InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Hey everyone - seeing as this is a busy street...

Don’t forget to VOTE in the contests!

Voter count seems a little down this month so if you haven’t yet... git over there! :surf:
Quickie quickie Tuesday update! I gave the Peyote Critical a haircut this morning and took off all of the large fans and a lot of the smaller ones in prep for it getting chopped tomorrow morning. Here is the before and after shot on day 53:

I hope to get to bed early so I can see in the morning, because with the time change the sun won't be over the horizon when I take it down. Harvest and wash pics tomorrow!
Looks like she'll keep you busy for a few hours of trimming I'm guessing. If I was a little closer to you, I'd offer to help. :goodluck:
Criticals are looking fantastic!!!
Thanks Homer!
Whoop, whoop! Timmmmberrr!!!
Nope! Only ever saw the chart. Thank you kindly!! :Namaste:
I don't think this one is going to make a sound when it comes down! Have fun with the VPD!
Nice haircut, it took its time I can tell. Very nice.
And yes, I was 15 minutes late for work ;).
Hey everyone - seeing as this is a busy street...
Don’t forget to VOTE in the contests!
Voter count seems a little down this month so if you haven’t yet... git over there! :surf:
Less excitement at the top of the ticket could mean less action in the other contests as well. Get out and vote people!
Looks like she'll keep you busy for a few hours of trimming I'm guessing. If I was a little closer to you, I'd offer to help. :goodluck:
Thanks BL! Stop by this weekend when the other two come down :thumb:.
Looking fantastic Shed and awesome Trichome shots! Excited to see the Harvest pics! PC looks great!
Thanks Dutch! That PC is larf from top to bottom so don't expect much. :thedoubletake:
No weekday naps unless they're at my desk...few and far between!

The wait is over...didn't take too long :).

Okay everyone, here is the Monday update, better late than never! These are Sunday's pics though but let's plow ahead. First, trichomes. Had I gotten a good look on Saturday I would have taken the Peyote Critical down on Sunday, but by the since we're supposed to harvest at first light, that wasn't going to happen. Now it will either have to wait until next weekend of I'll have to get up early and cut it down sooner. Not sure which:

Peyote Critical flip day 51 (or so):

Loads of amber on the sugar leaves and some on the calyxes.

Here is the AK-47, also ready to come down:

And Sour G, next weekend. Amber on the sugars, cloudy on the buds:

Because there is so little in the way of buds on these three ( :( ) I won't be trimming them except to remove the fans. I'll let the sugar leaves curl in and add leave those trichomes with whatever bud there is. So I need to take the amber on the sugars into consideration.

Last night ET was in the bike shed!

Oh no, it was just the Mars Hydro 300 over the Bedroom Cookies 2.2 and the PC, CD-1, and Sour G clones:

But I realized this morning that it gets too cold in there at night, so I'm going to wait a while before I leave them out there again. Back under the CFL they go.

And finally, they're not pipe cleaners any more, they're FUZZY STICKS o_O :

As my daughter pointed out, they're not sticks at all. They're fuzzy wires!

That's my weekend news. The Candidas are stretching but no pistils yet. The thrips are swarming but I'm not going to worry about them on the big three as they'll be washed away soon, along with my dreams of a big harvest ;).

Can't promise I'll catch up with all y'all until tomorrow...I'm 4 pages of subs behind. :ciao:
Sexy update shed

Loving it brotha loving it ✊

So much to say I’ll just take the notes for now :popcorn:
I don't think this one is going to make a sound when it comes down!
Lol, it’s all about perspective my dear Shed.
My last harvest was 1/4... now THAT didn’t make a sound! :laughtwo:
it’s all about perspective my dear
The size of the plants makes the buds look smaller? ;)

Nah, we will all be underwhelmed by the next three harvests, I guarantee it. I'm not concerned because I need the weight, just because a) these plants were pretty big by my standards and b) I put them under the new light to max out the yield. The harvest will definitely not make up for the electrical costs on this grow.

But like I keep saying, I've done something for the first time (flowered in winter) and learned my lesson (DON'T!).

Just a couple of notes for today, which is flip day 1 for the Candidae!

