InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

You’d have to go back to Ph-ing your nutes :eek:
I’m out :surf::laugh:
Thanks Derby! Now that the weather is cooperating I'm starting to feel a lot less stress about this perpetual thing. I just have to remember all my winter lessons come next October :).
I’ll help you remember cause it will be right around the time I fire my tent back up. :high-five:
Have you stopped by to see the latest sponsor here, Shed?

Vulx Volcanic Soil Amendment: Corporate Introduction

I think VG might be getting a sample. I was wondering what, if anything, you know about that type of soil ammendment.
I can’t say for sure, maybe @Amy Gardner can help me out, but I seem to remember Doc Bud explaining that.... found quote actually..
Volcanic soil mention

Maybe someone else can chime in who knows more about rock-based minerals and the microbes that munch on them to make them bioavailable to our plants. :hug:
That's all I've got today. I'm hardening off the clones this week in preparation to give them away at the meetup in San Diego on Sunday. It's mostly Candidas and Peyote Criticals. I want to get rid of as many as I can because I'm really out of desk space.

Dont forget to hand out those crosses of mine too!!!!


Their mommy says

That may be her last words too...

We need some hash emojis!

Hope you're well man. That Canada looks real nice. Idk why but that's how I pronounce it in my head.
Dont forget to hand out those crosses of mine too!!!!
Sue and a motley crew of the rest of us. And I will definitely play Johnny MadDadseed :).
That Canada looks real nice. Idk why but that's how I pronounce it in my head.
Thanks Them, and it's pronounced just like the fungal infection :thumb:.
I can’t say for sure, maybe @Amy Gardner can help me out, but I seem to remember Doc Bud explaining that.... found quote actually..
Volcanic soil mention
I don't understand all of how that works, but I think it's interesting that Doc says: "Regarding Promix...Is it a soil? Not technically." ProMix says themselves that they're not soil. They consider their medium soil-less.
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