InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Thanks Stunger! It's going to be time to do some root pruning on that 7 gallon ball so it will still be healthy when I flip it.

Big cats and zebras and weed, oh my. :) Thanks Nev!

Thanks N, it's on the verge of hedge now!

I'm trying to get in the habit of regular IPM because I'm sure there are aphids somewhere in there I just haven't seen yet.

It's the backyard 7D2! It's not legal if folks can see them. :cheesygrinsmiley: I've been in a dispensary but it was years ago when I was buying CBD oil from them.

Thanks Otter! The ProMix I used to transplant the JH was wet from the rain, so it's still got wet feet. I'm hoping a string of warm days will help dry it out. Either way it gets topped this weekend. :snip:

Thank you Baked! It's great to be able to take advantage of the sun out here, but I also schlep them in and out twice a day because it's cold at night (and 99% RH). It's just how my growing evolved and I've stuck with it.
Lmao so true
It's going to be time to do some root pruning on that 7 gallon ball so it will still be healthy when I flip it.
How long between the root pruning before you flip typically? Until you see it recovering? Also, is that to prevent further root bound or potential root bounded issues during the stretch?

What is the reasoning of saying, it needs a root prune?
Either way it gets topped this weekend.
That should spark some hormones and extra root growth right?
but I also schlep them in and out twice a day because it's cold at night
Lucky for me, my child labor force is not off to college yet! FREEEEEEE slave labor!

All kidding aside, I don't think I'd be able to do that consistently. With funky schedules, etc. Even just a few hours a day would be nice but it would require trusting children with my plants...I don't even trust myself!
How long between the root pruning before you flip typically? Until you see it recovering?
I've only done root pruning on mother plants in 1 gallon pots so this will be an adventure! On mother plants it's just to keep them healthy in a small pot for an extended amount of time. But I would definitely want to see a lot of healthy new growth before I'd flip.
What is the reasoning of saying, it needs a root prune? is that to prevent further root bound or potential root bounded issues during the stretch?
It's been in that pot since November 12th and probably won't get flipped until late March I'm guessing, and then another 9-10 weeks after that. I don't want it root bound before or during flowering so I'm thinking soon would be time to do it.

I will need to thin out the canopy again so there is less to support on top with fewer roots below.
That should spark some hormones and extra root growth right?
I hope it sparks something to dry out the ProMix!
Lucky for me, my child labor force is not off to college yet! FREEEEEEE slave labor!
All kidding aside, I don't think I'd be able to do that consistently. With funky schedules, etc. Even just a few hours a day would be nice but it would require trusting children with my plants...I don't even trust myself!
It does require that someone be home when the sun dips below the roof next door every day, so it's definitely a commitment. It was easy during lockdown when no one went anywhere!
Thanks for the wisdom man. Going to focus on keeping my current plants happy in the 1 gallons and do some root pruning.

It does require that someone be home when the sun dips below the roof next door every day, so it's definitely a commitment. It was easy during lockdown when no one went anywhere!
So true! I'd have to do it only on my days off. Lockdown? What's that?!
@Bakedsweetly I really liked this username by the way so I figured I would tag you to an awesome journal with rookie growers. Welcome to the forum.

It's when your kids don't leave the house for months on end! Slave Available labor to bring the plants in. :)
Something tells me that momma would prefer to have the kids around for eternity...

Someone save me...
Shed . What's purpose of cutting roots. And what you doing just nip them or you cutting the bad roots out . Explain that sir if ya don't mind sir
With a box saw! Here is one I did this past summer on my last Candida mother:





It prevents the plant from getting bound and forces it to put out tons of healthy new roots. And it's best to do a major trim on top at the same time:

With a box saw! Here is one I did this past summer on my last Candida mother:





It prevents the plant from getting bound and forces it to put out tons of healthy new roots. And it's best to do a major trim on top at the same time:

Oh wow. How long do you do that from time u flip them I seen that on someone else's feed back on the subject. U said not sure . How many weeks after to flowering .

