InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Thanks Nev! What clone research?
Maybe the documentation as to what nodes the cuttings came from. I thought that to be intriguing and I guess possibly be used in research. :smokin:
JH is one of my wishlist genetics. What a pretty girl. She looks more perky only a few hours later! When she settles in, she's going to amazing.

because the ProMix bag got wet with the big rains we had a few weeks ago
This brings up a good convo/discussion. You more than likely remember a post and can provide a good link to it. I query the search function from time to time. So much easier to just ask you instead. Mr. Links-a-Plenty

So proper soil storage! Exciting Sunday convo. I have kept some LOS soil I mixed last Spring and havent used yet. Roughly 50 gallons of soil. It have it inside those heavy duty black plastic totes. No holes since the lids are not air tight. I also haven't mixed it or aerated it. Thankfully, no water has entered it. I know you're not a soil grower but do you think that is a good way to store soil outside? Or is there a better way to do it that you have seen?

Next week I'll top it and start some training on it
Hey now! I was just asking about this. My little plants I'm growing to be moms. I had initially thought of not doing any topping or training until I need clones or have confirmed sex. Don't want to waste time and/or stall their maturity. Right logic? Or should I go ahead and top and train to increase my branch counts for clones? I don't need many but I'd prefer to have more than enough.

These response(s) are from an emotionally exhausted and semi-sober perspective. Please judge and respond accordingly.
Maybe the documentation as to what nodes the cuttings came from. I thought that to be intriguing and I guess possibly be used in research.
Oh that! I can draw absolutely no conclusions from the results, so I suggest you don't either. :thumb:
JH is one of my wishlist genetics. What a pretty girl. She looks more perky only a few hours later! When she settles in, she's going to amazing.
Thanks Baked! I'm hoping it grows well because it's going to be flipped with that enormous Candida. :nervous-guy:
I know you're not a soil grower but do you think that is a good way to store soil outside? Or is there a better way to do it that you have seen?
Aaaaaand I have no idea. :) I think soil growers store theirs in those big Home Depot tubs and put them wherever they have room, but I'm sure @StoneOtter and @Bode can offer some help here.
Hey now! I was just asking about this. My little plants I'm growing to be moms. I had initially thought of not doing any topping or training until I need clones or have confirmed sex. Don't want to waste time and/or stall their maturity. Right logic? Or should I go ahead and top and train to increase my branch counts for clones? I don't need many but I'd prefer to have more than enough.
Generally, most of that depends on how much room you have for the mother plant(s). If you want a bonsai you would be trimming it all the time, branches and roots. If you have more room you could let it get bigger and just shape it to fill the space you have for it.

Won't you be flowering those plants you have now? If so, treat/train them like any other plant you'll be flowering.
These response(s) are from an emotionally exhausted and semi-sober perspective. Please judge and respond accordingly.
LOL! Fair 'nuff.
A bit extreme no?
Definitely not intentional to go that dry, but given that it has to happen on a weekend, it was either transplant just watered or really dry. I opted for dry!
Won't you be flowering those plants you have now? If so, treat/train them like any other plant you'll be flowering.
Thanks for the responses. Yeah, that's what I have been doing with my soil mixes. HD totes and put them where I can.

As for the plants I have now. Yes, I will be flowering clones from these plants. These plants (if female) will be kept as mothers until I have smoke reports back. Honestly, only in an effort to save on popping too many seeds. One of the selling factors with this breeder is the stability/consistency of the phenos found in seeds. In many of their crosses, they are quite proud of having consistent single phenos. So I could just pop more seeds and likely get another plant equally as nice. But I'm trying to learn my process for making clones and keeping moms for future endeavors when I may only have a small number of seeds or I have "pheno hunted" a special one, like I wish I would have kept with my GSC #9.

