InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

My problem is I feel like I might miss important or helpful info . Always learning always burning on 420 bro .
Keep on burning

Was up Shed?

I bought my first bottle (peppermint version) back in the mid-80s I've used it as shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, and ant killer. Handy stuff :thumb:.

Dr Bronner Peppermint = the only soap I've ever used since I was like 20 something. Was a long time ago. Good stuff - good for the environment too.
Bought my first bottle to take baths in the lake with it at the cottage. lol Still doing it.

You harvest that AK yet?
With nothing to do come on over brother. The weather is breaking some so outdoors work is a plenty on the farm.
I'll make you a deal Derby, you do the outside work and I'll handle the books and the marketing? I can't do manual labor like that any more!
I’m with her.
No chop...Amy is very persuasive :)
Enjoy those light garden days. For me they seem to be less and less. Bigger plants, more nutes, more mixing, more time...
Ran out of nutes though! :eek: I hope the new order gets here soon because the cupboard is bare.
I would wait till next weekend as well! The plan sounds like a solid nap weekend so be sure to enjoy!
Turns our there was still plenty to do though. Still, got naps both days :thumb:.
What's Up Shed! Enjoying the weekend sun with the plants?
I missed your PC and Sour G harvests. They look amazing, the PC finished with a nice hue. I'm glad I didn't miss all the Action. The Candidas are beasts already!
Oh and using the Cloning method you shared. Almost every cutting I took rooted. Thanks for the tips and tricks man! :Namaste:
Glad you got caught up on the harvests, and so glad that cloning method is working for you HG! And those Candidas are still stretching so...o_O .
Actually tho’, I did see a pic of a pure Sativa with about that much (maybe more) recently that the person who posted said was deliberate cause he loved the high but it was way too speedy/trippy when all cloudy - so there’s scope that’s for sure.
The more I read and the more I harvest myself and consume it the more I find that Sativa or Sativa dominant plants are just fine with a bit of amber (10-15%) and Indica and Indica dominant plants are often better if harvested with very low amounts of amber. Unless I want it particularly sedative
Very interesting as a method of fine tuning the effects. It would have to be a second grow I would think so you really know how it hits to make that call.
I hope the weekend is full of naps, Shed!
Saturday was a shorty but Sunday came in at nearly two hours!
Morning Shed and everyone :ciao:
Just catching up :nomo:
Morning AW!
Dang. Go to the beach for a few days and I'm suddenly 12 pages behind.
Hope the beach was fun and hope the roots are long and white :).
If you sneeze you get 2 pages behind
Now you guys made it that much more longer to catch up lol
Shit , wait so did I just know lol
LOL! It's all good.
I have stopped reading 100 pages to catch up. Besides, Shed gave us the green light to pop in and out anytime lol
Any time UA. I mean it. No catching up other than an update or two. If you ever want to find updates here just do an advanced search with my user name, the word "update," and sort by date.
My problem is I feel like I might miss important or helpful info . Always learning always burning on 420 bro .
I'm glad you feel that way Joe! You add a whole lot here, and that's why I always completely catch up on the pages I miss in my subbed journals. And why it may take me to Wednesday to catch up now...
You can always ask about what’s on your mind
Keep on burning
Was up Shed?
Dr Bronner Peppermint = the only soap I've ever used since I was like 20 something. Was a long time ago. Good stuff - good for the environment too.
Bought my first bottle to take baths in the lake with it at the cottage. lol Still doing it.
You harvest that AK yet?
That Dr Bronner will def burn your eyes, so I can see why you lead with "Keep on burning"! AK not down, that's Saturday morning. Sunday is the big meet-up in San Diego :).


Sorry for my absence. This weekend was busier than I thought even without a harvest. And I wanted to get here earlier, but I had to do this first:

20190407_162131 .jpg

Still not done because I can't find a few forms, but they will be submitted tomorrow night.

The growing weekend in summary will be tomorrow. Thanks for hanging around without me! :ciao:
Still don't get it!

As BL said below, they should be close to the sunrise/sunset hours that they will be working with when you put them outside. The more gradual the process the less likely they freak out like the DP!