Went back read all u said was healthy growth. That right so what you see whole plant new growth or just little or majority of new growth cause it will grow more first few weeks of flowering
Morning @InTheShed, I have a question for you. What's the difference between a plant that's in veg for say 70 days or 90 or 120 and has filled the pot with roots completely versus a plant that has stayed in veg for months like yours and gets it's roots trimmed? Doesn't it max it's feeding capability once the pot is filled, regardless of the age of the plant? I can see that you get these incredible stems out of doing it this way, and maybe that's where my answer is.

Any wisdom and/or insight available this morning from the Shed Factory?

How long do you do that from time u flip them I seen that on someone else's feed back on the subject. U said not sure . How many weeks after to flowering
As I mentioned above, I've only done root trimming on mother plants so this will be completely new to me!
Morning @InTheShed, I have a question for you. What's the difference between a plant that's in veg for say 70 days or 90 or 120 and has filled the pot with roots completely versus a plant that has stayed in veg for months like yours and gets it's roots trimmed? Doesn't it max it's feeding capability once the pot is filled, regardless of the age of the plant? I can see that you get these incredible stems out of doing it this way, and maybe that's where my answer is.
Any wisdom and/or insight available this morning from the Shed Factory?
One difference I can think of is that a plant that gets vegged for 70/90/120 days probably spent the first X days in smaller pots. This plant will have spent 120 of veg in this pot, and then an additional 60-70 days in flower.

That said, it may be completely unnecessary to do this and I'm not recommending it to anyone (except for mother plants in small pots!). I vegged my Bedroom Cookies clone for 181 days from roots (most of it in a 10 gallon pot) and then flowered it for another 56 days, and that did just fine.

I may just peel back the bag and see what the roots look like and decide to leave it alone. I know it's not bound yet because it still absorbs water.
Great looking update Shed! Hopefully I will be able to make space in my backyard shed so it can become my grow room. Being able to drag out plants for some natural sun, even in winter would be a wonderful sight to enjoy. Blessings dude!
That could create confusion for someone (like me) who follows both of you.

Baked, could you refer to your shed as a "hut." :laughtwo:
That could create confusion for someone (like me) who follows both of you.

Baked, could you refer to your shed as a "hut." :laughtwo:
:rofl::laugh::rofl::thumb: You got it! I was actually thinking about changing my user name to BakedShed...or BakedHut I suppose.
Happy Monday update to all you folks with tents, huts, sheds, closets, cabinets, and lean-to's!

Let's start with a final weight on the Sour G that was chopped back on January 16th. It's a little hard to read the pic but it's 134g or 4.7 ounces:

It's been hard to get the turkey bags to settle at 62% because the RH in my area has been in the low 30's lately, and turkey bags are not airtight. I would add bread slices to them and get them to 70% and a day after I took them out the bags would be down at 57%. Anyway, both the Jack Herer and Sour G got jarred this weekend (3 jars each) and they'll sit in the dark now for another 3 weeks before they get ground up for the bong.

On Saturday it was warm and dry so I figured it was the perfect time to grind down the MegaCrop balls so I can stop thinking about the ball-to-powder ratio as the latest bag gets closer to empty. I thought I would combine that with my next bag to help with homogeneity. Here are the bags and my old Krups grinder:

This is what my current bag looks like as I approach the bottom:

And this bag, which has been sealed and stored in the shed, was practically a rock when I opened it:

I had to slam it on the brick to get it moving.

Anyway, after about 3 containers-full of grinding, the grinder stopped and never recovered. I took it apart, greased it, checked the connections, but I guess the motor just gave up from the ball stress.

I'm looking for a replacement grinder now, so if anyone has suggestions let me know! This one was great because the container and blade came apart and were easily washable. Haven't seen another like that yet.

In other news, I topped the Jack Herer 1.1 clone. Here it was before the snip:

Here's what came off:

And the double H stump:

Last for the day, I was looking for pistils on the Doug's Varin (flip day 12) and still didn't see any. I did see some growth that needed to come off in advance of the post-stretch thinning:

That's it for me! I hope your weekend went well. :peace:
Yuuuumy flower and nice final weight!

I'm about to do some chopping and I still don't have a good spot for drying. Making me a tad but irritated honestly. I'll eventually have a nice dedicated spot to dry and cure but until then, it may have to be the low and slow.

greased it, checked the connections, but I guess the motor just gave up from the ball stress
Yup...that's what happens after 3 kids!

