InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Yeah better to be safe than sorry right?
That reminds me, I should share what I’ve discovered regarding starting seeds for outdoors.
This might be general knowledge for most of you but it’s worth repeating. When you germinate your seeds, it’s best to start them on whatever their intended daylight hours will be when you harden them off.
If you take a seed from 18/6 to 15/9 they very likely could flower.
Don’t believe me? Check my current journal around January 22nd. I went from an 18/6 to 16//8 and had a plant decide to start flowering. I suppose I’ve become hyper vigilant to the light sensitivity of cannabis.

This is currently affecting me in my plans for outdoors. I started my seedlings for outdoors about three weeks ago hoping to get a nice head start. Sadly my veg box has a t5 that runs 24/0. I won’t be making that mistake again :confused:
Well I have all mine one 24 0. Luckily theyll go out at over 18 hours of light here. I will definitely take that into consideration and cut back on the light. Great suggestion. Much appreciated
We all need to handle our plants, but especially you who carry yours back and fourth twice a day. It's no work done by itself.

Now you two got me wonderin bout the Candida i just hatched, threw some coco in the cup to settle her lean. Tid bits


Good luck with your Candida. Don't know if I ever will give her ago again or not. But I'm hooked on CBD strains that's for sure. :)
Seeds will be DTF from Stank genetics, Super Lemon Haze from 420, and a Lemon Potion Auto from Barney's (2:1 CBD:THC).
Got my Lemon Potion going now. Had it outside for a bit to get some sunlight. Then the wind came up -- kinda beat her up a bit. I'll have to be more careful. :nervous-guy:
Interesting leaves on that so I wonder if it keeps that kind of shape and texture as it gets older. Mine will be in the sun the day it pokes its head above the soil :).
Trying to get mine outside fully, but the weather has not been cooperating. This past weekend was the first sunny days we've had this Spring. Today was mostly sunny, but like I said the wind came up real fast and kinda beat the poor little thing a bit. Leaves were looking ok, until the wind. I probably started her a week too soon, but I was excited. :goof:
Got my Lemon Potion going now. Had it outside for a bit to get some sunlight. Then the wind came up -- kinda beat her up a bit. I'll have to be more careful. :nervous-guy:
It may well be be just fine Beez. That Critical MAss i just harvest literally snapped a stem at the same age, in heavy winds. I went out there and it was lying down and the stem had a clean snap in it - only the finest part still attached. I never got a photo because, well, I wasn’t about to leave it go get the phone/camera. I propped it up and used the gnatnix (similar to perlite) as a bracing hill to hold it in place and it kicked on as if nothing had happened.
How about a wind break of other plants?
good idea :thumb:
Wednesday update and we had a windstorm last night as well! Luckily the plants were all inside and none of the outdoor ones got damaged. Just a lot of detritus for my son to clean up this weekend :).

I thought today would be a good time to take a tour through the entire grow operation, so let's start with the plants in flower. Here are the Candidas and the AK-47, which is tentatively scheduled to come down on Saturday:

Moving on to the vegging plants, here are (left to right) the next AK-47, the Peyote Critical top that lost a branch to a dropped phone, and the Bedroom Cookies 2.2:

The outside two get flipped when the Candidas come down, the PC in the middle will probably be part of the summer grow, unless it gets big enough to flip with the other two in June.

Here are the next generation of vegging plants to keep the genes alive. Left to right are AK, AK, Sour G, and the Candida top:

And last are the most recent rooted clones. Back row left to right are PC, PC, Candida, Candida. Front row are Sour G, Candida, Candida, Candida:

I'm hoping to bring these all down to San Diego (except for one Candida) and come back empty handed!

That concludes the dime tour (I know @SweetSue only charges a nickel for her tours but I live in a high rent area), and I hope you enjoyed it :cool:.

In other news, the Candida cuttings taken during the pre-flip strip did not root in a cup of water. Out they went this morning.

Moving on... the Peyote Critical top that lost a branch to a dropped phone...
Is there more of a story that goes with that lost branch? :popcorn:
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