InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I really only knew norcaliwood from your thread, Shed. I just recently adopted his “look for the pictures” journal-catch up method and I will fondly think of him every time I do it now. I’m really sorry to hear he has passed. Sending you, and all who knew him, lots of loves and hugs.

...Woody was as real and down to earth as they come...He had a colorful past, and a vivid presence...a superb grower, a great photographer of his girlz, and a storyteller supreme...he loved listening to music and spent many hours on the music thread putting up tunes and catching up...he bent a few rules and got his knuckles slapped a few times, but his heart was always in the right place...having fun, helping others, and just being himself...gonna' miss Ya' brother!...Godspeed Woody!...cheerz... :high-five: ...h00k...:Namaste::(
I need to pass along the sad news that Norcaliwood passed away
We lost a grower who has been here since 2008.
Yeah, I checked his profile. Wow! OG status. How I feel foolish for not getting to know him better. Damn. Blessings to you amigo for losing one of our own and someone you clearly appreciated.
he bent a few rules and got his knuckles slapped a few times, but his heart was always in the right place...having fun, helping others, and just being himself...gonna' miss Ya' brother!...Godspeed Woody!
He sounds like such an awesome dude. You have honored him and his character in a lovely way Hook. Makes me miss him as well. Blessings Hook.

with some STS seed-making in the works as well.
On my wish list of stuff I want to try.
Remember folks, turkey bags are not airtight! this is like 2 months too late of a reminder. :(
Note: this is a joke
Nice save! :laugh::laugh::laugh: this is like 2 months too late of a reminder.
And this was 10 months too early!
Turkey bags aren't actually airtight
...Woody was as real and down to earth as they come...He had a colorful past, and a vivid presence...a superb grower, a great photographer of his girlz, and a storyteller supreme...he loved listening to music and spent many hours on the music thread putting up tunes and catching up...he bent a few rules and got his knuckles slapped a few times, but his heart was always in the right place...having fun, helping others, and just being himself...gonna' miss Ya' brother!...Godspeed Woody!...cheerz... :high-five: ...h00k...:Namaste::(
Thanks for that h00k. He didn't come around here much but I would see him on other folks' threads. I even saved the screenshot of the newspaper article about his pickup truck run-in with the law!
[Note: this is a joke and there will not be anything shipped. No laws will be broken and I do not encourage the breaking of any laws: federal, state, or local.]
Smart move.

I've been thinking of putting a disclaimer in my signature. Something like...

"Any smoke produced by any plants in this thread is for souvenir purposes only."
Okay folks, I got pics of everything this morning except the huge Candida bush, so prepare to scroll!

Let's lead off with the final harvest weight on the fluffy Jack Herer. It settled at 62% RH overnight and comes in at an unremarkable 122g/4.3 ounces:

In a normal plant that size I would have gotten closer to 10 ounces. Better luck with the clone I'm hoping. :rolleyes:

And speaking of the clone, next up are the three plants in 1 gallon pots. They are:

That revegging Sour G has still not produced regular leaves up top yet!

As soon as I flip the Doug's Varin, I'll upcan the Jack Herer 1.1 into 7 gallons and move all the vegging plants in the shed at night, where the light will keep them warm.

Here is that Doug's Varin on day 85:

I circled today's supercrops in this shot:

I bend something almost every day!

And finally, here are the Sour G clones that were cut on November 21st and split on January 16th (9 days ago):

At least this one is finally starting to put out normal leaves!

And for the record, the lemon tree is from a seed that came out of one of my lemons and was planted on Sept. 29th.

I hope everyone is doing well or getting better and that the week is sunny wherever you are. Stay safe! :peace:
Wonderful update, Shed.

The D Varin is looking like something special! :Rasta:
Nice update, Shed!
That DV is looking great, as is everything else, including the lemon tree!
Another lovely update to view, always a sight for sore eyes Shed!
Thanks Stunger! Though I'd like to be able to live up to that opinion through flower once in a while. :hmmmm:
Doug's Varin is looking great...still can't believe your yard is plastic. Those fake grass folks are on their game.
LOL! On behalf of the guys who did my backyard, :thanks: Caddie.
Wonderful update, Shed.

The D Varin is looking like something special!
Thank you GDB! Chris sent me a pic of his flowers and they look stacked and lovely. #varingoals
Nice update, Shed! That DV is looking great, as is everything else, including the lemon tree!
Thanks Carcass! It will be years before that lemon produces lemons, but I'm sure I'll find it a good home eventually.
I think Shed could bury an empty pizza box and grow a pizza.
Har! Thanks NTH, and speaking of pizza, Otter just sent me a recipe for making pizza dough from leftover sourdough starter. Serendipity!
That DV is looking something special. That statement feels vaguely deja vu or something. :smokin:
the lemon tree is from a seed that came out of one of my lemons and was planted on Sept. 29th.
I know you know how to grow. Not sure if what I'm about to say is falling on someone with more citrus tree experience or not. So just throwing it out there.

Why not get cuttings instead? Or an air-layer and have fruit to harvest next year! Maybe even harvest this year if it is a large enough air-layer. That seedling won't give fruit for many years. And that fruit, may not end up being an actual lemon. Not that growing from seed is a bad thing buuuuuuut...fruit trees?! No thanks! Being SoCal and the thousands upon thousands of citrus trees that are surrounding you in that area would mean the potential for cross-pollination with an unknown variety or species. So who knows what kind of fruit you'll end up getting. Not saying it is a waste of time...buuuuut... in this case, I'll have to side with @Moony like when he told me to toss the autos. Unless you've got an emotion attachment? If not...
Hey shed, it’s been too long. Love the shape of those plants, training them like a pro. Hope all is well with you
What the...? Welcome back! All is well here and I hope all is well with you. :)

As I recall you were last seen on your way to growing summer monsters. What happened with those?
Why not get cuttings instead?
I appreciate all advice, on growing or anything else!

Somewhere in this thread I talk about all my lemon trees, but to summarize: I currently have 9 lemon trees from both seed and clones. All my trees are offspring of original seeds that sprouted in lemons that I picked off a tree behind my first apartment in Los Angeles. Actually, 3 are directly from the original tree.

It's hard for me to cut open one of my lemons, see a seed with a tail and some green, and not give it a shot at growing. And in terms of cross pollination, so far all my lemons have been juicy! And most folks don't grow shite lemons on their backyard trees.
What the...? Welcome back! All is well here and I hope all is well with you. :)

As I recall you were last seen on your way to growing summer monsters. What happened with those?

I appreciate all advice, on growing or anything else!

Somewhere in this thread I talk about all my lemon trees, but to summarize: I currently have 9 lemon trees from both seed and clones. All my trees are offspring of original seeds that sprouted in lemons that I picked off a tree behind my first apartment in Los Angeles. Actually, 3 are directly from the original tree.

It's hard for me to cut open one of my lemons, see a seed with a tail and some green, and not give it a shot at growing. And in terms of cross pollination, so far all my lemons have been juicy! And most folks don't grow shite lemons on their backyard trees.
I lost them all. Went out of town and my temporary way of getting them water failed on me. Came back to a dried up shriveled mess. Pretty much killed my vibe for a while. Couldn’t even bring myself to write it in the journal. Haven’t grown since. But I’m back, missed it to way much. Hopefully I don’t have that issue this time around
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