InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Yep always bury the stems!

And glad you decided to wait. I'm waiting too, but purely out of laziness... or maybe I'm just busy? Maybe both?!

Hope you got some good naps in this weekend uncle.

Hey @Archiweedies what's the hardening off thing? Something I should be doing when transferring outside?
Thanks for stopping by WC! Some plants are hard to clone so that sounds like a good way to give the plant time to root without worrying about the cuttings dying or rotting while you wait.

Yeah exactly :) It should give more wriggle room working with a living plant than a chopped-off stem. The one I’m air-layering is a variegated/mutant plant that seems to have trouble rooting from cuttings. As of about ten days ago I had a few roots under the rockwool but I want a lot of roots because it’s a fairly large branch I plan to remove and plant. So I added a bunch more rockwool and wrapped it up again. Hopefully it’s doing its thing and making more roots in there.
what's the hardening off thing? Something I should be doing when transferring outside?
Hardening off is where you gradually get the plant used to the giant fireball in the sky with all it's radiant heat and very high lux. I usually do it over the course of 4 or 5 days, and I start by putting the plant out in the morning sun for an hour and then back inside. The next day it's an hour in the morning sun and then in dappled shade for the rest of the day. Then 2 hours in the morning and dappled sun and late afternoon sun. I add more sun each day until by the end it's out all day.

I've got some new clones going through the process now!

(Don't tell the mods...burpee isn't a sponsor!):

I buried the stem of a plant i just harvested - ill check that out today as well
Please do!
Good to confirm that it does in fact cause roots to grow.
Always :).
The one I’m air-layering is a variegated/mutant plant that seems to have trouble rooting from cuttings.
Wild variegation...I can see why you want to save it! Good luck with the second set of roots :thumb:
Shed beat me to it :thumb:
Yeah he was sure to ridicule me via instant message. I guess I knew but just wanted to be sure on and also find a good method that works well.

Getting excited to throw some outside!!!!
Yeah he was sure to ridicule me via instant message. I guess I knew but just wanted to be sure on and also find a good method that works well.

Getting excited to throw some outside!!!!
Yeah better to be safe than sorry right?
That reminds me, I should share what I’ve discovered regarding starting seeds for outdoors.
This might be general knowledge for most of you but it’s worth repeating. When you germinate your seeds, it’s best to start them on whatever their intended daylight hours will be when you harden them off.
If you take a seed from 18/6 to 15/9 they very likely could flower.
Don’t believe me? Check my current journal around January 22nd. I went from an 18/6 to 16//8 and had a plant decide to start flowering. I suppose I’ve become hyper vigilant to the light sensitivity of cannabis.

This is currently affecting me in my plans for outdoors. I started my seedlings for outdoors about three weeks ago hoping to get a nice head start. Sadly my veg box has a t5 that runs 24/0. I won’t be making that mistake again :confused:
Yeah he was sure to ridicule me via instant message.
I thought that's what DMs were for ;).

Tuesday update! Didn't have much time this morning as I needed to mix 5 gallons of MegaCrop and water everything. The Candidas (flip day 19) each got 1.5 gallons with 1tsp Armor Si and 5.5g MC. Flowering AK-47 got a gallon with 6.0g MC, and Bedroom Cookies and vegging AK-47 split a gallon at 5.0g MC.

The only thing I did (besides spray some plants with castille soap) was supercrop the two leaders on the taller Candida. My phone takes terrible pics in high contrast lighting, but here's what they look like after the bend:

Always bend into a spot that won't block anything you're planning on keeping!

I did it mostly to see how those buds compare to the uncropped branches in the end. Since the plants are mostly living outside now I don't need a completely flat canopy. Unless it's overcast, they're only under the light about 3 hours a day (1.5 hours in the morning and evening), and I'll be shifting the time tomorrow from 7-7 to 8-8. Less morning LED light but more in the evening.

That's all I've got today. I'm hardening off the clones this week in preparation to give them away at the meetup in San Diego on Sunday. It's mostly Candidas and Peyote Criticals. I want to get rid of as many as I can because I'm really out of desk space. And seed-drop day is the 20th, so I'll need room for the Shoebox of Light®. Seeds will be DTF from Stank genetics, Super Lemon Haze from 420, and a Lemon Potion Auto from Barney's (2:1 CBD:THC).

I hope your Tuesday is going well! :cool:
in preparation to give them away at the meetup in San Diego on Sunday. It's mostly Candidas and Peyote Criticals. I want to get rid of as many as I can because I'm really out of desk space. And seed-drop day is the 20th, so I'll need room for the Shoebox of Light®. Seeds will be DTF from Stank genetics, Super Lemon Haze from 420, and a Lemon Potion Auto from Barney's (2:1 CBD:THC).
I was going along fine until this bit right here. So much jealousy from one little paragraph!! Have a great meet up and those lemons coming up and dtf!! :nomo::popcorn::nomo::popcorn:
And risk leaving everyone in the dust? :yahoo:
Haha hows it going CS?

Haha. Shed is always like clockwork. :)

Oh, still hanging in there light build occupied half my day so far. Now my neck is hanging by a thread again... Having trouble with some bugs in my veg tent.... getting them of for a few days and then they are there again. Ordered some basic bug spray from Canna hope it clears with that.

U got going?
I was going along fine until this bit right here. So much jealousy from one little paragraph!! Have a great meet up and those lemons coming up and dtf!!
Next time you're down this way we can do it all over again. Any excuse!
Ah pic's.. Looks good over here in the Shed...............
Thanks for cruising through Norcali :).
Nice going Shed with the supercrop!
Which way does her genes lean to, Indica Sativa?
From the breeder:
"Candida will noticeably produce two different phenotypes; a sativa and an indica. Initial research has suggested that the sativa phenotype will produce lower, whispier yields often associated with sativa strains. We have noticed to date that the sativa pheno produces higher CBD counts. In comparison, the indica pheno will produce bigger, denser yields with lower CBD levels but still with significant CBD content."

Most folks seem to have the sativa pheno though. I'm still looking for someone who has the indica version.
Most folks seem to have the sativa pheno though. I'm still looking for someone who has the indica version.

Yeah I know, I had the Sativa strain when I tried her a year back.

Thought maybe you could tell by the way she is growing, mine went up to the roof of my 160cm tent and produced small yield like 30g maybe. I took her way early also, I had no room to grow her.
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