Seriously, my brain is feeling very unfocused. I apologize if my responses are a little all over the place. I have always appreciated your patience Shed. A tiny moment of seriousness and sincere gratitude. Blessings desktop icons control freak.
I will be flowering clones from these plants.
Oic! Sorry I don't think I realized that. I would top those to generate healthy side branching to enable you to take a lot of good cuttings. Probably wait for the 5th or 6th node though so you have a lot of lower branches to choose from.
until I have smoke reports back
This is why I clone almost every seed plant I grow. You never want to have to say "I wish I had cloned my GSC #9." Of course, with a lot of plants comes the need for a lot of room for temporary moms. I'm guessing that was the problem with the GSCs.
Seriously, my brain is feeling very unfocused. I apologize if my responses are a little all over the place. I have always appreciated your patience Shed. A tiny moment of seriousness and sincere gratitude. Blessings desktop icons control freak.
No worries Baked! Get some sleep and I hope you feel shiny and new in the morning. :zzzzzz:
So proper soil storage! Exciting Sunday convo. I have kept some LOS soil I mixed last Spring and havent used yet. Roughly 50 gallons of soil. It have it inside those heavy duty black plastic totes. No holes since the lids are not air tight. I also haven't mixed it or aerated it. Thankfully, no water has entered it. I know you're not a soil grower but do you think that is a good way to store soil outside? Or is there a better way to do it that you have seen?
No idea Baked. I do the same thing only inside. What's the worst that could happen, bugs? We like some of them, others you'll have to work with. When you get it indoors you might get some predatory insects for what you need and let them loose for a balance that tips in your favor. That's if you even need, maybe you won't.
I store my soil in pots with cover crops and all the goodies. It gets better ever year so I find once it's mixed it gets something growing in it. By the time I want to get some trees going, every thing is ready and my soil is in fact alive and thriving. If course I grow mostly outdoors so have the space for them big pots. Else black tote until ready, will work.
No idea Baked. I do the same thing only inside. What's the worst that could happen, bugs? We like some of them, others you'll have to work with. When you get it indoors you might get some predatory insects for what you need and let them loose for a balance that tips in your favor. That's if you even need, maybe you won't.
Yeah, I worry a little about bag bugs thriving in it while I'm ignoring it...I may be making space inside the garage for soil totes just in case. Then again...that would be more clutter in the garage.
I store my soil in pots with cover crops and all the goodies. It gets better ever year so I find once it's mixed it gets something growing in it. By the time I want to get some trees going, every thing is ready and my soil is in fact alive and thriving. If course I grow mostly outdoors so have the space for them big pots. Else black tote until ready, will work.
Awesome! Thanks for the info. Great idea on using the cover crop to keep the soil protected and active. Blessings.
Thanks bro. Glad your around bud. Really appreciate it thank you.
Glad to help 7D2!
No idea Baked. I do the same thing only inside. What's the worst that could happen, bugs? We like some of them, others you'll have to work with. When you get it indoors you might get some predatory insects for what you need and let them loose for a balance that tips in your favor. That's if you even need, maybe you won't.
Thanks Otter!
I store my soil in pots with cover crops and all the goodies. It gets better ever year so I find once it's mixed it gets something growing in it. By the time I want to get some trees going, every thing is ready and my soil is in fact alive and thriving. If course I grow mostly outdoors so have the space for them big pots. Else black tote until ready, will work.
Great info Lerugged, thanks for stopping by!

And while I'm thanking you, :thanks: again for the underwater root splitting idea! I used it on those perlite clones and it worked like a charm.
that would be more clutter in the garage.
I thought that's what garages were for? ;)
Afternoon shed
It will be droopy for a while because the ProMix bag got wet with the big rains we had a few weeks ago, so it's wetter than my usual transplant. Nonetheless, here it was a few hours later:
Looks good Shed.

And who brings huge bags of dirt in the house when it rains?
I figured you’d have them In The Shed. ;)
In cannabis news:

"The NFL has chosen two medical teams and funded them with $1 million for the purpose of researching the impact of cannabinoids on pain management and neuroprotection from concussion in football players."

Looks good Shed.
Thanks BigD!
I figured you’d have them In The Shed.
I wish! There's no room in the shed for even another bottle of Terpinator. :)
In cannabis news:

"The NFL has chosen two medical teams and funded them with $1 million for the purpose of researching the impact of cannabinoids on pain management and neuroprotection from concussion in football players."

Thanks BigD!

I wish! There's no room in the shed for even another bottle of Terpinator. :)
What a timely and interesting post! Great job. And glad to finally see this. The NBA has been "woke" for a long time. The NFL is still getting over Kapernick I suppose. Lol. Way to go Shed.
What a timely and interesting post! Great job. And glad to finally see this. The NBA has been "woke" for a long time. The NFL is still getting over Kapernick I suppose. Lol. Way to go Shed.
Thanks Jon! I'm hoping they'll publicize the findings when they're done. :fingerscrossed: :holdingthumbs:
Oof... 13 pages behind.
Okay sure, but that was a month and a half ago. This place doesn't run at the speed it used to. :)
All caught up.
Thanks GDB! I don't pay anywhere near as much attention to my plants as some folks here (cough VG cough),
I only look at them once daily..maybe twice.

I'm going to have to buy a pizza pan now,
I recommend the pizza stone too. You may need a peel as well.
All caught up.
Lol. I only look at them once daily..maybe twice.
In fine detail!
I recommend the pizza stone too. You may need a peel as well.
I'm going to postpone buying anything for now and try it with a regular baking pan this weekend. If it turns out to be something I want to do on the regular I might splurge for a baking steel, which is supposed to get you as close to NY pizza as you can without an 800º oven. They're more dear than a stone but I am always on the hunt for something close to NY pizza.
try it with a regular baking pan this weekend.
First of to that! It's going to suck compared to a stone. Ask me how I know! I know, semi-dramatic but truth hurts sometimes. Protect your pizza making ego and get a stone. I mean cooooome on...stone...stoners...should I go on?!

Also, I must admit that I don't use an oven for mine. Gravity fed smoker that can turn into a blazing oven at over 700°! Worth it!

This is making me wonder why I haven't made any fresh pizza in a while. Boo to that!!!
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