InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Good day, Shed.

Just for your info, my Jack Herers went 77 and 74 days respectively.

Also, when you trimmed the Sour G, why didn't you remove the yellow/dead leaves at the same time? Is it because you're planning on droughting her?
I was pretty sure it was the neem cause mine look like that too lol. That said, I think stuff grown with the doc bud method properly the leaves look similar to that do they not?
That's what they kept stelling us anyway. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I would say take them two flowering for sure , surprised there still there , Doug Varin is getting with it is that the 2x4 tent it in ?
Yes sir, a 2x4x6 tent with a MarsHydro SP250 in it.
Looks "normal" to me! Nice work as usual, Shedster.
Har! Yours have been looking a lot better than this lately, but thanks GDB. :)
Just for your info, my Jack Herers went 77 and 74 days respectively.
Oh, good to know, thanks HG! I'll have another look at the trichomes on Friday morning, which will be day 75.
Also, when you trimmed the Sour G, why didn't you remove the yellow/dead leaves at the same time? Is it because you're planning on droughting her?
I'm confused because I didn't trim the flowering Sour G, just the revegging one in the 1 gallon pot. The flowering one had a bad case of PM in the back of the shed that I couldn't deal with because of the rain, so that's why so many fans are brown. I won't be droughting this one so it can serve as the B in the A/B test against the droughted one from a few months ago. Of course, as long as I can get a better response than "It gets me high." :rolleyes:
Hey Shed!

So neem oil, and a higher brix level can create that glossy look to the leaves? I thought I remembered reading here (420 mag) that the glossy leaves can also be an indicator for higher brix?
And that sums up my knowledge for the brix level stuff :laughtwo:

What a defol on those ladies! I can just imagine the pile that went to the compost, or salve bin!
So neem oil, and a higher brix level can create that glossy look to the leaves? I thought I remembered reading here (420 mag) that the glossy leaves can also be an indicator for higher brix?
And that sums up my knowledge for the brix level stuff
Who needs to go through all the effort of high brix when you can get the same effect with neem oil. :laugh:

But yes, that color/sheen is supposed to be an indication of a plant with a high brix level.
What a defol on those ladies! I can just imagine the pile that went to the compost, or salve bin!
Salve bin FTW, but I really need to stop saving this stuff. Next sunny day I will haul out all the boxes known collectively as the "salve bin" so y'all can call me a hoarder. ;)
I had to go digging in the middle of page 3 of my sub list to find my own journal! :eek: But nothing has changed since last time other than the fact that the plants are all indoors today due to the weather being incompatible with outdoor growing.

So for the Thursday update, here is a pic of the tent area:

Tomorrow I'll get some trichome shots of the flowering two.

That's about it for me other than the fact that a very close family contact tested positive last night, so we'll see how that plays out. :rolleyes:

Stay safe as possible! :peace:
The girls look as happy as can be hanging out inside today!

That's about it for me other than the fact that a very close family contact tested positive last night,
Hope everything goes ok Shed. I have a similar situation with my oldest daughter right now, there was a confirmed positive case at her after school care program. The following day she woke up with a sore throat and a bit of a cough. Her symptoms are mild but we are getting her a Covid test today just to be safe. Im crossing my fingers and toes it’s negative.
Highya ITS,

Great looking ladies you have, even the reveg! Very verdant, even though inside under your bright lights!! lol! Inclement weather saves you from having to schlepp all those ladies!

Sorry to hear another positive test. I'm hearing this one is more contagious, but not as bad as previous strains. Hope that is the case!! I hope you and yours stay safe! Happy Smokin'
The girls look as happy as can be hanging out inside today!
Hope everything goes ok Shed. I have a similar situation with my oldest daughter right now, there was a confirmed positive case at her after school care program. The following day she woke up with a sore throat and a bit of a cough. Her symptoms are mild but we are getting her a Covid test today just to be safe. Im crossing my fingers and toes it’s negative.
Thanks N, and I hope your daughter just has a winter cold!
Hey Shed,
Plants are looking good, I love how DV has gotten to the point where she towers over the JH 1.1
Hope you and your family stay safe and healthy brother! :love:
Thank you Rex! Someone will get tested today (probably my daughter), and if she comes back positive I'll assume we all have it. We live pretty much on top of each other at my house. :)
Highya ITS,
Great looking ladies you have, even the reveg! Very verdant, even though inside under your bright lights!! lol! Inclement weather saves you from having to schlepp all those ladies!
Sorry to hear another positive test. I'm hearing this one is more contagious, but not as bad as previous strains. Hope that is the case!! I hope you and yours stay safe! Happy Smokin'
Revegging plants are so ugly! I'll get a pic of the reveg Sour G clones tomorrow so we can all make fun of them together. :thumb: Thanks Bode!
Sorry to hear about that diagnosis, Shed. Hoping you and yours the best.

The plants look great!

Do you think that the crazy weather trends are just going to keep making it harder for you outdoor growers?
Sorry to hear about that diagnosis, Shed. Hoping you and yours the best.
The plants look great!
Do you think that the crazy weather trends are just going to keep making it harder for you outdoor growers?
Thanks GDB! I think I'd be fine vegging during the winter because the light in the shed does a reasonable job keeping the temps up at night. That's where all the plants in the pic (except the DV) will go when the flowering two are done. But if I want to flip this time of year it will have to be with plant(s) that fit in the tent in the house. It gets down into the low 60s for a few hours but rarely colder.

If we lose the spring/summer/fall sun, that changes everything!
Thanks GDB! I think I'd be fine vegging during the winter because the light in the shed does a reasonable job keeping the temps up at night. That's where all the plants in the pic (except the DV) will go when the flowering two are done. But if I want to flip this time of year it will have to be with plant(s) that fit in the tent in the house. It gets down into the low 60s for a few hours but rarely colder.

If we lose the spring/summer/fall sun, that changes everything!
We are considering pulling up stakes and moving to a warmer climate at some point in the not-too-distant future. But it's getting harder to figure out where to go. West, South...North!

Who knows? :straightface:
Friday trichome update on flip day 75! Keep in mind that the droughted Sour G got the chop on flip day 62. :)

Here is Sour G:

Sour G:

Sour G:

Sour G:

Sour G:

Sour G:

Sour G:

And here is the Jack Herer:

Jack Herer:

Jack Herer:

Jack Herer:

Jack Herer:

Jack Herer:

Jack Herer:

Here is a bug I spotted on the Jack Herer:

And this is what trichomes look like when they dragged along the Oval of Brightness® day after day:

I'm really done with these plants, so I'm thinking of taking them both down this weekend no matter what. I don't think they look two weeks different from my first trichome pics from Dec 31st.

That's it from me! I hope the week went smoothly and your weekend brings good things. :peace:

The plant that keeps on giving.
And in that way it resembles you!
Cool to Cold = less Bugs lol Plants are looking good as always shed the DV is really taking off or i am losing my since/track of time
Thanks sb! I hit all the veggers with Safers this morning to mix it up on the bug-death front and tomorrow I'll give them a good rinsing. And I think your sense of time is spot on. Here was the DV two weeks ago:


And here it was a week later:
20220110_082031 DV in tent.jpg

Should be ready to flip any week now!
Oh my. The trich pics!

I scrolled through them all, went back to the beginning and hit a pipe load. Then I scrolled back down through them again! Cosmic! :ganjamon:
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