InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I lost them all. Went out of town and my temporary way of getting them water failed on me. Came back to a dried up shriveled mess. Pretty much killed my vibe for a while. Couldn’t even bring myself to write it in the journal. Haven’t grown since. But I’m back, missed it to way much. Hopefully I don’t have that issue this time around
I had a horrible first harvest when I was a new member here. Brutal. I went away until the following year. Had a better harvest but still stepped away from the site and no updates. Then last year, I stayed no matter what was discouraging me or going bad.

Nice to meet ya and welcome back. Blessings 209
I had a horrible first harvest when I was a new member here. Brutal. I went away until the following year. Had a better harvest but still stepped away from the site and no updates. Then last year, I stayed no matter what was discouraging me or going bad.

Nice to meet ya and welcome back. Blessings 209

Hey Baked, Thank you for sharing that. Yea usually my main problem was having someone try to take it during harvest time lol. Glad to meet you too. Also glad to see a lot of the same people I use to talk to are still on here growing. I’ll be sure to stop by your journal this evening after work. I know you are just getting a new grow started too correct?
I’ll be sure to stop by your journal this evening after work. I know you are just getting a new grow started too correct?
Yeah, you're welcome any time. Just like Sheds, I wanted a place for folks to jump in and out with no preconceived notions that people need to watch every update. So no pressure here. Please feel free to tag me when you get started up.
Yeah, you're welcome any time. Just like Sheds, I wanted a place for folks to jump in and out with no preconceived notions that people need to watch every update. So no pressure here. Please feel free to tag me when you get started up.
I started a journal a couple weeks ago. I’m going to start my seeds this weekend. Check it out whenever you get a chance. It’s going to be a long one till harvest this October!
@Renaissance Man had asked in another thread if I had done a post on my drying box and I'm not sure I ever did in detail, so the Wednesday update will be just that!

Here is the construction process...

Starting with a good sized box (like this printer box), I tape up the top and bottom to make it "airtight." Then I take a 1" spade drill bit and put two or three holes across the bottom of one side:

And across the opposite top edge:

Hold onto the side flap as you drill these so you go through it at the same time as the top. You can see the flaps just below the top through the two outer holes above.

Then punch holes in the sides and run string from left to right (or right to left if you prefer), leaving room for the buds to hang without touching. I've done four deep and four tall here for a total of 16. This varies with box shape. Also, you can also see the air hole placement in this pic:

It doesn't look like much, but I have hung 8-10 ounces dried in here from one plant, so you can pack a lot in. Make sure you hang buds on all the back strings first and then work forward. It's really tough to reach the back ones if you do all the top strings first. And obviously, longer stems on top, shorter on the bottom.

Finally, here is the front of the box when it's closed:

I put plastic tape across the front and use blue tape to hold the box closed. That way I can just pull off the blue tape without it pulling the paper off the box. The blue tape won't last forever (you can see it no longer sticks), but it will last a lot longer if it's sticking to plastic.

Here is what it looks like with buds:

This construction also works on boxes that open on the top if you just stand them on end like this:
20220116_002035 (002).jpg

Now on to how I dry in it. After washing, drip drying, and trimming, I hang them in the box and close it up with the blue tape. I have a small oscillating fan that I aim directly at the lower holes in non-oscillating mode so I can drive off as much of the initial moisture as I can in the first 24 hours or so.

Next I take a small hygrometer and place it on top of one of the exhaust holes which measures the RH of the air coming out. If it's in the 70% range or higher, the fan stays as is. As it drops I will do a combination of oscillating the fan, covering some/all of the holes. or sealing the holes entirely if the buds are drying faster than I'd like (I prefer a week hang if possible).

When to cut them of the lines is the same no matter how you dry and that's when the stems snap but don't break when you bend them.

I hope that's helpful, and feel free to ask questions if there's anything I left off or left confusing!


