InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Sorry, MrS forgot the link!
Well, it is your journal, so I'll leave the links to you. Unless it was directly related to this thread I wouldn't post any links. Or at least I don't intend to.
Thanks for the link. I spelled Kreskin wrong but that's the guy!
I have a note on my door going out of the house when I can't find my glasses. It simply says 'check your head'. Sure enough that's where they are.
Two nights ago, and I'm almost embarrassed to admit this, I ended up putting the milk in the cupboard. I made a bowl of cereal before bed, Lucky Charms, and put both back in the cupboard. The next day the Mississauga finds it before me and I haven't heard nothing but since.
Getting old is fun!
Nice update today, nice that I was on the current page and didn’t have to search for it.
Plant looks lovely to me, Regardless of larf and leaves, and I’m sure it’ll still do its job and get you baked and make some fine oils.

Had a nice surprise waiting in my mail box when I got home today 80% of my seeds came in wedding cake and cherry bomb on backorder
Tbh, I'm probably more like the Great Carnac though. Lol.
When you hold the envelope to your head I bet it has seeds in it!
I have a note on my door going out of the house when I can't find my glasses. It simply says 'check your head'. Sure enough that's where they are.
Getting old is fun!
My wife is often looking through one set of reading glasses with another pair on her head. I deleted the rest of your post so we never need to speak of it again...
Need a link Shed.... hurry, I have no clue what she's talkin about!
Uh huh!
Nice update today, nice that I was on the current page and didn’t have to search for it.
Plant looks lovely to me, Regardless of larf and leaves, and I’m sure it’ll still do its job and get you baked and make some fine oils.
Had a nice surprise waiting in my mail box when I got home today 80% of my seeds came in wedding cake and cherry bomb on backorder
Thanks PD, and congrats on the new seeds! New seeds means new hiding a grow from us :).
I was having a terrible day....until I saw this. Love you guys! :love:
Aww, sorry to hear about your day but glad we could cheer you up!
My wife is often looking through one set of reading glasses with another pair on her head. I deleted the rest of your post so we never need to speak of it again...
Good call... :)

Can I throw a quick sponsor plug in here on some seeds I bought yesterday?
Great, thanks Shed!

So, many of you may know or heard of our latest seed sponsor here, @DrSeeds . They are a Canadian operation and as you can see they have a presence here on 420. Rebecca is the Customer Service rep and is looking to start things off right here. I'm sure you'll see more of her as she gets settled in.
They are very transparent on how they operate and some may not agree with everything, but at least you know where you stand.

There are other suppliers here in Canada, but not sponsors at 420. I always try and purchase from sponsors here once I realized the importance of having them around. So, here's what I purchased last night, and shipping today.

Each collector tin above cost $50.00 CDN(varies) and contain 5 seeds each. I'm not sure if it's SOP or just a promo, but with the coupon code 3 FOR 2 you get 3 tins for the price of 2.

The site itself has a nice layout but needs to be a bit better as far as navigation goes. They are interested in all feedback, so I'm sure you will see some improvements down the road.

So, if you get a chance, pop on over to their thread and send a quick welcome. I'm sure they will appreciate it as much as your business!
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