InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Looks like the right amount of amber in most of the pics...,I'd say they're ready to put you in trim jail for a little while ;)
I'm really done with these plants, so I'm thinking of taking them both down this weekend no matter what.

I feel your pain. I'm so over this NAA. It just keeps foxtailing and doesn't ever seem to want to quit and harden up. I'm thinking Sunday will be her last day on earth before being converted to smokables and ascending to the heavens as expelled gasses.
b) It must be converted to ammonium by the plant and this requires energy which could be used for growth.
Lol I’m paaaages behind, but just found this.
Is it so that plant needs to convert urea N to ammonium before it can be ”consumed/eaten”? And does the Magnesium synergism with N interact the conversion?
Looks like the right amount of amber in most of the pics...,I'd say they're ready to put you in trim jail for a little while
I agree! But a slight delay in harvesting because it decided to drizzle. Trying to get the JH done today if not both once the rain lets up.
I agree…trim time is arriving quickly.
Thanks Grandpa! I've got a full house of trimmers this weekend so it's the perfect time to chop. :)
I feel your pain. I'm so over this NAA. It just keeps foxtailing and doesn't ever seem to want to quit and harden up. I'm thinking Sunday will be her last day on earth before being converted to smokables and ascending to the heavens as expelled gasses.
:thanks: Felipe!
Rapid decomposition of carbamic acid occurs without enzyme catalysis to form ammonia and carbon dioxide.
I agree.
Additionally, the formation of the hydroxide ion may cause soils around the applied urea particle to have a pH around 9.0 which increases ammonia volatilization.
That's certainly true.
It is important that there is adequate moisture because up to thirty percent of the available nitrogen can be lost through atmospheric volatilization within seventy-two hours of application.
I've been saying this forever!

Sorry Felipe, could not resist having some fun! :)
Some of that goes out of my understanding but Ive understood that N and Mg has a very close relationship.

If Magnesium somehow could speed up the conversion, that would be very useful to know for the better results. :nerd-with-glasses:
Heya GDB! Howzit going?

It’s all good - I’m just hanging out in the weeds..
You're deep in the weedz, brother. And I love it! :ganjamon:
I hope your trim sessions are going well this weekend!
In the meantime I'm making CBDa oil in the MB machine per VG's article here.
I had to chuckle when I read that because just a couple days ago, I also made some CBDa and CBGa coconut oil capsules. I know that study was just performed in petri dishes and is a long, long way away from anything specific, but I had both CBD and CBG buds on hand so I figured "why not". My capsules came out to be a mixture of 7mg CBGa and 3mg CBDa using the size 0 caps (.68ml).
Looks like the right amount of amber in most of the pics...,I'd say they're ready to put you in trim jail for a little while ;)

This ^
And to finish the page...
I had to chuckle when I read that because just a couple days ago, I also made some CBDa and CBGa coconut oil capsules. I know that study was just performed in petri dishes and is a long, long way away from anything specific, but I had both CBD and CBG buds on hand so I figured "why not". My capsules came out to be a mixture of 7mg CBGa and 3mg CBDa using the size 0 caps (.68ml).
Sounds like a great cannabinoid cocktail BL! :welldone:
How about a Saturday harvest/Sunday update!

Yesterday was flip day 76 and the rain finally moved on, so I started working on taking off the fans from the Jack Herer. As I dug into it I noticed how sick-looking the plant was, with tons of pale green growth that didn't seem to have any trichomes. I spent a long time taking all that crap off before I harvested.

Here is the plant before:

Here is most of what came off:

And a close-up of what I'm talking about:

You can see that some of the branches don't look all that healthy:

And here is what was left when I actually chopped it down:

On some of the branches I removed everything and on some I only left the top inch or two.

I'm thinking it's something down in the roots that does that, and I'll see if I can tell anything when the pot dries out and I break it down. Anyway, that was one of the two.

Next was the Sour G. Much healthier but not all that happy as you can see by what it looked like earlier in the week here. Looks a lot better with the fans off, that's for sure:

Because of the rain I got a late start, so trimming wasn't all done and cleaned up until after 1am with the three of us working. Here is Sour G hanging:

And here's what's left of the Jack Herer:

Pretty airy and fluffy, but I hope it's a glimpse of what the JH legend is supposed to be!

Anyway, that's the less-than-satisfactory end to the winter grow, and as I mentioned before, I won't be doing this again. Winter is for vegging!

I hope your weekend went well, and the week ahead looks healthy and happy. :peace:

Hope the rain lets up and you are able to get both plants harvested today. Looking forward to see what you grow next (aside from the DV). Have you decided on that yet?
Thanks Boo! I think after the DV will come all the odds and ends I have growing so I can clean house before the summer. That means flowering out the big Candida and the Jack Herer 1.1 clone along with another shot at making seeds from the revegging Sour G collection. Once all that is in process I can go through the seed collection and see what the summer will bring. :cool:
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