My heart fluttered.
Talk of lemons will do that!
I lost them all. Went out of town and my temporary way of getting them water failed on me. Came back to a dried up shriveled mess. Pretty much killed my vibe for a while. Couldn’t even bring myself to write it in the journal. Haven’t grown since. But I’m back, missed it to way much. Hopefully I don’t have that issue this time around
Oof...damn out of town trips! I'm glad you're back and growing (inside and out!).

Anyone looking for LED's new journal, it's here:
Yumm, sourdough pizza
I'm going to have to buy a pizza pan now, but I will probably be making these just for myself since my wife is not all that big on pizza. Every couple of months maybe, but maybe that's just how often I'll make it! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thats sacrilegious!

I eat pizza almost weekly! My poor pizza stone is practically black from years of use!
I wish I could have a sourdough pizza right now! Can we change the subject? :laughtwo:
Might should have applied for a patent before before posting pictures of that hitech drying box...just sayin'.... :laughtwo: #ifitaintbrokedontfixit
IKR. I see a SaugaBox® coming soon to a post near you. :straightface:
I’ll have to meet up with you and give you some of my cookies ;)
You changed the subject to your mouth-watering cookies! Thanks a bunch, Babygirl. :straightface:
The last 2 updates were incredible!
And Congratulations on that 122,000mg JH harvest.

Do you recall age for age how the JH mother and her clone the JH 1.1 compare to the same age now?

Here is that Doug's Varin on day 85
She is really stealing the show here. Your almost daily bending is making quite the beauty.

That revegging Sour G has still not produced regular leaves up top yet!
I’ve revenged plants a couple times and they were always wonky so I just gave up on it when I no longer
needed to keep a specific plant alive.

Now I’ll be out for awhile as I preheat the oven and get a pizza going. Im starving!
Thats sacrilegious!
I know right?
I eat pizza almost weekly! My poor pizza stone is practically black from years of use!
Sounds aged like a well-used wok!
Might should have applied for a patent before before posting pictures of that hitech drying box...just sayin'....
LOL thanks Caddie. Cat's out of the bag now I guess!
I wish I could have a sourdough pizza right now! Can we change the subject?
How about cookies?
IKR. I see a SaugaBox® coming soon to a post near you.
He's got a better stolen marketing team so I'm okay with royalties. :)
The last 2 updates were incredible! And Congratulations on that 122,000mg JH harvest.
Thanks Nev! So much nicer in milligrams. :thumb:
Do you recall age for age how the JH mother and her clone the JH 1.1 compare to the same age now?
The clone was rooted in perlite and planted on Oct 28, which makes today day 89 in dirt. Here is a pic of the mother on day 85 just after the pre-flip haircut:

Keep in mind the mother was topped, trained, given more light, and upcanned much earlier. The clone has been sitting around waiting for the opportunity to shine. :)
She is really stealing the show here. Your almost daily bending is making quite the beauty.
Thanks! One of these days I will be able to keep a plant happy all the way through flower. :rolleyes:
I’ve revenged plants a couple times and they were always wonky so I just gave up on it when I no longer
needed to keep a specific plant alive.
I hear ya. Revegging plants take both patience and rose colored glasses to live with. :cheesygrinsmiley: Unfortunately these are the last of the Sour G genetics, so I'll need them for seeds.
@Renaissance Man had asked in another thread if I had done a post on my drying box and I'm not sure I ever did in detail, so the Wednesday update will be just that!

Here is the construction process...

Starting with a good sized box (like this printer box), I tape up the top and bottom to make it "airtight." Then I take a 1" spade drill bit and put two or three holes across the bottom of one side:

And across the opposite top edge:

Hold onto the side flap as you drill these so you go through it at the same time as the top. You can see the flaps just below the top through the two outer holes above.

Then punch holes in the sides and run string from left to right (or right to left if you prefer), leaving room for the buds to hang without touching. I've done four deep and four tall here for a total of 16. This varies with box shape. Also, you can also see the air hole placement in this pic:

It doesn't look like much, but I have hung 8-10 ounces dried in here from one plant, so you can pack a lot in. Make sure you hang buds on all the back strings first and then work forward. It's really tough to reach the back ones if you do all the top strings first. And obviously, longer stems on top, shorter on the bottom.

