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Well, I plan to be using 20 gallon pots so the sooner that space fills up with roots, the better start the plant should get. I know last year when I was finished harvesting, my 20 gallon pots (and one 25 gal) were completely filled with roots. Took some effort to get them out of the fiber pots and roots growing through the bottoms too.

My current seedlings are stretching a bit so it's good to know that it's safe to bury them a little deeper once I up-pot.

Thanks everyone, this is some very good info. :thanks:
I follow too many journals as well... but I believe @Weaselcracker currently has a branch on one of his plants wrapped with rock wool and kept moist in order to get roots growing before cutting it for a clone..... I’m forgetting all the important details and such... but I’m sure he’ll chime in or you check it out in his journal!
Yep it’s similar to cloning. Scrape the stem a little, apply cloning gel, encase in rockwool or some other fluffy medium, keep moist (I wrapped some plastic around the area). I’m doing it for one plant that I’ve found impossible to clone and want to try and save.
Yep it’s similar to cloning. Scrape the stem a little, apply cloning gel, encase in rockwool or some other fluffy medium, keep moist (I wrapped some plastic around the area). I’m doing it for one plant that I’ve found impossible to clone and want to try and save.
Thanks for stopping by WC! Some plants are hard to clone so that sounds like a good way to give the plant time to root without worrying about the cuttings dying or rotting while you wait.
Is it like a baseball slide?
The Shed is "the low-lying, eye-catching, $475-million arts center amid the towers of Hudson Yards..." and part of the building's exterior is on a track, allowing it to slide open and closed:
Just leaving this here because it's interesting per the discussion of indica vs sativa:

The main differences between terpene profiles of the evaluated strains belonging to the two principal biotypes were that ‘mostly indica’ strains were characterized by dominancy of β-myrcene, present in high relative contents, with limonene or α-pinene as second most abundant terpenoid, while ‘mostly sativa’ strains were characterized by more complex terpene profiles, with some strains having α-terpinolene or α-pinene as dominant terpenoid, and some strains having β-myrcene as dominant terpenoid with α-terpinolene or trans-β-ocimene as second most abundant terpenoid.

Full post here:
Hey SHed - glad the MC supply landed! That was close! #livingontheedge
I also gave the Bedroom Cookies 2.2 a good trimming:
believe @Weaselcracker currently has a branch on one of his plants wrapped with rock wool and kept moist in order to get roots growing before cutting it for a clone....

Oh hey - I totally forgot he was dong that. Haven’t been over there for awhile, best go check it out :surf:

I buried the stem of a plant i just harvested - ill check that out today as well :)
Regarding your PC:

I've often wondered if it was OK to bury the stem. Does it benefit the plant, or just that it does not harm the plant? I know planting tomatoes extra deep promotes extra root growth along the buried stem, just wondering if that's the same mechanism for cannabis. :hmmmm:
Good to confirm that it does in fact cause roots to grow.
Great Update Shed sounds like you were pretty busy :goof:!
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