I think I'm going to try and get some cuts soon off the candida. I'm itching to do it...but not sure if I should continue to wait.
Happy Monday update to all you folks with tents, huts, sheds, closets, cabinets, and lean-to's!

Let's start with a final weight on the Sour G that was chopped back on January 16th. It's a little hard to read the pic but it's 134g or 4.7 ounces:

It's been hard to get the turkey bags to settle at 62% because the RH in my area has been in the low 30's lately, and turkey bags are not airtight. I would add bread slices to them and get them to 70% and a day after I took them out the bags would be down at 57%. Anyway, both the Jack Herer and Sour G got jarred this weekend (3 jars each) and they'll sit in the dark now for another 3 weeks before they get ground up for the bong.

On Saturday it was warm and dry so I figured it was the perfect time to grind down the MegaCrop balls so I can stop thinking about the ball-to-powder ratio as the latest bag gets closer to empty. I thought I would combine that with my next bag to help with homogeneity. Here are the bags and my old Krups grinder:

This is what my current bag looks like as I approach the bottom:

And this bag, which has been sealed and stored in the shed, was practically a rock when I opened it:

I had to slam it on the brick to get it moving.

Anyway, after about 3 containers-full of grinding, the grinder stopped and never recovered. I took it apart, greased it, checked the connections, but I guess the motor just gave up from the ball stress.

I'm looking for a replacement grinder now, so if anyone has suggestions let me know! This one was great because the container and blade came apart and were easily washable. Haven't seen another like that yet.

In other news, I topped the Jack Herer 1.1 clone. Here it was before the snip:

Here's what came off:

And the double H stump:

Last for the day, I was looking for pistils on the Doug's Varin (flip day 12) and still didn't see any. I did see some growth that needed to come off in advance of the post-stretch thinning:

That's it for me! I hope your weekend went well. :peace:
Damn Shed you have more good tricks, I swear. Grinding up the rocks. I would have never thought of that. OF COURSE that would help. I have yet to use a nute that looks like that but certain I will at some point. Heck, I'm wondering if it's worth bothering to grind the Geoflora, although it seems unnecessary with that stuff, not exactly rocks like you show. Also awesome to see what you took for the last stretch thinning. Question: why was that stuff not part of the last stretch thinning, why take it today? Is it because the sooner you stop it from robbing energy the better? And did you wait on it because you were seeing if any of it might make the canopy or just because it had sprouted since you last did this or what? Sorry to pepper you, I know I said I had ONE question. Thanks, Shed! Great update!
Looks like I jumped a page again. Today's post is here!

Yuuuumy flower and nice final weight!
I'm about to do some chopping and I still don't have a good spot for drying. Making me a tad but irritated honestly. I'll eventually have a nice dedicated spot to dry and cure but until then, it may have to be the low and slow.
Thanks Baked! If you can do turkey bags in buckets that should protect them from over-drying. Though your upcoming harvest should fit nicely in a corner of the fridge. ;)
Yup...that's what happens after 3 kids!
I think I'm going to try and get some cuts soon off the candida. I'm itching to do it...but not sure if I should continue to wait.
Sure, why not? Lots of lower growth you wouldn't be keeping in the end anyway!
I have yet to use a nute that looks like that but certain I will at some point. Heck, I'm wondering if it's worth bothering to grind the Geoflora
I doubt you will encounter this kind of nute mix as even Greenleaf doesn't make it like this any more! And I'd recommend not grinding the GF as it is based on the fact that it dissolves over a 14 day period.
Also awesome to see what you took for the last stretch thinning
Mid-stretch thinning?
Question: why was that stuff not part of the last stretch thinning, why take it today?
I knew I was going to take it after stretch so I figured yesterday was better!
Is it because the sooner you stop it from robbing energy the better?
And did you wait on it because you were seeing if any of it might make the canopy or just because it had sprouted since you last did this or what?
I probably missed some of that and others I had higher hopes for. Once I saw they were buried in the canopy I figured that while I had the trimmers out...
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