InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

The little ones always bore easily :D

My second can't stay focused for more than 30 seconds and don't think about critiquing her attitude. I can't wait til she's 9...

Short Attention Span Theatre!
Yes please!
Will do. The wax won't be here until Monday (I went with beeswax) but I can get all the cooking done over the weekend.
Those poypulls are great! NOTM next month... I was wondering bout that paper too, just for the buds who get bored...
I had no idea you were from Brooklyn Agemon! It's an old paper but since it's the failing NY Times it wasn't real news anyway. ;)
Durban Thunderfuck and Super Lemon Haze!
:laughtwo: sounds funny when you change the emphasis :laughtwo:
I would have gone with "the whole flipping thing" but that's just me :).

Not sure on the SLH just because of the training issues in keeping a straight sativa down :rolleyes:
The little ones always bore easily :D
Yes. Yes they do.
My second can't stay focused for more than 30 seconds and don't think about critiquing her attitude. I can't wait til she's 9...
Short Attention Span Theatre!
9 through 11 is fine. 12 and beyond are a new set of issues ;).
Nice harvest Shed. I might add a nice detailed system you have going. I like the day number system. We use it at work all the time for product codes, but it never dawned on me to use it in a grow type scenario.
I have a desk calendar that has day numbers on it and I started using that to keep track of how old the plant was and how far into flip it was. Seemed like a natural progression to use it to plan the grow generally!
I do for any of the unknown chemovars and then I add a week or two! I have a general idea on the AK-47 having grown it before and the Candidas from others here. Also AW has the Bedroom Cookies 2.2's sister that he's flowering now, so that will give me more accurate numbers on that.

The DTF and SLH seeds I've only seen flowered indoors, and since those will be outdoor summer plants it makes it tougher to gauge, especially the way I do my summer photos.
My head hurts. Nothing in your world is easy. Shuffling plants indoors and out, and calendar work that would make a Mayan proud. You're one dedicated dude.
Lol Mayans that’s hilarious. :rofl:
Not sure on the SLH just because of the training issues in keeping a straight sativa down :rolleyes:
SLH is crossed with Skunk no1 I think. That’s an indica and it will keep her small. Choose pot size carefully though, I’ve only grown her in a three gallon pot. Can’t wait to watch it grow buddy :high-five:
Also AW has the Bedroom Cookies 2.2's sister that he's flowering now, so that will give me more accurate numbers on that.
Bedroom Cookies is coming down the line towards harvest. I’m chopping Durban tomorrow and I suspect the three Bedroom Cookies plants I have will be ready in the next 7-14 days. She appears to be an 8 week strain.
The clone, BC 2.1, grew to be 44” tall including the 10 gallon container. The nugs are very dense and golf ball like.
She is the type of plant that is very versatile. The mom, BC 2, is in a three gallon soft pot and even her buds are heavy af. Letting BC2.1 grow natural, no training, was a great move for my tent.
Looking great with the PC harvest! Nice color on her.
Coming up on page 600 here! :)
Thanks Crazy. 600 pages! No wonder the new folks don't visit :).
Lol Mayans that’s hilarious. :rofl:
SLH is crossed with Skunk no1 I think. That’s an indica and it will keep her small. Choose pot size carefully though, I’ve only grown her in a three gallon pot. Can’t wait to watch it grow buddy.
Bedroom Cookies is coming down the line towards harvest. I’m chopping Durban tomorrow and I suspect the three Bedroom Cookies plants I have will be ready in the next 7-14 days. She appears to be an 8 week strain.
The clone, BC 2.1, grew to be 44” tall including the 10 gallon container. The nugs are very dense and golf ball like.
She is the type of plant that is very versatile. The mom, BC 2, is in a three gallon soft pot and even her buds are heavy af. Letting BC2.1 grow natural, no training, was a great move for my tent.
Thanks AW! 8 weeks sounds good to me.

I haven't done anything to BC 2.2 other than up-can it to the bucket it's now in (in which it now is). I may thin it some this weekend and grab some cuttings from the lower for clones. There's too much going on now and I need to figure out which bottom branches stay and which go.
There’s a strong Canadian force here on the mag. No wonder it’s so friendly!
I've always been amazed at the number of Canadians on this site! I feel like a foreigner sometimes eh!
Yeah eh? Anyhow lol I haven’t trimmed BC2.1 at all hardly. She seemed to grow her nodes out everywhere just far enough that they got full light. It really was fun to watch her grow. She is my first clone to be flowered in the Archie tent.

I’ll be keeping a mother if BC1 and BC2 for a little while until I decide if it’s a keeper. BC1 is showing her white widow genetics a little more than BC2 is.
This cloning thing can get ya in trouble eh? :headbanger::rofl:
And unlike our reputation there's good tips here too!
Haha I didn’t know Canadians had that rep. I’ve always believed you guys are friendly... and a little crazy to live in such a cold region lol
Haha I didn’t know Canadians had that rep. I’ve always believed you guys are friendly... and a little crazy to live in such a cold region lol

I had to move to Cali in 78, too much pressure from family about life... Canadians are snow birds where I live, and that is one of the jokes in the service industry.

Canadian Snow Birds: 180 day tourists that don't have to change their permanent address... :laugh:
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