Found loads of bugs on both the Candidas and the Sour G, so during a break in the rain I mixed up spinosad and neem and got to work. The big three got a soaking of spinosad and the Candidas got the neem. I left them outside to dry off and I sprayed the tent with 70% iso. After getting ready for work everyone got put away due to continued inclement weather.

In other news, I built a light baffle from a copy paper box last night to put on top of the tent where the intake fan is, so I can leave the light over the clones at night. Nothing complicated but it's not a lot of light. I didn't bother painting the inside flat black either. The lid sits on top of the tent with the hole over the fan:

Cut a hole in a box:

Put the lid on that box:

And that's the way you do it! ;)

The hole in the box faces away from the light and toward the bookcase behind it so everything it very indirect. This weekend I'll get in the tent and see if it's light-proof! I hope someone in my family will unzip it and let me out :eek:.



That last line though. It's not the dog house but the grow tent? Lol

Love the snl reference. Sorry no one commented.... I did! Better late than never.

But before I go if you have some angle metal i can show you how to make a really nice light proof vent

Since my high CBD strain is almost ready for chopping I was googling when best to harvest for max CBD and I found a forum where an authorised dealer for Dinafem seeds and has a lab testing and gives the results. All cloudy no amber, see any amber and chop. Since you are growing the Canadida, sure that is spelt wrong, I thought you might like to check it out @InTheShed.

All three have the same small budlets all over. Only thing I can think of that would make them all do that is the cold nights in flower. Lights out temps were in the mid-50s.

Next winter it's either autos for the winter, or nothing gets flipped until April!
You will have another tent and another led board by then.
Since my high CBD strain is almost ready for chopping I was googling when best to harvest for max CBD and I found a forum where an authorised dealer for Dinafem seeds and has a lab testing and gives the results. All cloudy no amber, see any amber and chop. Since you are growing the Canadida, sure that is spelt wrong, I thought you might like to check it out @InTheShed.

But before I go if you have some angle metal i can show you how to make a really nice light proof vent
Post a tutorial on that...everyone wants one!
Since my high CBD strain is almost ready for chopping I was googling when best to harvest for max CBD and I found a forum where an authorised dealer for Dinafem seeds and has a lab testing and gives the results. All cloudy no amber, see any amber and chop. Since you are growing the Canadida, sure that is spelt wrong, I thought you might like to check it out @InTheShed.
Great info, thanks Homer!
Stunning trich pics mr.Shed, look forward to the harvest pics.
Thank you Smeegol! We'll soon see how well I can harvest and take pics at the crack of dawn...bedtime now :).
You will have another tent and another led board by then.
Is there a Vegas line?

Night all!
Have you read Archiweedies thread on VPD?

It has a chart for veg and flower all marked out for you!
This is the first I have seen this chart. I have the ability to fine tune a grow room environment and plan to put this into effect right away. The room is pretty close now but a few degrees or percentage points one way or the other will dial it right in. Thank you for the link which led to some great reading at 5am. this morning.
Have you read Archiweedies thread on VPD?

It has a chart for veg and flower all marked out for you!
This is the first I have seen this chart. I have the ability to fine tune a grow room environment and plan to put this into effect right away. The room is pretty close now but a few degrees or percentage points one way or the other will dial it right in. Thank you for the link which led to some great reading at 5am. this morning.

Hi Bluenoserjoe :ciao: I still monitor that thread and I’m happy to help answer any questions you might have going forward. Cheers!
Thanks for recommending my thread Shed:high-five:
Thank you for the link
Any time BNJ! Glad to help.
Thanks for recommending my thread Shed
Of course AW...I'm one of those who likes to point folks to the source of great info (credit where it's due). :)


Wednesday update: Peyote Critical harvest time! Vegged for 115 days, flip day 54, leafy AF with no solid buds. Let's get to the pics!

Here it is just before the chop. The leaves went purple with the fade:

There are so many little buds and stems that it didn't fit in the bowl. Harvest weight with stems came in at 670 grams before the wash. I'll get another weight just before I hang it to dry.

For @newty :

Plant structure:

Nutrient highway, and the makings of a pipe per @BeezLuiz's instructions:

All rinsed and ready to drip dry in front of the big fans:

But first, a visitor:

That was my morning! When I get home tonight I'll take the rest of the fans off and do a minor trim, and hang them in the box to dry.

One down, two to go! :surf:
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