Finally, here is the front of the box when it's closed:

I put plastic tape across the front and use blue tape to hold the box closed. That way I can just pull off the blue tape without it pulling the paper off the box. The blue tape won't last forever (you can see it no longer sticks), but it will last a lot longer if it's sticking to plastic.

Here is what it looks like with buds:

This construction also works on boxes that open on the top if you just stand them on end like this:
20220116_002035 (002).jpg

Now on to how I dry in it. After washing, drip drying, and trimming, I hang them in the box and close it up with the blue tape. I have a small oscillating fan that I aim directly at the lower holes in non-oscillating mode so I can drive off as much of the initial moisture as I can in the first 24 hours or so.

Next I take a small hygrometer and place it on top of one of the exhaust holes which measures the RH of the air coming out. If it's in the 70% range or higher, the fan stays as is. As it drops I will do a combination of oscillating the fan, covering some/all of the holes. or sealing the holes entirely if the buds are drying faster than I'd like (I prefer a week hang if possible).

When to cut them of the lines is the same no matter how you dry and that's when the stems snap but don't break when you bend them.

I hope that's helpful, and feel free to ask questions if there's anything I left off or left confusing!



Talk of lemons will do that!

Oof...damn out of town trips! I'm glad you're back and growing (inside and out!).

Anyone looking for LED's new journal, it's here:

I'm going to have to buy a pizza pan now, but I will probably be making these just for myself since my wife is not all that big on pizza. Every couple of months maybe, but maybe that's just how often I'll make it! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Like that box for drying
(I prefer a week hang if possible).
Thanks for the tutorial, Shed!
I'm going to make one of those boxes- they dry in 4 days where I hang them now, but I'd like them
to take 6 or 7 days.
I knew there was a reason I saved Nova's car seat box from 2 years ago...
Sorry I've been absent much of the day but I finally got a new computer at work and making it look exactly like the one I was using (from 2008) is taking a bit of time. In the meantime, enjoy the pics of Doug's Varin on FLIP DAY 1 for the Thursday update:

And so that @BeezLuiz has something to Excel about, it was 30.5" this morning:

No pivot table needed @BakedARea. ;)

Seeds !?!? Man No body comes around here much prefect time to grow while son is away , damn stupid State I am really fed up with the dumb asses here would rather make there money on putting people in jail than Legalizing the plant and make all happy >> Ok I am sorry Nice harvest or plants < shit > way to go shed !!
With your past experience are you feeling okay about going with a stealth grow?
Like that box for drying
Thanks 7D2!
Thanks for the tutorial, Shed!
I'm going to make one of those boxes- they dry in 4 days where I hang them now, but I'd like them
to take 6 or 7 days. I knew there was a reason I saved Nova's car seat box from 2 years ago...
Glad to help Carcass! As I recall we brought my daughter's car seat to the UK with us when she was 18 months and checked it through as luggage in its original box! You never know... :)
:woohoo: I’m so excited my @Weed Seeds Express, godfather OG are in transit as “we speak”! I was beginning to think they had changed their minds bc I’m such a newbie lol….too bad I’m down with a darn toothache atm. I’ve been trying to fight it since Saturday to make a long story short. Doc says I may need a root canal, after reading about what exactly a RC is, then I’m pretty sure I do. so, yaaayyy me….not! :(


Sorry I've been absent much of the day but I finally got a new computer at work and making it look exactly like the one I was using (from 2008) is taking a bit of time. In the meantime, enjoy the pics of Doug's Varin on FLIP DAY 1 for the Thursday update:

And so that @BeezLuiz has something to Excel about, it was 30.5" this morning:

No pivot table needed @BakedARea. ;)


With your past experience are you feeling okay about going with a stealth grow?

Thanks 7D2!

Glad to help Otter! As I recall we brought my daughter's car seat to the UK with us when she was 18 months and checked it through as luggage in its original box! You never know... :)
Good one
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