you!
Yeah Don, welcome back!

I don't even know you, but if those 3 guys are saying "welcome back" I'm saying it too! :Rasta:
On the note of splitting two clones or plants. Another way is to slide them roots out and gently shake them while the soil and roots are under water. Then it's just a gentle pull apart and then you arrange your roots however you, want them (I spread mine out as much as possible) and fill in with new soil. Never get shock using this method. Same method for repotting orchids. No need to change what works for you though. Just a couple ways to skin a cat. No offence to any cats reading this, it's just jokes, ok?
Hi Shed! I haven't flushed since I read your link. How do you feel about 36 or 48 hours of darkness before harvest?
Thursday update! Nice sunny day today so everything is soaking up the rays outside. :cool:

First are some pics of the Doug's Varin from @Weed Seeds Express on day 80:

I don't think I can get this much wider unless I were to veg it another month, so as soon as Virgin Ground is feeling better and ready to flip, I am too.

I also cut off a piece of blackened Jack Herer branch to see if there was anything untoward going on inside:

The discoloration looks to be only skin deep (like a tattoo, per @MrSauga :) ), so next thing will be to do a rootopsy tomorrow when I pull the GeoPot off the rootball. More on that as it happens.

Dat's it for me today. Mostly it's just watering and spraying for aphids (neem, iso/water, Safers in rotation) and of course, schlepping.

I hope your week has been going well, and remember that folks out there are still miserably sick with this virus, so keep yourself and others safe. :peace:

On the note of splitting two clones or plants. Another way is to slide them roots out and gently shake them while the soil and roots are under water. Then it's just a gentle pull apart and then you arrange your roots however you, want them (I spread mine out as much as possible) and fill in with new soil. Never get shock using this method. Same method for repotting orchids. No need to change what works for you though. Just a couple ways to skin a cat. No offence to any cats reading this, it's just jokes, ok?
Great idea Lerugged! There is something satisfying about knocking soil off of roots, but next time I split clones I will give this a shot.
Bleh I screwed up the joke anyway. It should have been a club. Guess that’s what happens when you up tooo late.
Hey Shed and friends, just popping by to say high
:ciao: Carmen! I hope you and yours are well!
Hi Shed! I haven't flushed since I read your link.
We're talking plants right Dee? Oh good! And :welcome: to my perpetual grow journal, where things move more slowly than journals about book clubs!
How do you feel about 36 or 48 hours of darkness before harvest?
I have tried darkness before chopping and it didn't make any difference to my plants (and I know of other growers here with the same result), so I don't personally recommend it. Of course, some here swear up and down it had a positive effect on the buds. I'm not one of those.
Congrats on the harvests, Shed. Looks like a nice haul to me. I hope mrs shed likes it, or it at least gets her high.
LOL thanks double H! It's still hanging at around 60% RH so it won't be able to get her high until sometime late February. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thursday update! Nice sunny day today so everything is soaking up the rays outside. :cool:

First are some pics of the Doug's Varin from @Weed Seeds Express on day 80:

I don't think I can get this much wider unless I were to veg it another month, so as soon as Virgin Ground is feeling better and ready to flip, I am too.

I also cut off a piece of blackened Jack Herer branch to see if there was anything untoward going on inside:

The discoloration looks to be only skin deep (like a tattoo, per @MrSauga :) ), so next thing will be to do a rootopsy tomorrow when I pull the GeoPot off the rootball. More on that as it happens.

Dat's it for me today. Mostly it's just watering and spraying for aphids (neem, iso/water, Safers in rotation) and of course, schlepping.

I hope your week has been going well, and remember that folks out there are still miserably sick with this virus, so keep yourself and others safe. :peace:


Great idea Lerugged! There is something satisfying about knocking soil off of roots, but next time I split clones I will give this a shot.


:ciao: Carmen! I hope you and yours are well!

We're talking plants right Dee? Oh good! Oh, and :welcome: to my perpetual grow journal, where things move more slowly than journals about book clubs!

I have tried darkness before chopping and it didn't make any difference to my plants (and I know of other growers here with the same result), so I don't personally recommend it. Of course, some here swear up and down it had a positive effect on the buds. I'm not one of those.

LOL thanks double H! It's still hanging at around 60% RH so it won't be able to get her high until sometime late February. :cheesygrinsmiley:
You're not that far from filling the width of the tent! Looks like she's about as wide as she is tall!
Thursday update! Nice sunny day today so everything is soaking up the rays outside. :cool:

First are some pics of the Doug's Varin from @Weed Seeds Express on day 80:

I don't think I can get this much wider unless I were to veg it another month, so as soon as Virgin Ground is feeling better and ready to flip, I am too.

I also cut off a piece of blackened Jack Herer branch to see if there was anything untoward going on inside:

The discoloration looks to be only skin deep (like a tattoo, per @MrSauga :) ), so next thing will be to do a rootopsy tomorrow when I pull the GeoPot off the rootball. More on that as it happens.

Dat's it for me today. Mostly it's just watering and spraying for aphids (neem, iso/water, Safers in rotation) and of course, schlepping.

I hope your week has been going well, and remember that folks out there are still miserably sick with this virus, so keep yourself and others safe. :peace:


Great idea Lerugged! There is something satisfying about knocking soil off of roots, but next time I split clones I will give this a shot.


:ciao: Carmen! I hope you and yours are well!

We're talking plants right Dee? Oh good! Oh, and :welcome: to my perpetual grow journal, where things move more slowly than journals about book clubs!

I have tried darkness before chopping and it didn't make any difference to my plants (and I know of other growers here with the same result), so I don't personally recommend it. Of course, some here swear up and down it had a positive effect on the buds. I'm not one of those.

LOL thanks double H! It's still hanging at around 60% RH so it won't be able to get her high until sometime late February. :cheesygrinsmiley:
The whole darkness thing smells like "bro" science to me.

Looks like it has Elmer's Glue clogging up the transport canal. What did you feed this plant! :laughtwo:
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