Good advice :thumb:


Friday update, and I promised trichome pics of the AK-47 on flip day 63. What are your thoughts? Last year's AK came down on day 65 for reference:

Here is what last year's trichomes looked like just before the chop (note the 420 branding they used to do!):

And just so they don't feel left out, here is a shot of a flowering Candida, flip day 15:

It's partly cloudy today but everyone is outside getting fresh air and whatever sun shines between the clouds.

I cut the buds off the hanging Sour G this morning. It didn't even fill two jars :(. Oof! Seven months of veg for that. If they're around 62% I'll get a weight on it tonight.

Everybody's working for the especially since we may blow out of here early today. The boss is leaving at 3:30! :surf:
Noice! Personally id let her go a liiiiitle touch longer but thats me by all means chop away good sir!! That candida looks wonderful!
I gotta get me some of that mojo!
Don't sleep for long the night before! Works for me anyway :).
Noice! Personally id let her go a liiiiitle touch longer but thats me by all means chop away good sir!! That candida looks wonderful!
How about a week longer? Saturday is planned for harvest on the AK, pending Friday's look at the trichomes. And Amy's approval ;).


Monday update of the weekend is here! I'll get through it as quickly for you as I can and not bombard you with more pics than you need.

First, I checked the Sour G in the jars on Friday night (remember I cut it off the strings on Friday morning), and it was at 60%. It weighed in at 79 grams (2.79 ounces) which is kinda sad for a clone planted in late June of last year.

Oh well...moving on. Saturday I transplanted the Peyote Critical top into what I'm guessing is a 3g pot. Since I wanted to bury the stem, a 1g was not going to be deep enough:

Sorry Derby, I was all out of mykos.

I also gave the Bedroom Cookies 2.2 a good trimming:

Which of course means more cuttings for the clone mat. There are two in three and three in one. Nine total:

Pizza for dinner on Saturday night on Larchmont Blvd...recommend:

Now on to the recommended salt test for hygrometers! First, one cap-full of regular table salt, up to the rim:

Add distilled water up to the rim and to make a salt slurry (this method has not been tested with RO water, spend the 79¢ for distilled):

Carefully put in in a ziploc bag along with the meters you want to test:

Wait at least 8 hours. This was about 16 hours later. They should be at 75%:

You can see that one is off by 3% and the other 1%. I labeled them with those numbers and I'll re-run this test with the small meters to see if they're close.

And last pic of the day, a summary headline from the front page of the failing NY Times this morning:

The mailman just delivered my new bag of MegaCrop that I ordered on Friday...nice since I was completely out!

That's it for me this morning. I hope you all had a great weekend and have a good week planned. Time to catch up on what I missed...loads I'm guessing :).
Regarding your PC:
Since I wanted to bury the stem, a 1g was not going to be deep enough:
I've often wondered if it was OK to bury the stem. Does it benefit the plant, or just that it does not harm the plant? I know planting tomatoes extra deep promotes extra root growth along the buried stem, just wondering if that's the same mechanism for cannabis. :hmmmm:
Regarding your PC:

I've often wondered if it was OK to bury the stem. Does it benefit the plant, or just that it does not harm the plant? I know planting tomatoes extra deep promotes extra root growth along the buried stem, just wondering if that's the same mechanism for cannabis. :hmmmm:
Pretty sure it does the same thing up to a certain age. I always bury stems a bit when i up pot especially when i get super stretchers.
I've often wondered if it was OK to bury the stem. Does it benefit the plant, or just that it does not harm the plant? I know planting tomatoes extra deep promotes extra root growth along the buried stem, just wondering if that's the same mechanism for cannabis. :hmmmm:
Pretty sure it does the same thing up to a certain age. I always bury stems a bit when i up pot especially when i get super stretchers.
I have never seen a buried stem cause any harm, and I have heard that it can grow roots (like B said, depending on age). I just do it when it's too lanky, to add stability and shorten the height to begin with. But when I harvest this plant I'll try to remember to check if there are new roots in that top inch and a half or so.
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